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Featured Want Ads - Charming - August 4, 2020

Featured Want Ads

Occasionally as a prize, players may get to feature their want ads as part of the VERY FABRIC (read: coding) of the board. In a delightful coup, featured want ads will now be listed within as well!

These ads will remain listed until the character is taken, the requester asks for it to be taken down, or the requesting account goes inactive.

RE: Featured Want Ads - Clarissa Cosgrove - February 1, 2021

For Clarissa Cosgrove
Clarissa Cosgrove



While being hit with nostalgia on the old board while reading the threads of one of Clarissas more intense ships, I have decided to make this ad to give Clarissas love life some drama. This is definitely meant to be a romantic interest for Clarissa. This boy was in the same year as Clarissa and horrid at all things Etiquette which is one of the required Hogwarts classes for all years. So, he asked her for help in their fifth year which she provided gladly despite this being one of the first times she had ever been spoken to by him.

This boy was generally brutish in nature but was swiftly attracted to Clarissa and was quickly intent on wooing her despite knowing she is way beyond his social means. The fact that he had competition in the form of an upper class Slytherin in Clarissas year seemed to only encourage him and he felt that it was unfair he should be out of the running because of current lack of wealth. They eventually had an intense emotional affair of sorts and Clarissa even let him kiss her hand once. Scandalous!

All this transpired during their fifth year and he left after taking his OWLs. They likely have written one another since then and he has done his best to put in place building blocks for an upward mobile career of some sort. The thing I had in mind was that now that she has debuted and no longer in the safety net of Pendergast School, he will be seeking to pick up where they left off.

double duty!: Fake Forfang

RE: Featured Want Ads - Angelica Selwyn - June 28, 2021

For Angelica Vorona
Angelica Vorona


b. 25 July 1860 | UCPB | Slytherin | Man of Leisure | Suggested PB: Colin O'Donoghue

Angelica’s younger twin brother, Lucius and his twin have spent their lives trying to be different. It didn’t take much work. Where his twin is a decisive perfectionist, Luc elevated chaos to a fine art form. He’s naturally bright but invested the bare minimum to get by in school, preferring popularity and Quidditch to his studies. Lucius is recently returned from learning the family business under his older brother in Venice, or so the story goes. Luc spent the better part of the last thirteen years earning the ‘rake’ moniker in as many languages as possible, but his antics finally went one step too far when rumors of a possibly less-than-pureblood bastard reached dear old dad. The threat of being cut off brought him back to Britain, but it isn’t all bad. He hasn’t ruined any British girls since his Hogwarts days and It’s been a while since he made his twin’s life miserable. Might as well make up for lost time. Rep is 7-8.

RE: Featured Want Ads - Morgana Gaunt - August 22, 2022

For Morgana Gaunt
Morgana Gaunt


b. 1870 | WCPB | Slytherin Dropout | Open Occupation | Suggested PB: Bill Skarsgard

He attended Hogwarts in September of 1881 and so has a pre-September birthday in 1870. He stopped attending Hogwarts after finishing his third year. He is a parseltongue and betrothed to Morgana. She is devoted to him and he, in turn, worships her but tends to be jealous of her capabilities. He is unlikely to be mentally sound and is prone to violent outbursts if he perceives someone as being disrespectful to him. He and Morgana were married on January 1st, 1891.

Marvolo is a canon on the canon list so be sure to reserve him there!

RE: Featured Want Ads - Zinnia Gallagher - September 16, 2023

Basil "Herb" Potts
[Keanu Reeves]
1834 | GHRS | married
8 rep | marine herbologist

Quirky and very go with the flow, Laurel can pretty much use him as a doormat. He wanted at least one boy, but gave up that hope after Daffy was born. He's surrounded by women and mostly okay with it. He's quite adventurous and thoroughly enjoys his underwater career! He is most likely bff's with his brother-in-law, Ewart Fraser. Basil also has a soft spot for Daffy's childhood friend, Jack Dorset.

RE: Featured Want Ads - Benedict Hunter - June 5, 2024


B. 1874/5 | MCHB | HUFFLEPUFF | BATCHELORETTE (2nd season)

Victoria is the older sister of Benedict and the daughter of middle class parents that own several pet shops including one in hogsmeade. Her parents stretched their finances to ensure both children attended Hogwarts and Victoria graduated her NEWTS in the summer of 1893. She is actively seeking a husband.

Her and Benedict are very close, she is probably his best friend and he misses her since she left hogwarts. She likewise loves her little brother in return and writes letters to him at school. Suggested face claim is Cara Bossom.

Personality isn't set in stone but she is a good, kind hearted person who loves her family and is relatively happy with her direction in life. Her profession is open but it shouldn't be something that would come between her and finding a good husband.

RE: Featured Want Ads - Matilda Farris - July 20, 2024

[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
There are three things Mr. Farris loves: magical creatures, Matilda (his only child, whom he is determined will marry one of the Yarwood boys), and good port. There are three things Mr. Farris loathes: the feeling of mud in his boots, critical book reviews, and women behaving in an unladylike fashion. Oh, he tolerates Gwendolyn Yarwood's riding astride her horse for she is otherwise an excellent hostess, and he wants access to the Glen for his research, but he doesn't like it. And he certainly doesn't like the little girl playing at being a dragonkeeper! PB is open but should be either white or East Asian.

Immediate Ties: Matilda Farris Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood
Potential Ties: Avery Davenport Raj Sandow Dominic Orpington

RE: Featured Want Ads - Laurel Potts - August 15, 2024

Elizabeth “Betty” Plunkett nee —
[Pictured as Leslie Mann]

Born and raised on the American frontier Betty is a firm believer in self sufficiency. She makes many of the goods for their General Goods store and is constantly looking for ways to add additional items. She is the reason for the beehives and sheep on the farm and has a running “joke” with Bert about purchasing their own silkworms to make silk. She spends much of her time at the store and is very invested in the lives of her sons. Of the friends she is loud and enthusiastic, but always there for week and chats. She considers her friends' children as much her family as her own boys.

RE: Featured Want Ads - James Callum - September 11, 2024

For James

B. 1807 | MC Muggle | N/A | Widow/Caregiver | Suggested PB: OPEN

A formidable, no-nonsense kind of woman, Jane McKinley nonetheless has a soft spot for her only great-grandchild. She values her family above all else, even if she's still a bit leery about magic in general. She's also never quite forgiven Arthur for knocking up her granddaughter, and the two have never had better than a barely civil relationship.

RE: Featured Want Ads - Lycoris Dempsey - December 26, 2024

The Dempseys
For Porphyria Dempsey
& Lowri Dempsey Ozymandias Dempsey Endymion Dempsey Don Juan Dempsey Christabel Daphnel Shalott Dempsey Lycoris Dempsey

The Dempseys are an UCHB family who live near Galway in Ireland. They are all varying levels of eccentric, although still respectable enough to get invited to society things (their reps should reflect this). The name scheme - being named after a poem and the poet who wrote it - was decided on by Eamon and Lowri before they were even married.


B.1824 | UCHB | PB: GARY COLE or ERIC BOGOSIAN (pictured)

A notable poet and cheerful eccentric, Eamon was his parents' heir. His hobbies include waxing poetic about the wilderness, going on ill-advised sailing ventures, and humouring his wife. Porphyria probably gets on fabulously with him.