Ikenna "Ken" Farley | [18xx] father
Bess Farley née --- | [18xx] Mother
Delilah --- née Farley | [1864] Sister and family
Zipporah Farley | [1869] Sister
Jemima Farley | [1872] Sister, student
Noah Farley | [1874] Brother, student
[1861] Jacob Elijah is born to eager parents, Ken and Bess, a first son of many more children to come. [1864] Delilah follows, woo a sister!
[1868] Jake displays his first act of magic by accidentally levitating one of the household staff over something trivial. Whoops. [1869] Zipporah joins the family. [School Year 1872-73] Jacob heads off to Hogwarts and is promptly sorted into Gryffindor. He’s always been a loud and boisterous boy, adventurous and eager to make friends. Word reaches him not halfway into his first term that another sister has been welcomed into the house, to be named Jemima. [School Year 1873-74] Second year doesn’t amount to much. Jake’s made some good friends, gotten into a little trouble and at all of 12 years old a fistfight defending a muggleborn friend from some bullies. It earns him detention at school, but no punishments from home. Noah is born some time in here. [School Year 1874-75] Finally, third year, the good stuff! Jake adds Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures to his schedule. It’s a lot, but he’s not a terrible student if he puts some effort in. [School Year 1875-76] Delilah joins him at school and is sorted into ---. Fourth year sees him keeping afloat academically and soaring socially. He’s easy to get along with and an all around genial kind of guy so it’s not hard for him to get help where he needs it, especially from the ladies. [School Year 1876-77] The uproar of the magical community is largely lost on the fifth year, safely tucked away at Hogwarts. His family checks in, but they’re perfectly fine. OWLs are rough, but Jake comes out of them alright. It’s toward the end of this year that he thinks healing might be a good profession for him, but he’s not super sure about it. He does manage all the right OWLs to continue while he figures it out. [School Year 1877-78] Six year comes and goes without much mention. Jake tends to spend a little too much time flirting with pretty girls, but he pulls through on school exams alright. [School Year 1878-79] Jack buckles down and gets the NEWTs required to pursue healing and combined with his high marks in muggle studies, he spends the summer beginning his internship in the Spell Damage ward at St. Mungo’s and all of his free time reading up on muggle medicine. [Summer 1880] Jake completes his internship and is promoted to a regular healer in his ward. [1882] Delilah graduates and debuts. Jake is sometimes sequestered to chaperon her evenings, but he’s far too easily distracted by good discussion to play the proper part, so manages to get out of it more often than not. He gets an earful about take responsibility, but at nineteen, he’s still working on that whole first son thing. [1880-1889] Jake spends much of his twenties doing what semi-stable young men do with their time. He works plenty, parties plenty and spends some of his free time studying like a muggle doctor. Their practices are fascinating, how they can do anything without magic baffles him, but their tinctures and concoctions work almost as well as potions. He makes it through the summer of 1884 alright, though is the toughest of his professional life. His knowledge of muggle remedies comes in particularly handy during the fog in 1888 and he is temporarily relocated to Hosmeade to be of more use during the entire ordeal. Delilah marries at some point and Zipporah replaces her as family debutante. It’s all a bit beyond Jake, though he’s sure his time in his mother’s focus is coming as rapidly a his thirtieth birthday approaches. [January 1890] Jake is living the life, thinking about settling down, especially after his promotion to assistant head of his department early in the year.
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