September 8th, 1888 - Before Lunch - Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
First year as captain, and Lucky couldn't help but feel nervous. There was a lot in choosing who to add to his team. If one wasn't cut out for it, that could mean that anyone on the team could get hurt and/or loosing games throughout the years that they are part of the team. Both possibilities did not sit well with Lucky. Hopefully he would make a good choice.
Trying to keep advise from his siblings in his mind, he took Joss's advise the most to heart. She was a captain as well, after all. Giving his potential future team members a friendly and mostly confident smile, he nodded to each of them in greeting. "Good... near noon! Can't fully say it's morning anymore." He said jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood. Ugh, did he seem silly? He probably seemed ridiculous. Moving on, he kept reminding himself that they were probably as nervous as he was.
"I am Goodluck Warbeck. Today I will be giving a task for each position available. For each position that you wish to try out for, you must complete the task set before you. There are four positions available, two chasers and two beaters. Because of this, there shall be two tasks. You may participate in as many of them as you wish." He explained. A good start. No noticeable stuttering yet. Was he talking too much at once? Probably. Taking a moment to let this information sink in, he watched all of their faces to look for any reaction to his words.
Which of them felt nervous compared to the others? He knew that he had been nervous when he had tried out. How were the other captains handling this? The most confident was surly Mr. Lestrange. "Potential chasers shall each catch a quaffle that shall be launched into the air once each of you have taken off. Next you shall try to get the quaffle past the enchanted dummies and through the goal hoops." He instructed. Hopefully that was clear enough to follow, as he did not wish for them to fail simply from miscommunication.
Now for the beaters. "For those wishing to try out for the beaters position, you shall try to defend the chasers as bludgers fly across the quidditch pitch towards each of you. There are enchanted dummies flying across the pitch that you can aim towards. Please do not aim for more... fragile parts of their bodies, even if they are fake. Those wishing to try out for both may switch places about half way through." He continued. The tasks were hopefully not too difficult for all of them. Some of them may not succeed, but hopefully he hadn't made it overly challenging.
Another pause to let this information to sink in, he wanted to make sure that they weren't caught unprepared due to his own failings. Not too long after, he gave one more nod. "Alright, everyone. Begin!" He said, blowing the whistle after he spoke and watching them go.
Trying to keep advise from his siblings in his mind, he took Joss's advise the most to heart. She was a captain as well, after all. Giving his potential future team members a friendly and mostly confident smile, he nodded to each of them in greeting. "Good... near noon! Can't fully say it's morning anymore." He said jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood. Ugh, did he seem silly? He probably seemed ridiculous. Moving on, he kept reminding himself that they were probably as nervous as he was.
"I am Goodluck Warbeck. Today I will be giving a task for each position available. For each position that you wish to try out for, you must complete the task set before you. There are four positions available, two chasers and two beaters. Because of this, there shall be two tasks. You may participate in as many of them as you wish." He explained. A good start. No noticeable stuttering yet. Was he talking too much at once? Probably. Taking a moment to let this information sink in, he watched all of their faces to look for any reaction to his words.
Which of them felt nervous compared to the others? He knew that he had been nervous when he had tried out. How were the other captains handling this? The most confident was surly Mr. Lestrange. "Potential chasers shall each catch a quaffle that shall be launched into the air once each of you have taken off. Next you shall try to get the quaffle past the enchanted dummies and through the goal hoops." He instructed. Hopefully that was clear enough to follow, as he did not wish for them to fail simply from miscommunication.
Now for the beaters. "For those wishing to try out for the beaters position, you shall try to defend the chasers as bludgers fly across the quidditch pitch towards each of you. There are enchanted dummies flying across the pitch that you can aim towards. Please do not aim for more... fragile parts of their bodies, even if they are fake. Those wishing to try out for both may switch places about half way through." He continued. The tasks were hopefully not too difficult for all of them. Some of them may not succeed, but hopefully he hadn't made it overly challenging.
Another pause to let this information to sink in, he wanted to make sure that they weren't caught unprepared due to his own failings. Not too long after, he gave one more nod. "Alright, everyone. Begin!" He said, blowing the whistle after he spoke and watching them go.
Please post once for each position you are trying out for. Make sure you have filled in the requisite form and have received a “like” from Kayte before posting! The deadline for all posts is 6pm EST on September 9th.
By posting in this thread, you agree to have your character present and whole regardless of what happens between the date of posting and the IC date listed.