A/N: I have now finished the whole book, but it's going to take some time to mentally process so we're going to rewind to simpler times to recap first, enjoy~
False fucking alarm, there's another filler chapter of preparation where they sew pockets into her dresses and she buys a geranium.
Now we're at sea! Welcome to HMS
Persuasion, where we are introduced to the captain's seat-of-ease (Sophia marvels at this chamberpot "Amazing! Hanging as high as a tree" over the water) and also introduced to Fortune's crew. You've got your usual folks and then a pair to keep an eye on: the Congreve brothers. We actually met these two on land, briefly. A knight's sons, the elder is called Calder, the younger Aaron, and they were both passing their time stopping carriages as highwaymen, the rascals. Anyway, turns out instead of getting them hanged, Fortune has press-ganged them onto the ship. Great idea, dude. They'll be important later.
Anyway, Sophia's first taste of life at sea is watching a man flogged for desertion from the premium view of the quarterdeck. With a cup of tea, because we're extremely British here. "Will the flogged man die?" Sophia asks. Fortune: "Yeah probably." He's got bigger problems, because they're crossing the channel in a storm. Sophia is left to eat dinner below, including a pudding called Drowned Baby.
Up on the ratlines, we discover that the flogged man was actually Calder Congreve, the resident bad boy with a still-bleeding back. He and his bro have already spent time in a prison hulk. (I'm sorry, prison hulks never don't make me think of Jean Valjean.) Guy next to him falls overboard and drowns (see above). Like Calder needed literally anything else to radicalise him. You know, if he weren't actually a rich boy.
"Suddenly a crash rocked her wooden world." Meanwhile, in the captain's quarters...
Well, actually, first Fortune comes in and Sophia's already asleep so he sets up some cushions on the floor and is having nightmares about how tough and terrible he is, yadda yadda. But someone's got their hands on his breeches ?
The next day and they're at it again.
Please stop ruining cannons for me like this, Nancy Price, I beg you.
Anyway Trundle the captain's steward failed to pass along Fortune's verbal sexts to Sophia last time he was up on deck, so instead they get poor little cabin boy Robby Wegg to run up and down with them, nice. It keeps storming and Sophia noses around Fortune's stuff. Damn, he's even read Mary Wollstonecraft?
The storms are finally over so we and Sophia get an in-depth tour of the ship so Nancy can spit all the facts and vocab she knows about naval life. I respect this, Nancy. You're trying so hard to be Patrick O'Brian here and I love it. Fortune, who has top secret orders from the Admiralty he can't tell anyone about, gets the crew in shape with gun drills. Calder is Scheming with a capital S.
This is my favourite illustration of them all.
Fortune is despairing of his crew full of jailbirds and ne'er-do-wells. Sophia is despairing of Fortune's fondness for flogging. (His men, that is.) Well, if this isn't the perfect moment for Aaron Congreve, Calder's brother, "the handsome prisoner" – and now a ship's clerk – to rock up and meet Sophia. He's got "thick, shining blond hair" and "deep blue eyes", is not more than twenty and writes a neat hand and immediately scatters his papers everywhere. Oh look, he even sketches.
We get a little peek into Aaron's POV now, where he is lying on his bunk. ("Mrs. Croft had smiled at him, of course. His coat and breeches were inches too small.") His father is only interested in his heir, Calder. ("Let Aaron be a sailor," his father would say. "Beat the university out of him.") Aaron's a good guy who only came to find Calder to tell him their father was sick and then got mixed up in the highwayman business. He has a weak chest, life at sea isn't good for him. He thinks he looks ridiculous. It's a hard life being a knight's younger son who won't inherit.
Anyway, Aaron sneaks off to tell Calder off for trying to desert and making him lie about shit for him. Calder wants to kill Fortune. Aaron won't help him. Aaron goes to write an angry diary entry calling Fortune a tyrant.
Time is passing, Fortune is adamant about gun practice, Sophia is sitting down in the surgeon's cockpit and the surgeon is too drunk to be useful. Sophia rolls up her sleeves and starts giving men stitches like she's doing embroidery. Sophia saves the man's leg. Both Aaron and Fortune see her covered in blood and think she's hot. Sophia wants to take over surgeon duties. Fortune shakes his head and explains that the crew are totally going to think she's doing witchcraft.
Chapter 18 features:
Men talking about witches;
Fortune solving the surgeon problem by assigning Aaron (who is a Learned man and has also conveniently happened to study medicine) to supervise the medical stuff as well as doing the books, even though he has noticed Aaron "worships her from afar";
Aaron gaining popularity and free makeovers aboard by paying sailors in portraits;
Men washing their clothes in urine bc ammonia bleaches, hashtag gritty realism;
The fact that a girl once told Aaron his calves were shapely, ooooh boy;
Aaron and Sophia bonding over medical texts... and suck it Fortune, you've read Wollstonecraft? Aaron has
met her, and can quote her, and generally makes Fortune look like an oaf by comparison (Sophia's into it. Ngl,
I'm into it);
Aaaaaaand, last but not least, the best drawing of a fish I've ever seen in my life.