The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Printable Version

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The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 11, 2020

The 12 Days of Charming 2k20

[Image: giphy.gif]

Hello Charmers and welcome to this year's 12 Days of Charming! For those of you unfamiliar with 12 Days, the first twelve days of December consist of a challenge, puzzle, or riddle to complete. Each day will unveil new prizes for you to win, courtesy of several Charming Elf Couriers! Completing consecutive days in a row will contribute to your streak. As in past years, the December challenge stamp is buried somewhere. You just never know when it'll pop up ;)

Completing all 12 Days will earn you this gorgeous little trinket!

Watch this space today for the first day's activity.... ;)

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 11, 2020

Day I

Well folks, I forgot that time zones are a thing and for some of you it’s not actually day anymore, but night. -facepalm-

Welcome to this year's 12 Days of Charming!

Today, we’re doing something a little different:
What song is this?

PM the song title to this account by 10:59pm PST to qualify!

I realize using song recognition is a thing, so you’re on your honor with this one. To make matters a bit more complicated please PM me what movie it’s from and the specific scene it’s used to open in the movie. (You don’t have to give me the title of the scene, just a brief description of what the scene is.)

Good luck!!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 12, 2020

Day II

[Image: tumblr_nz3k3d5YtJ1uhf5dmo1_500.gif]

Christmas at Hogwarts; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, where Hagrid hauls in the big Christmas tree before Hermione walks into the Great Hall to talk to Harry and Ron who are playing Wizard's Chess.

It was a genuine delight to read all your answers to yesterday's song! I hope it got y'all in the holiday spirit if you weren't already! Everyone who answered will receive a PM from me today asking which Hogwarts House you'd like to give 5 House Points!


[Image: a77ETj.png]
1. Rather large family that celebrates Hanukkah
5. District for the more respectable working class
6. Ship name involving Melody Crouch née Finch and Ben Crouch
7. Sterling - Auror who's gotten himself in his fair share of pickles in the past few years

2. Family: Many - Very - Energentic - Martians - Jump - Straight - Under - Nine - Planets
3. Moody Family? Wait no, that's not it...
4. Some of us waited with bated breath to see if this particular UC socialite was going to perish during chidlbirth...
5. Falcon - a peculiar name for a particularly rugged Scottish character

I've made a little crossword for everyone to complete! Complete it and send me your answers using the following form. There's no code word, just complete the puzzle!

PM your responses to this account by 10:59 pm PST to qualify!
(Note: Some answers yesterday were sent after the deadline, but since I severely blanked on timezones, I let it slide - going forward I'll post these at random times so everyone can get a chance to get their answers in first!)

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 13, 2020



Y'all were fast with this one! Kayte, Olive, and Bree all snagged themselves a mood board from yours truly! The rest of y'all contributed to your streak!

And now, here are the answers to the crossword:
1. Fisk: Rather large family that celebrates Hanukkah
5. Pennyworth: District for the more respectable working class
6. NCE: Ship name involving Melody Crouch née Finch and Ben Crouch
7. Benedict: Sterling - Auror who's gotten himself in his fair share of pickles in the past few years

2. Smith: Family: Many - Very - Energentic - Martians - Jump - Straight - Under - Nine - Planets
3. Moony: Moody Family? Wait no, that's not it...
4. Ursula: Some of us waited with bated breath to see if this particular UC socialite was going to perish...
5. Peregrine: Falcon - a peculiar name for a particularly rugged Scottish character

[Image: giphy.gif]

Our third challenge is a two-parter. For today, you must post HERE stating the following for 5 of your characters OR if you have less than 5, all of them!:
  • What is your character's favorite holiday (Christmas/Hanukkah) gift they've ever received?
  • What are your characters gifting to the people (at least 3) in their lives?
I know some of you have already said so over in Christmas Plots, but you MUST post in that thread for it to count!!

NO need to PM me, as I'll be watching that thread to determine order, however you MUST post by 10:59PM PST to qualify towards your streak!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 14, 2020

Day IV

[Image: giphy.gif]

Yesterday Kelly, Finn, and Emma all took home an Immortality Discount! Everyone else contributed to their streak!


