Mateo Zavala - Printable Version

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Mateo Zavala - Mateo Zavala - September 7, 2020

Full Name: Mateo William Zavala
Nicknames: Mattie
Birthdate: August 26, 1879
Current Age: 11 Years
Occupation: First Year
Reputation: 8; Has a tendency to end up involved in shenanigans and his brother has a mild reputation.
Residence: Pennyworth in Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: To be sorted
Wand: 12". Flexible. Dogwood. Kelpie hair.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Alessandro Zavala, father
Elizabeth Jane Zavala, mother
Esteban Zavala, brother
Appearance: Mateo has brown hair that has a tendency to curl, brown eyes and an infectious smile. He is four feet, four inches and is reasonably built for a child of his age and circumstances. He tends to wear clothing that is practical and dark in color. He is ambidextrous but will favor his right hand for his wand.

1879: Mateo is born as a surprise, late in life child to Alessandro and Elisabeth Jane Zavala.
1883: The Quidditch World Cup is upon them which is an exciting time for the family.
1884: Mateos mother falls ill during the laughing plague. She recovers but it was still very frightening for the young boy.
1885: Mateo shows his first signs of magic.
1886: The family are able to move into a nice family home in Pennyworth which is largely due to Alessandro having been hired on as a Quidditch Coach.
1888: An odd fog engulfs Hogsmeade which is pretty frightening. Mateo is not allowed to play outside during the entirety of it and it unintentionally causes him to develop claustrophobia.
1890: Mateo is quite excited as he gets his very own wand and is slated to start at Hogwarts in September. Another major excitement was that his big brother was captain of the British National Team! But they did not win and there was a death that resulted in beaters being banned from Quidditch.

Personality: Playful, Curious, Athletic, Charismatic, Outgoing, Reckless
Other: - Like his brother and father, Mateo has a deep love for Quidditch.
Name: Kit
Age: 32
Contact: PM, Discord, Skype

Mateo Zavala - Cassius Lestrange - September 7, 2020

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