Full Name: Nicolette Nancy Fernsby
Nicknames: Nicky, Nico, Nicoline, Colette, all variants of Nicholas depending on how she's disguised herself.
Birthdate: February 16, 1873
Current Age: 17
Occupation: Fairy godmother, Potential Spy. or Journalist. actually.... student.
Reputation: 8 - because I'm copying Juliette..... I mean. Actually it's all Bernadette's fault.
Residence: Hogwarts, or North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Supple and slightly swishy, cedar, dragonheartstring.
CEDAR: Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle class
Tristan Delaroche, maternal grandfather, muggle, 1822-1889
Abigail Delaroche née Morris, maternal grandmother, b. 1830
Jonathan Fernsby, father, 1845-1882
Bernadette Fernsby, mother b. april 1851
Juliette Fernsby, sister, b. nov 1871
Violette Fernsby, daughter, b. 1874
Appearance: Blonde, 5ft 5in, She has blue-grey eyes, of slim build with only vague curves that she can emphasis or choose to downplay based on the occasion. She is ambidextrous but favours her left in a pinch and due to her mothers' business is usually in the most recent of styles, for what better way to advertise than to act as model yourself.
1873 - Nicolette is born.
1874 - Nicolette becomes the middle child, permanently sandwiched between Juliette and Violette, neither the baby nor the first to do anything. A harrowing birth, no further siblings would join the family on request of her mother.
1876 - She begins to show an early interest in performance, dress-up, make-believe, play-acting, and mimicry and very much would enjoy involving whomever was around in her games and stories often going to great pains to dress up her companions, dolls, humans or sisters - doing their hair and "makeup" and begins to show a stubbornness for choosing her own dresses, accessories and doing her own hair and wanting to dressup others. As she learns to sew in following years her victims would begin with her dolls and end with all willing participants.
1879 - A door is created between Hogsmeade and Maison Bellerose in London and her family relocate to North Bartonburg, in Hogsmeade. A far different place then London, with magical folk out and rather than hidden Nicolette is delighted by the move and gets rather good at imitating other people down to variety of accents and attempts at dress similar which had come to only magical town in Great Britain. She begins to develop an eye for colour and begins to listen to the discussions at home about trends, art and design but only takes so much in. This would serve for her foundation as grew later in life as she is able to take more and more in about the discussions and tutelage that she has alongside Juliette, her older sister and likely heir.
1882 - Her father passes away after fatally splinching himself. Nicolette is nine and takes his death quite hard and it feels like she has a hole where her heart should be for quite some time.
1883 - Juliette leaves for Hogwarts and Nicolette has a brief moment of being the eldest child at home. She does not hate it though she was not as impressed with the responsibility she is given and wishes she could fade away into the woodwork.
1884 - Nicolette leaves for Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. She picks up the elective subject of Art along with the core classes. Being only a year younger than Juliette and in the same house she quickly becomes recognizable to other students as Juliette's sister.
1885 - In her second year of school she begins to rebel in her own way, and finding the uniforms boring and droll and she takes great delight in haunting the libraries for ways to bedazzle them and make interesting alterations... and get in trouble for doing so.... and quite by accident, or rather not, she comes across beauty and transformative magic to change ones appearance or clothes and discovers ways to make herself look quite unlike herself, though mastery does take a great deal of trial and error and some embarrassing trips to the infirmary.
1886 - She takes Divination and Mugglestudies as her OWL subjects in third year and gets her first taste of the high that forbidden knowledge brings.... in this case a potential scandal - a reciprocated crush - is discovered by her subterfuge. Her curiousity (the burden of a Ravenclaw) gets the better of her and she lets her desire for knowledge overtake her though as she assures herself it is for purely to
know and not for any other nefarious reason, and if its within her power to help, well of course she'd lend aids and assistance. She takes great delight in collecting secrets and learning of potential scandals (it is far easier than she would've ever thought - afterall she always knew how often people idly chattered and not expect a seamstress to listen when they are getting fittings) - and becomes also a frequent subscriber of witch weekly and the gossip columns....
1887 - Her mother decides to offer a discount rate for half-breeds after Hogwarts bans half-breeds. Nicolette finds she gets some run off flack for this from students who err on the side of racism. This is the first time she uses her powers for evil and spreads the first, and certainly not her last rather damaging rumor around the school. She also finds her first victim.. errr Cinderella story wannabe... a girl with a devastating crush whom she gives a makeover too. She decides she quite loves the enjoyment it brings. And the Happy Ending.
1889 - Her grandfather passes away in his sleep and her mother inherits the business. She chooses to take NEWTs in Charms, Divination, Potions, and Transfiguration and continues onward with the non-credit subject of Art.
1890 - Her mother comes out of mourning, dives into work in order support Juliette's debut and with her own looming in the next year Nicolette struggles to actually think realistically of a possible, realistic and dignified occupation that would suit her.
1891 - Nicolette's own debut is looming on the horizon and she has decided that she will either work with her mother, debut or if they suffer financial difficulties perhaps find ministerial work in something that involves learning.
Personality: SPIRITED / LIFE-ORIENTED / SPONTANEOUS / ABRUPT / TROUBLED / ERUPTIVE - "having grown up surrounded by fashion, Nicolette is very well aware of clothes maketh the man, or more importantly how the right hair, makeup and clothing can completely change a woman's look and appearance. She is quite capable of acting the fairy godmother to her fellows and transforming others with a flick of a wrist, a bit of makeup and the right tweeks to an outfit. She has a thirst for knowledge about the intristicies of the lives of others and enjoys gossip and gaining information over others.... for purely innocent reasons she assures though whether she ever gains motive for blackmail is a different story. She has dreams of becoming a spy, egged on by detective novels and romances, and ponders becoming an auror - however actual law enforcement side of the business does not appeal to her. she wishes she were a metamormagi as that would've been an exciting talent and she would've enjoyed the flexibility in her appearance the talent would give her... however as she is very much not she spends quite a lot of energy inves that would change her appearance in other ways. "
Other: Her Patronus is a mimic octopus... which is probably the real reason she isn't interested in being an animagi as she feels that she may also become said octopus and that could be quite useless unless in set circumstances and upon reflection only a few animagi forms are useful and since you'd be registering them that takes the secrecy away.
As her grandfather was French Nicolette speaks both English and French with near perfect fluency.
Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.]
Name: Jen
Age: 31...........
Contact:Skype, Discord, PM?
Other Characters: See CML, Mostly Greta Gillenwater as main
How did you hear about us?: Echoes in my psyche.........