There are FOUR Calling Birds photos hidden around the board for you to find! Since yesterday was a bit of a toughie for y'all, I've made this a little easier this time around. How so? Once you find one, the rest are hidden in the same forum ;) That's right, if you find one of them, no need to look in other sections of the board; it's only a matter of time until you find all four!

NOTE: I can't remember if I deleted all the birds for the Escape the Aviary challenge a while back, so in the interest of NOT getting confused, all the pictures you'll need to find will look like the one featured above - if you find any others that don't look like this, they aren't it! They are also NOT in the archives.

Once you find them, please PM them to me by 10:59PM PST in THIS format:
1. [url=LINK]Thread Title[/url]
2. [url=POSTLINK]Thread Title[/url]
3. [url=POSTLINK]Thread Title[/url]
4. [url=POSTLINK]Thread Title[/url]

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 15, 2020

Day V


As a lot of y'all figured out, yesterday all the calling birds were in the Post! The birds were in the following threads: Dear Lyra, All We Are, Desperate Measures and Matilda and Miss Honey pt 3

Yesterday, everyone took home 10 HP for a house of their choosing! Please be on the lookout for a PM from me asking which house and student you'd like to give your points to!


Listen, this year's been hard on a lot of us. Send me a PM stating at least 1 positive thing about you, OR 1 thing you're proud of yourself for completing. It doesn't matter if it's something big or small, I don't care if it's "I finally did the laundry after holding it off" or "I sat down and finally had some me time." As long as it's genuine, I'll count it!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 16, 2020

Day VI


I'm so proud of all of you guys!! Reading your messages has warmed my heart, and I'm so SO happy that we've all been able to find some little moments here and there amongst the complete SHIRTHOLE that this year has been. If y'all ever need to talk, please know I'm always here! <3

Oh, right, and everyone who participated in yesterday's took home the shiny December Challenge stamp!! Honestly, we should just call it the 2020 Challenge stamp...


Victorian Britain saw many a holiday tradition. In a post of 300+ words, depict one! This post must be set during the month of December and be posted on Dec 16th, 2020. It can be a starter or a reply to an existing thread.

PM the link to your posts to me by 10:59PMPST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 17, 2020



Yesterday saw Kelly and Lauren take home a set OR moodboard from the incomparable Bee!

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


Our day SEVEN challenge is in the form of a lovely word search with an encrypted code word! The bolded letters in the answers below will give you the code word to send to me. As with last year, in addition to sending me the answers and code word, you'll also have to send me a GIF that relates to what the codeword is!

1. Dumbledore has a scar that's a perfect map of what?
_ _ _    [space]    _ [_] _ _ _ _   [space]    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. What flavor of toothpaste does Hermione smell in Amortentia?
_ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _

3. What does Dumbledore see himself holding when he looks into the Mirror of Erised?
_ _ _ _ _ [_]  [space]    _ _ _ _ _

4. This formidable Hogwarts teacher was a famous hatstall.
_ _ _ _ _ _ [_]

5. A Bezoar is found in what part of the goat?
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _

6. There are 142 of these in Hogwarts
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] _

7. What fly do you add into Polyjuice Potion?
_ _ _ _ _ _ [_] _

8. Luna Lovegood says Nargles infest this.
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _

9. Wood of the wand of a particular Veela named Phlegm...
_ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _

PM your answers me by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 18, 2020



That gif is too precious to not be used twice. Manny Jacinto is amazing.


MJ, Kit, and Emma all took home an Against the Odds for this 12 Days Challenge!

As y'all figured out, I messed up on the last question - while I edited it, it originally said "wand core" when I meant to say "wand wood". Luckily y'all are smart and were able to see through my mistake ;) The answers were as follows:
1. The London Underground
2. Spearmint
3. Wollen Socks
4. Minerva
5. Stomach
6. Staircases
7. Lacewing
8. Mistletoe
9. Rosewood

& the code word was ORNAMENTS!

