Name? He hadn't even thought that far. Not once, in all of his research and considerations, had he actually thought of a hypothetical name for his dog. If he'd had the foresight, he still would be clueless in this moment - as he'd certainly have picked out a male name! He couldn't very well give her a male name, of course. What was a good, strong, female name for a dog?
Grasping at straws, he blurted out the first name that popped into his head, "Rosie. I'll call her Rosie." Of course. He'd name his dog after a flower. A feminine, girly, soppy romantic flower. Bloody hell. What an idiot he was. He could only imagine how he'd look calling after her at the park, a single man without any children or a wife to blame the choice on. It was bad enough that he'd ended up with a girl dog, now he'd have to suffer through the worst of it with her name too!
"Do you think that suits her?" He asked hopefully. Perhaps she's suggest another name. One that wouldn't make him the laughing stock of Padmore Park.
Grasping at straws, he blurted out the first name that popped into his head, "Rosie. I'll call her Rosie." Of course. He'd name his dog after a flower. A feminine, girly, soppy romantic flower. Bloody hell. What an idiot he was. He could only imagine how he'd look calling after her at the park, a single man without any children or a wife to blame the choice on. It was bad enough that he'd ended up with a girl dog, now he'd have to suffer through the worst of it with her name too!
"Do you think that suits her?" He asked hopefully. Perhaps she's suggest another name. One that wouldn't make him the laughing stock of Padmore Park.