— The —
Daily Prophet
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
18 Sept 1893
Ministry Heads Finally Speak!
The aftermath of the dragon attacks at the Port of London on September 14th have certainly not waned. Sources say Minister Ross met with the Queen of England and the Prime Minister shortly after the disaster site was contained; not a surprising revelation given the magnitude of the catastrophe. Department Head of the Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Edric Umbridge said when interviewed that they are “working closely with law enforcement and the Dragon Restraint Bereau to ensure that an incident like this cannot happen again.” It’s certainly hoped that such a thing won’t ever befall the magical (and muggle) community ever again! He went onto add that muggle memories are being reversed soon after being interviewed so they might have a greater scope of the clamity. Department Head of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures assured much the same, that they “have [their] best people working on making London safe again and will continue to work closely with all parties involved to ensure the safety of all.” Now more than ever, the public needs to lay their full trust in our Ministry of Magic. Head Auror Faustus Prewett also went on to confirm their efforts in full inter-departmental cooperation to work to reduce this effect as much as possible.
Casualties are still being counted, and will be reported on in due time.
Casualties are still being counted, and will be reported on in due time.
Malice Wakefield