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


It's one of my favorite 12 Days traditions!! Y'all it's time to spread the love and make your fellow Charmers feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Write some anonymous compliments to be sent to four of your fellow Charmers

PM your compliments and their intended recipients to me by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 19, 2020

Day IX


Y'all the compliments you sent in yesterday warmed my heart!!! Thank you to those who also sent some to me even if it wasn't anonymous. I'll be sending them along to y'all today! I love you all and I'm so glad you're a part of this community!

Yesterday saw Elaine, Bree, and Kelly take home a stamp from our Retired Stamp Collection!

In addition to the compliments, we also received a letter to everyone:

Dear Charming
Well, I think its safe to say this has been a thoroughly rotten year without much let up from the world. We’ve all been through the mill and I know the strain on everyone’s mental health has been tough, no matter what industry we work in or country we call home. Fortunately we are part of this wonderful community; and while we may have come to this site looking for an outlet for one particular interest I hope that, like me, you also feel as though you’ve made true friends here.

I think everyone on this site brings something unique and wonderful to the world of Charming (I might even go so far as to say that you all make this a magical place!) and no matter what 2021 might bring this will always be a place where you are all valued and loved.

So Merry Christmas to some of the most thoughtful, talented and resilient people I have ever had the privilege of knowing <3 <3 <3

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


Today's challenge is something we've done before, however, we're going about this a bit differently!

Your challenge today is to use all the words below in a post of at least 300+ words however you are not to look up the definitions! That's right, use those beautiful brains of yours to try and deduce what the words mean and tomorrow I'll post the definitions!

I'm excited to see what beautiful creations you've come up with!

Bit 'o Raspberry
Needles and pins
Next thing to judgement day

COPY + PASTE your responses here by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 20, 2020

Day X


Alright, everyone! Yesterday's challenge saw Fallin, Kelly and Lauren get a set from yours truly! Keep on the lookout for instructions in your inbox!

Y'all, reading your posts was an absolute delight! I hope you get a good laugh or smile out of these. Re-read your post! Does your post now have a new meaning behind it? xD

Afternoonified: a society word meaning SMART
Batty-Fang: to thrash thoroughly
Bit 'o Raspberry: an attractive girl
Gigglemug: a perpetually happy face
Pantry-Politics: servants' talk; gossiping from below stairs
Revolveress: A woman who uses a pistol with a great degree of surety.
Daisy-five-'o-clocker: A charming five 'o clock tea
Needles and pins: warning against marriage. The rhyming runs — Pins and needles, needles and pins. When a man marries his trouble begins.
Next thing to judgment day (wholly American): absolute social shock
Reelings (rhyme): feelings

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


ALRIGHT Y'ALL. Today we've got another crossword-ish puzzle coming at ya. This time, please PM me with all three of the following:
1. The answers
2. The Code Word
3. A gif relating to the code word!

1. I've got to find my son! [aka Mr. Grumpy Gills] [_] _ _ _
2. Will this little thorny fella ever be a real boy again?_ [_] _ _ _ _
3. Family whose matriarch perished, but not before indirectly torturing one of her children..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_]
4. December 25th [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
5. The only person who can control Peeves _ _ _ _ _ _ [space] _ _ [_] _ _
6. Hark the Herald, they sing![_] _ _ _ _ _
7. Often done in groups gathered around on one's doorstep during the holidays. [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. Eventual owner of the fake locket [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Don't we all wish we had a ____ sweater during Christmastime?_ [_] _ _ _ _ _
10. He might love dangerous creatures a bit too much..._ _ _ [_] _ _

PM your answers to me by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 21, 2020

Day X


Yesterday saw Fallin earn a full Profile Customization from Bree and I! The code word yesterday was NUTCRACKER, and the answers to yesterdays were:

1. I've got to find my son! [aka Mr. Grumpy Gills]NEMO
2. Will this little thorny fella ever be a real boy again?AUBREY
3. Family whose matriarch perished, but not before indirectly torturing one of her children...PENDERGAST
4. December 25th CHRISTMAS
5. The only person who can control Peeves BLOODY BARON
6. Hark the Herald, they sing!ANGELS
7. Often done in groups gathered around on one's doorstep during the holidays. CAROLING
8. Eventual owner of the fake locket KREACHER
9. Don't we all wish we had a ____ sweater during Christmastime?WEASLEY
10. He might love dangerous creatures a bit too much...HAGRID

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


Today, we have a riddle to answer! The gif doesn't have much to do with today's challenge, but it makes me giggle.

