Nicknames: Em, Emir, Usually goes by Morgan; often now referred to as Morgan Snr. or the Snr Morgan.
Birthdate: April 30, 1829
Current Age: 62
Occupation: Wizengamot Interrogator
Reputation: 10
Residence: London.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Wand: Rigid, 10 inch, Holly and Dragonheartstring.
Blood Status: Half Blood
Social Class: Upper class
Vera Morgan - Wife
Desiderius James Morgan - April 4, 1861
Eldritch Randall Morgan - June 18th, 1863
Rhiannon Eloise Cameron née Morgan - August 10, 1867
Rachel Morgan May 17, 1875- Oh that's right, Vera can still make these.
Appearance: Em is just over six feet tall with lean build. He was blonde in his youth though his hair now mostly consists of grey. He is right handed and usually wearing fairly conservative clothing,
Face Claim | Daniel Craig

1828 - 1841 - Emerentius is born, his name chosen by a seer and meaning "to fully deserve". His own mothers' fondness for seers-names is probably a determining factor in why he would later chose Vera as a wife and support her choices when it comes to naming their children. He is a happy child, however never quite satisfied with his lot in life - always aiming to better - to improve and to "fully deserve" what - he isn't sure but he must deserve something.
September 1840 - Emerentius is sorted into Slytherin, nobody is particularly surprised. He gets along with most of his year mates but does show a stubborn streak when it comes to enforcing his own sense of justice and what he thinks is right and is not above attempting to argue his point across until he gets his way. He proves to be both tenacious and stubborn in his pursuit of justice.
September 1841 - His younger sister joins him at Hogwarts.
October 31, 1841 - The Morgan's family are murdered and tragically the prime suspect is acquitted at trial... without any further leads the aurors trail grows cold leaving the the deaths a mystery. He has no desire to let the crime go unpunished and tries his best to find out what happened - by any means from taking Divination, delving into less savoury magics, learning about occulmecy and legimency and taking his courses with the intention of becoming an Auror. His life is further complicated by a legal dispute over the will left behind by his parents including the care of his younger sister and their estate. They eventually become wards of their father's younger (single) brother despite complaints from their mother's older (married) brother. This legal dispute causes him to suspect both uncles and find suspicious motives in each.
1845 - A series of murders with obvious links to the Morgan Family Murders ends with a standoff with (surprise!) their original suspect. Furious at what he decides is a failure of the legal system - what's the use of becoming an auror or part of the investigative team if they catch the right people and the lawyers get them off? He decides to change his direction in the last year of school and instead become a lawyer - because obviously the DMLE needed better lawyers to prevent criminals going free.
1847 - 1848 - Graduates from Hogwarts and goes immediately to work as an intern for the DMLE.
1848 - 1850 - He is a promoted Clerk for the DMLE
1850 - 1854 - Again, he is promoted to Jr. for the DMLE
1854 - He begins to work as a Lawyer for the DMLE.
1859 - Emir decides that marriage is the next step in his obvious career progression. He begins to court Vera.
March 27, 1860 - Emir weds Vera.
April 4, 1861 - His first son Desiderius James Morgan is born.
June 18, 1863 - Eldritch Randall Morgan is born .
1865 - He is introduced to office in Wizengamot by Faris Spavin due to his conservative views on wizarding society. His family, while not considered pure, are still firmly magical in nature.
August 10, 1867 - A girl, Rhiannon Eloise is born.
1870 - Becomes an Interrogator for Wizengamot.
1872 - His eldest son, Desi, heads off to Hogwarts and sorted into Hufflepuff. Em assures himself that there are Hufflepuffs who are naturally charistmatic and who work hard and do amount to much - Desi's grades that year do not dissuade him of this and he is pleased with his heir.
1874 His second son, Eldritch, is sorted in Slytherin. A surprise for as reports from his governess Ritch seems to struggle with certain tasks. He is pleased however that one of his sons take after him.
May 17, 1875 - Another girl is born - Rachel
1878 Annie heads off to school and is sorted into Ravenclaw.
1879 Desi joined the Spirits department of the Ministry. Em isn't quite sure why.... though decides to put it down to his son stretching his wings. During the summers' his Eldritch interns at his office which he is pleased about - it hopefully means that Eldritch may follow in his footsteps or at least do something more useful for society than the Spirit Department.
1881 Ritch begins working in the department and he is pleased to learn that his son wishes to follow his profession. Faris Spavin disgraces himself due to his campaign against Muggleborns. Em works to distance himself from the entire issue.
1882 Desi is drafted for the Hogsmeade Trail, and whilst his wife isn't that happy about things Em thinks it's a good opportunity for his son and has absolute faith Desi will be fine.
1885 His son leaves to go work for.... Ernost-whatsisface *insert eyeroll*. Em decides not to intercede deciding to let his son make his mistakes. Which of course the whole affair is. Annie leaves England to travel to her mothers finishing school for a year.
1886 In a whirlwind Annie returns, and seems to pickup a serious suitor right away. It all goes by so fast - and ends just as quickly with his daughter widowed
1887 It gets worse, his daughter is pregnant and gives birth to a boy. At least there's proof that she is fully capable of bearing heirs. Thats probably the only brightside.
1889 Desi is promoted to Head of the Dept. As he should be.
1891 His eldest daughter becomes an animagi whilst in mourning.... so obviously she's taking that seriously though in her defence she barely knew the father of her child.
Personality: Conservative, Steadfast, Long suffering, Traditional, intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn. A Taurus Emir doesn't like change and finds comfort in stability and values honesty above all else. He doesn't shy away from hard work. He loves pleasure and enjoys all things luxurious and cozy. He can be very set in his ways, will always believe he is right and can refuse to see things that aren't entirely just so.
- He is a occulmens and legimens
- His Boggart involves his current families body's lying at the feet of a cloaked man.
- His Patronus' is a wolf, though many do mistake it for his wife's patroni/animagi.
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