Three. While Owl has never much been one to keep ~society and its unlikely people care to know much about her, the family she hails from, the company she keeps, and the fact that no one can trace her back to an honest day’s work all work against her.Residence: Windkirk Manor, the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Blackthorn, eleven inches, with a dragon heartstring core. Rigid, and uncooperative with anyone but its mistress.Blood Status: Halfblood
Cormorant Umbernauld, Grandfather [c. 1819]Appearance:
Rosefinch Umbernauld, Grandmother [c. 1825]
Tristram McAllister, Father [d. 1875]
Redshank Umbernauld, Mother [c. 1843]
Sparrow Umbernauld, Sister [c. 1860]
— Linnet Umbernauld, Niece [1878]
— Jackdaw Umbernauld, Nephew [1879]
Shrike Umbernauld, Brother [1864]
Peregrine Umbernauld, Brother [1865]
Goldcrest Umbernauld, Brother [1869-1890]
Firecrest Umbernauld, Brother [1869]
Swift Umbernauld, Brother [c. 1871]
Learn more about the Umbernaulds!
History:From a distance, it would not be a stretch to mistake Owl for a man. Frankly, it wouldn’t be a stretch to mistake her for a man from a couple of yards away, either. Tall for her sex, the would-be bandit stands at five feet, seven inches, her square frame toned and dotted with various scars (and generally, a bruise or three). She possesses a predatory jawline that is just as prone to snarling as it is to smiling. She sports brown hair, grey eyes, and a caramel complexion.
Where attire is concerned, she favours men’s clothing almost exclusively, finding it far easier to move in. This adds to her “masculine” impression--and occasionally garners her some peculiar looks. She is ambidextrous.
Owl speaks with an Isle of Skye accent. I will not write it out but it is there.
Face claim is Hannah John-Kamen.
As an infant, and later as a child, Owl Umbernauld was hardly remarkable. A slight youngster and prone to seasonal ailments, it came as something as a shock when her own constitution continually failed to kill her—a mark of her stubbornness, but hardly the last. Because of this, while her siblings’ childhood were rife with adventuring and excitement (read: general rowdiness), Owl spent her first decade of life a mere spectator to life. While it was through watching that the young witch discovered quidditch, she found it was good for very little else and yearned to join her siblings in what the Umbernaulds did best: general banditry.Personality:
In time, she was able to do just that. While most girls her age had begun learning charms and potions at Hogwarts, Owl was finally able to keep enough to embrace things like horseback riding, fisticuffs, and the dirk. The life her family embraced was one she jumped headlong into, and one in which she felt truly herself.
Until it went dreadfully wrong.
It was bad enough to lose a brother—frankly, it was a miracle that it hadn’t happened sooner, but that only made the blow of Goldcrest’s death even harsher. But the decision to leave behind their old ways and go clean and proper was made in spite of Owl’s protests. The new decade has brought with it the end, rather than a beginning, as far as Owl is concerned, and she is not here for it.
- Boggart: TBD
- Amortentia: TBD
- Fears: TBD
- Owl is a quidditch fan, and a loud, rowdy supporter of Pride of Portree.
- She can read and write, but doesn’t much care for either. That was her old, housebound life!
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