Klaus Lestrange, father (1801-1875)Appearance: Priam stands at the typical height for the males in his family, at five feet ten. He was always considered the more good looking between Klaus Lestrange's sons, though Orestes didn't really give him much competition. He has a long face, small lips, a Greek nose, green eyes, and brown hair. He dresses smartly for work, in muggle suits, though he personally wishes society could return to a purer, more 'magical' fashion. When he doesn't have to wear muggle suits, he opts for robes. He's right-handed.
Silvia Lestrange nee Turnbull, mother (1819-1884)
Orestes Lestrange, brother (1836-1885)
Notable mentions are the following nieces, that became Priam's wards following Orestes' death:Andromache Pettigrew nee Lestrange, sister (1839)
Frida Lestrange (1873)
Gretchen Lestrange (1874)
Meta Lestrange (1876)
Hilda Lestrange (1881-1885)
Nephele Lestrange nee Selwyn, wife & cousin (1858)
Agape Lestrange, daughter (1881)
Euphrosyne Lestrange, daughter (1884)
Parthena Lestrange, daughter (1889)
1844 — He is only a toddler when he displays his first sign of magic, by making his toys float around the room.
1847 — Orestes goes off to Hogwarts where he is sorted in Slytherin. Priam is only a toddler, so he doesn't think much of it. He was too young to have a significant relationship with Orestes or to know what Hogwarts is. It should be noted, however, that growing up Priam was always influenced by his brother.
1850 — Andromache joins Orestes at Hogwarts, though she's sorted into Gryffindor. It's kind of a big deal at home and it is then that Priam learns that Slytherin is the superior house at Hogwarts.
1856 — Six years after Andromache, it is Priam's turn to go to Hogwarts. The Hat initially considers Ravenclaw for him, seeing that he'd always been a rather intellectually driven boy, but Priam pleads to be sent to Slytherin instead. He didn't want to disappoint his family.
1858 — Priam was only a second year when his sister was married off to some man named Leonard Pettigrew. At the time, Priam thought his new brother-in-law's name to be funny.
1860 — Priam is picked as his house's prefect.
1862 — Priam is made the Head Boy in his seventh year.
1863 — Priam graduates from Hogwarts. He joins the rather Lestrange-dominated Department of Mysteries. He likes his position well enough, as it enables him to research advanced Magical Theory, which has always been a passion of his. That being said, he is rather disappointed that he can't speak about most of the things he discovers in his papers that are in the making.
1864 - 1866 — Priam publishes some papers in magical scientific journals. In them, he has a rather Darwinistic approach to how wizards and generally magical beings are at the top of the evolution game. He is generally well-received by the conservative purist scholars.
1867 — Experience at the DoM and family connections get him a position at the Research committee in spite of being only 23.
1869 — Priam publishes a book with his theories. Once again, it is rather well-received in the conservative scholarly circles.
Decade of 1870 — Priam publishes more books on his version of Magical Darwinism and Magical Theory.
1876 — Even though they've always known one another because of their family relationship, Priam properly "meets" his cousin Nephele Selwyn at her coming-out ball. The two are both rather eccentric and intellectually inclined and he is fascinated by her. In any case, she is soon betrothed to some pureblood.
1878 — Nephele's betrothed dies. Their 'flame' is rekindled. Priam is glad that she has to go through an obligatory period of mourning, so she is off the market.
1879 — Priam approaches his uncle and aunt and asks for Nephele's hand. Even though Aunt Katherina would have preferred for her daughters to marry outside of the family, she agrees, seeing that Priam had been the only one to show interest in her daughter.
1880 — After a year of courtship and a period of engagement, Priam marries his cousin.
1881 — Their first child is born, a daughter who they name Agape after the Greek word for love. It is a rather difficult pregnancy and the couple is worried whether they'll have issues bringing more children into the world.
1882 — Priam becomes Head of the Research Committee. This promotion is great for him, as it enables him to somewhat discredit those who criticize his work. Even though he doesn't openly censor any works, he does make it easier for those he favours to publish their papers.
1884 — A plague hits magical Britain and takes the lives of many of his relatives. Notably, his mother's and Orestes' wife's. Priam promptly quarantines himself and Nephele in the family fortress, especially since Nephele is pregnant. She delivers their second child, another daughter, in the summer, during the chaos of the pandemic. They name her Euphrosyne as a nod to the Laughing Plague. (Euphrosyne means happiness in Greek.)
1885 — Orestes is killed at the explosion at the Ministry. That leaves his children orphaned. Lucius takes in the boy, Kristoffer and the girls are put under Priam's care. Since he already had two daughters, the family considered that it'd be easier for the girls to settle into his household. Also, Lucius didn't care about the girls. Priam doesn't mind this new addition to his household and he is a kind guardian to his nieces.
This is the year when he is also given a seat on the Wizengamot.
1886 — Hilda is murdered by trolls.
1887 — Priam runs for Minister because his family tells him so. While he receives the support of most conservative UCPBs, he's not elected. Instead, the man elected, Justin Ross, seems even more progressive than the previous Minister, Balthazar Urquart. Priam privately wonders who elected that man. Even though his only a soft purist, he does think that everyone should know their place and he is afraid that Ross will make their community overly muggle.
1888 — Lucius becomes the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot following Herschel Dawlish's death. That's good, as it balances out Justin Ross being the Minister.
Priam discovers the Church of Magical Jesus. He likes the message that pureblood wizards were chosen by God.
1889 — After three years, Priam and Nephele have another daughter. They are happy simply to have a child and they attribute her birth to a blessing of God. They name her Parthena, which in Greek means virgin.
Priam is by far one of the warmest Lestranges you could meet. He is generally considered more approachable than, say, Lucius Lestrange. He is adaptable and easily grows fond of things and people. He is loyal to his family and loving to the youngest members of his family. He has a fondness for art, music, Quidditch, and animals. He is easily gullible, especially by members of his family. There's also a bipolarity between his more conservative and eccentric side.
— Priam is only a soft purist. He doesn't hate on muggles, he simply believes that they are at a lower evolutionary step than wizards.
— He loves dogs.
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