September 1, 2019 – 11:24 PM
Full name: Vesta Eva BonesNicknames: Vesty
☞ childhood nickname. Mostly only used by siblings and parents. Told friends to stop using this name upon starting her third year at Hogwarts.
Birthdate: December 25, 1872
Current Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 8. Her mother is considered a little odd to most of the social circle they reside. Being a working woman that doesn't socialize much. Vesta tries to be a lot more social to make up for this.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Rowan, Unicorn tail hair, somewhat flexible, 8in.
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upperclass
Mother: Annabelle Bones (1850)Appearance:
Father: Henry Bones (1843-1884)
Sister: Rosamund Bones (1868)
Brother: Arthur Bones (1869-1869)
Brother: Eldin Bones (1871)
Brother: Justice Bones (1884)
Vesta has long medium brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is caucasian. She writes and eats with her right hand (but uses her left hand for wandwork). She tends to wear more casual (blues, yellows, greens) depending on her mood. She stands at about 5'3".History:
Playby: Katherine Langford
1872: Vesta Eva Bones is born on Christmas to two older siblings. She is the last born for next decade.Personality:
1875: At nearly three years old, the only thing she remembers from Eldin's birthday is the animated toy dragons.
1877: despite not even being five yet, Vesta understands that something bad was happening in her world and they had to move to Hogsmade because of it.
1880: The day before her nineth birthday she, in a fit of anger, has her first accidental magic in the form of destroying her favorite doll. She is devastated afterwards but doesn't ask for help in repairing it. She keeps the parts in hope that one day she'll be able to fix it herself.
1884: Vesta starts her first year at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. She makes as many connections and friends as she possibly can, taking little time to focus on her school work.
1886: Vesta has decided she didn't want to go by Vesty anymore and request that all her friends start calling her by Vesta. She adds Muggle Studies and Earth Studies to her courses.
1887: With Half-Breeds not being able to return, she notices a lack of diversity in the halls of Hogwarts. She wasn't particularly close with any of them, though when they return she tries to befriend as many as she can.
1889: With her OWL scores returned, she decides to continue on in Muggle Studies, Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Astronomy.
Confident. Approachable. Definitive. Defensive.Other:
Amortentia: unknownSample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.]
Work Ethic: Decent
Apparition: Not Yet
Patronus: unknown
Name: OceanAge: 23