Tiny and small, pesky are we
Sometimes we move too fast for you to see
Careful! —
Beware —
Before you know it
This gold lock will be broken
and the boy’s feet will be dangling far below ‘im!

Who are we?

PM your answer to me by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!

RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 22, 2020



Yesterday's riddle was answered first by Elaine and saw her earn a Featured Wanted Ad!

The answer to the riddle was Cornish Pixies — with the words "pesky" and "lock" being the keywords.

Peskipiksi Pesternomi was the (failed) incantation Gilderoy Lockhart used to attempt to herd them. The boy was a reference to Neville Longbottom being strung up by the weird chandeliers in the DADA room!

Tiny and small, pesky are we
Sometimes we move too fast for you to see
Careful! —
Beware —
Before you know it
This gold lock will be broken
and the boy’s feet will be dangling far below ‘im!

Who are we?

A NOTE: please check your streak to make sure you've been given the proper credit for your days! If you're missing one, just DM me on any platform to let me know, it's entirely possible I've missed a few. Thanks in advance for being patient! <3


For our FINAL day of 12 Days, we've another crossword to complete! It's also a bit longer than the last one ;)

[Image: aTjTuX.png]


6. looks an awful lot like Dr. Strange
7. the most devious of debutantes
9. betrayer of the DA in the movies
11. christener of Ron's annoying owl
12. Kayte's lovable nickname
13. I love; whose 10th Charmaversary occurred this week
14. Hermione's Middle Name
15. a specific family whom Dolores Umbridge claimed she was related to in the 7th book; a family here on Charming

1. the name our founder originally went by
2. IC place that features golden orbs that can sometimes attach themselves to you
3. A Headmaster's middle name (one of many)
4. almost killed his sister in this year's Quidditch World Cup
5. recently started courting, though her flirtation with him started after an encounter with a boggart
8. the "Miss Honey" figure in this paring, as it were
10. a particularly ambitious young Slytherin student with a special bond to the house matron

PM your answers to me with the code below by 10:59PM PST tonight to qualify!




RE: The 12 Days of Charming | 2020 - Amelia Evans - December 23, 2020


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! !

Yesterday, Kayte & Lauren both took home an MJ set and Kayte, Lauren, Fallin and Emma all earned a Golden Ticket allowing them to bypass any one round of the upcoming Winter Labyrinth!

This year we had sixteen of you lovely Charmers participate in 12 Days with a whopping EIGHT of you completing every. single. challenge that my brain could throw at you! Let's give a round of applause to Amy (Hermia Bonaccord), Bree (Holly Scrimgeour), Emma (Melody Crouch), Elaine, (Sophie Ruskin), Finn (Billie Farrow), Kelly (@"Acacia Ruskin"), Kit, (Roberto Devine), Lauren (Elladora Black) and Olive (Ursula Black) for completing each challenge and earning the beautiful 12 Days of Charming Stamp to add to their collections!!

And extra thank you so much to Bee (@"Elsie Beauregard"), Bree and MJ (Elias Grimstone) for being my special Charming Elves and donating their talents to the prize pool <3

Seriously, thank you all for participating and making this holiday season a bit more bearable (though I won't lie, I'm glad my PM box will remain empty for a while xDD). I'm so grateful for all of you and our beautiful little community. Now get yourselves ready for Winter Labyrinth!! And we'll see y'all next year for 12 Days of Charming 2k21 ;)


9. CHO
14. JEAN
