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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Be more approachable they said, get a dog they said
Name? He hadn't even thought that far. Not once, in all of his research and considerations, had he actually thought of a hypothetical name for his dog. If he'd had the foresight, he still would be clueless in this moment - as he'd certainly have picked out a male name! He couldn't very well give her a male name, of course. What was a good, strong, female name for a dog?

Grasping at straws, he blurted out the first name that popped into his head, "Rosie. I'll call her Rosie." Of course. He'd name his dog after a flower. A feminine, girly, soppy romantic flower. Bloody hell. What an idiot he was. He could only imagine how he'd look calling after her at the park, a single man without any children or a wife to blame the choice on. It was bad enough that he'd ended up with a girl dog, now he'd have to suffer through the worst of it with her name too!

"Do you think that suits her?" He asked hopefully. Perhaps she's suggest another name. One that wouldn't make him the laughing stock of Padmore Park.

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Els hadn't meant to put him on the spot, though he readily came up with something, he didn't seem entirely convinced. "Oh, hmm," Elsie mused aloud. She didn't want to offend him and Rosie wasn't a bad name at all! The red of her fur was a pretty, rich shade that made Elsie think she was rather adorable after all. "Rosie would fit her coloring." A red dog named after a rose, it fit!

"Sometimes you have to get to know them before you name them, I feel." Then again, she wasn't so sure Mr. Skeeter had a lot of experience with animals. "She is quite regal looking, you could name her Duchess, or Queenie." She looked a little like a Queenie, but then again it wasn't Elsie's dog to name!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Barnabas found himself nodding thoughtfully, though his attention was fixed on the peripheral view he had of Miss Beauregard rather than his new dog. Those eyes of hers were something else and with a delicate, nice nose set directly between them... she really was a vision of beauty.

He allowed himself to meet her gaze again as he addressed her, "Queenie has a nice regal tone to it. I like it. It suits her." Or so Elsie said, and he was going to go with it. If it were up to him, the poor pup would probably be two years old before he even realized that he hadn't named it.

"Alright Miss Beauregard," Barnabas shifted his hold on the pup so that she was tucked safely into the crook of his elbow as he retrieved his cane with the other hand, "I've my dog and we've named her Queenie. Are there any more steps or shall I make it official and purchase her?"

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set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Well that was certainly easy! "I think you might want to pick up some food, treats, and maybe a lead, some toys? Honestly now you might prefer my brother-in-law's advice on the matter." Philip would truly know what to get for a puppy, he had set them up for Dora after all! (Which was, coincidentally, how Adella and Philip met!) "He certainly got us started with Dora, just tell him I gave you his name." There were so many things a puppy could need after all!

"I need to get home, but best of luck. Perhaps we'll see you around the park soon." Though Elsie was never one to try and purposefully run into people she didn't know all that well, Mr. Skeeter seemed to have a knack for finding her... Ah well, she was getting a little better at this whole interacting with people thing... a little. They had their treats and she was not about to push it.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty

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