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Full Name: Saturn Smith
Birthdate: February 30, 1870
Current Age: 20
Occupation: Explorer & Linguist
Reputation: 5 or 6
He spends most of his time with his sister, Jupiter, as a fellow explorer. His family is weird to varying degrees, and they are all named after planets and such.
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
He has had three wands over the years. One was swallowed by a huge fish, and is probably either in the ocean somewhere or fish food. The second was crushed by rubble at a dig sight.
The third was acquired by a merchant while abroad, and Saturn isn't sure what it's made of. It hasn't seemed to take a liking to him either. He's been studying wandless magic due to constantly loosing wands and the fact that in doing so has cost far too much for his liking.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
The Smith family is quite close and caring for each other, and often visit one another if someone doesn't live with the main household (such as married daughters and working sons), and this connection extends to family members that are in-laws.

He and most of his siblings are named in order of closest to farthest planets from the sun... after Sun was born. Due to this, his parents ignored which names were actually more feminine or masculine when naming some of their children. Most children have learned to live with/accept/like their names.

Father: Eric Smith (1833) Muggle - Astronomy Professor at a muggle university
Mother: Tiffany Smith (1838) Muggleborn - Academic Author; Main focus is Astronomy
Brother: Sun Smith (1856) Halfblood - Employed in the Werewolf Capture Unit (Slytherin)
and family
Brother: Mercury Smith (1862) Halfblood - Chemist (Ravenclaw)
and family
Brother: Venus Smith (1865) Halfblood - Composer (Hufflepuff)
Sister: Earth Beck née Smith (1866) Halfblood - Herbologist & Author
and family
Sister: Mars Asteroid née Smith (1868) Halfblood - Owner of Heavenly Antiques (Slytherin)
and family
Sister: Jupiter Smith (1868) Halfblood - Explorer & Archeologist (Works with Saturn) (Gryffindor)
Brother: Uranus Smith (1871) Squib - Student & Aspiring Librarian
Brother: Neptune Smith (1874) Halfblood - Ravenclaw Student & Aspiring Artist
Sister: Moon Smith (1876) Halfblood - Gryffindor Student & Aspiring Werewolf Expert or 'Most Awesome Auror'
Eyes: Blue

Hair: Light Brown

Height: 6'

Clothing: Saturn always makes it a point to dress in the respects of the culture he is visiting. Even if that means stuffy English attire.

Tattoos: One is the located on his upper left arm, which depicts a lethifold. This is also Saturn's boggart, and he chose to have it as a tattoo as a way of battling his inner fears. The other is of a rare flower that had been discovered by a member of one of the research parties he took part in. That is located on the back of his right hand.

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

PB ~ Colin Ford

1870: Saturn is born, and is earned the reputation as probably the quietest baby of the house.

1871: Uranus is born. Saturn is way too young to notice or care.

1879: Years of following Jupiter comes to a bit of a halt as the older sibling goes off to Hogwarts. This leaves Saturn with little to do besides deal with a grumpy younger brother, a brother with a know-it-all attitude for someone way to young to know what he's talking about, and a sister that may end up following Saturn and Jupiter around, if she doesn't get eaten by a werewolf first. His governess continuously praises him on his ability to learn languages at an impressive rate. While it isn't his passion, he enjoys languages enough that these studies will later continue into his Hogwarts career and he will try his best to self teach on even more languages through the years.

1881: Finally off to Hogwarts, the only younger sibling he thinks he'll miss would be Moon, though she'd probably figure out something to pass the time. He is decidedly not sorted into the same house as Jupiter, which is all too frustrating. Jo tries sneaking into his common room multiple times, though it never seems to work out.

1883: Third year sees Saturn only taking one different elective than Jupiter. Deciding on Care of Magical Creatures, rather than Earth Magic. An interest of creatures, beasts, and beings has been a spark in Saturn's heart since he was little. Not that he shared that much with any of his siblings in any great detail, not even Jupiter.

1886: Jupiter graduates, and is suddenly gone soon after Earth is married. Saturn feels a hint of abandonment, but can expect no less from the sister that never seemed to be satisfied with staying in one place.

His OWLs are a great deal better than hers, though by no means perfect. He chooses to keep his original electives, and DADA as his NEWTs classes. His parents surprise him with having saved up for a tutor from abroad who has mastered more difficult languages than Saturn could have ever learned on his own. His following summers are spent learning the vocal portions of these languages, and letters are sent during school to work on his improvements in writing and understanding the language formats.

1888: Graduating, Saturn is soon met with a returning Jupiter and is convinced in joining her on her adventurous work abroad. Having mastered three languages, and having a conversational understanding of several others leaves him as a fair enough apprentice for the dig sites linguist.

1889: Early in the year sees Saturn in a bit of a whirlwind romance with a merchants daughter. He tries to ask the man if he may properly court her. Saturn remains confused as to whether the man was simply making a fool of him, or if the merchant truly thought Saturn wanted a niffler. Out of embarrassment, Saturn leaves things as they are and ends up keeping the niffler.

1890: Starting to gain some credit as a linguist in his own right, his efforts are cut short with the news of Mars's husband dying. Now travelling back home, Saturn slowly begins to realize how much he missed being home. Learning further about the languages and cultures of these various countries is amazing, spending time with Jupiter is all he could ever have dreamed, but was it really the life he wanted? He had wanted to spend time with Jupiter. That was why he left. But were languages really what he wanted to have as his life focus? He had always been more interested in the creatures of the world, and a more calm life.

Soon Jupiter is quite ready to be off again, but Saturn can't seem to bring himself to simply leave Mars behind. To leave their family all over again. What was a discussion soon became an argument. Jupiter decides to leave without him, which hurts. Earth won't stop trying to get him to write to her, but Jupiter will only expect an apology, and Saturn doesn't feel like he needs to give one.
Amortentia: He can't recall.

Patronus: Can't cast one

Boggart: A lethifold

Star Sign: Pisces

Hobbies: Studying magical creatures is something that brings him joy, and he constantly tries to learn more languages for the fascination of the subject as well as trying to prevent a worse misunderstanding than accidently adopting a niffler.

Pets: He accidently adopted a niffler from a miss communication in 1889. He can't stand the very idea of parting with the little creature. Said niffler is named Mr. Shiny.
Name: Kelly
Age: 21
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