<link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cabin+Sketch"><div style="font-family: 'Cabin Sketch', cursive;"><font size='6' color='#html'><center>Character name | house | grad/drop out year</font></center></div>
<center><b> L E T T E R S </b></center><blockquote><i><b>date</b></i> | <a href='thread link'>thread title</a> | with who</blockquote>
<center><b> I N - P R O G R E S S T H R E A D S </b></center><blockquote><i><b>date</b></i> | <a href='thread link'>thread title</a> | with who</blockquote>
<center><b> F I N I S H E D T H R E A D S </b></center><blockquote><i><b>date</b></i> | <a href='thread link'>thread title</a> | with who</blockquote>
<i><b>date</b></i> | <a href='thread link'>thread title</a> | with who