Full Name: Dubhacha (Duv-uch-ha)
Nicknames: Duv
Birthdate: 1 Jan 1882
Current Age: 9
Race: Centaur
Occupation: Hunter
Reputation: 6 - Beast
Residence: Forbidden Forest
Social Class:-
Family: Aeror - Father
Sorcha - Mother
Aoilbhe - Sister
Diarmuid - Brother
Appearance: Dubhacha stands at an imposing 8 feet 2 inches tall. His human half has tanned skin, while his horse half is pitch black. Both his hair and his tail are jet black and worn long. He isn't known for his neatness of appearance and his hair is generally roughly tied back to avoid catching it on branches and twigs in the dense forest. He also sports a rough black beard most of the time, save perhaps unless the summer is particularly hot or his mother somehow talks him into shaving it because 'he won't get a good woman looking like a common mule' - usually the beard is back in place within a few weeks/months. Dubhacha has dark brown eyes
Generally Dubhacha the only appearal that Dubhacha wears are leather, or hide straps across his chest and torso to act as supports for his back and shoulders, and leather hand wraps and gauntlets. He often wears a clay body paint across his neck and upper chest and his torso is covered in intricate tattoos. He does have a thick gilet and a fur cloak that he sports if the winter is particularly cold
History: *Born to the head hunter of the centaur herd
*Father began to train Dubhacha from a young age to be his replacement
*His sister is born, Dubhacha dotes on her and takes his big brother role seriously
*Dubhacha contracts a serious fever, which almost kills him - he recovers but learns to hate physical weakness
* His brother is born
*Dubhacha joins the herds hunters under his fathers mentorship
*His father is killed by a wizard, a weak wimpy man who just saw a centaur in the forest and panicked. Dubhacha learns to despise all humans.
*He becomes the head of the herds hunters, a role which suits his aggression and keeps him as far from the humans as possible.
Personality: Gruff // taciturn // Reserved // family orientated // loyal
Other: -
Sample Roleplay Post:-
Name: Dante
Age: [old]
Contact: pm me
Other Characters:see cml
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