Cosmina C. Pucey {DONE} - Printable Version

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Cosmina C. Pucey {DONE} - Cosmina Pucey - June 23, 2020

Full Name: Cosmina Calypso Pucey (née Abercrombie)
Nicknames: Cossy and Mina are frequently used by friends/family; she expects Mrs. Pucey from everyone else
Birthdate: July 30th, 1858
Current Age: 31
Occupation: Socialite
Reputation: 9
While respectable overall, Cosmina and her twin sister raised a few eyebrows by marrying another set of twins, the Pucey brothers.
Residence: London, England
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Alumna
Wand: Sprucewood, 13", Dragon Heartstring, Firm
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Ambrose Pucey, Husband (b. 1850)
Hadrian Pucey, Son (b. 1881); twin
Horatio Pucey, Son (b. 1881); twin

Morcombe Abercrombie, Father (b. 1821)
Bernadette Abercrombie (née Flint), Mother (b. 1829)
Elwin Abercrombie, Brother (b. 1850)
--- Evelyn Abercrombie (née Pendergast), Sister-in-law (b. 1863)
--- Ares Abercrombie, Nephew (b. 1884)
--- Ambrosia Abercrombie, Niece (b. 1885)
--- Araminta Abercrombie, Niece (b. 1888)
Callista Pucey (née Abercrombie), Twin Sister (b. 1858)
--- Augustus Pucey, Brother-in-law (b. 1850)
--- ----- Pucey, Niece (b. 1878)
--- ----- Pucey, Nephew (b. 1881)
--- another 1-3 children

Gerald Abercrombie, Uncle (b. 1825)
Winifred Abercrombie (née ------), Aunt (b. 1832)
Everard Abercrombie, 1st Cousin (b. 1855); and family
Delilah ------ (née Abercrombie), 1st Cousin (b. 1858); and family
Gaston Abercrombie, 1st Cousin (b. 1862)
Lydia Abercrombie, 1st Cousin (b. 1865)
Eleanora "Nora" Abercrombie, 1st Cousin (b. 1869)

-- Stands taller than average at 5'5".
-- A heart-shaped face is framed by thick, dark-brown hair paired with almond-shaped brown eyes, a small nose, and bow-shaped lips.
-- Her pear-shaped body is often accentuated by the use of corsets, but even without them, she is of average height and weight for her build.
-- Her wardrobe, while less flashy than it had been in her youth, is certainly no less extravagant now as she focuses more on quality and than quantity. She is a long-standing and loyal customer of Mr. Lytton, and her wardrobe is almost entirely of his works.
-- She wields a wand and a quill with her right hand.
SUMMER OF 1858 | Cosmina Abercrombie is born, followed swiftly by her twin sister, Callista, on a scorching hot day in July. After eight years since the birth of their first child — a boy named Elwin — the Morcombe Abercrombies had almost all but given up on conceiving again, but the twins' arrival had renewed their hope on that front. Especially so in Mrs. Abercrombie's case, who had accepted the girls without hesitation knowing that they were likely to be her last children, though Mr. Abercrombie had taken a little longer to warm up to his new daughters, the negative connotation of twins having been forefront in his mind at the time, though he did, eventually, come to be very fond of them as they grew.

YEARS 1858 - 1862 | From the moment they were born, the twins were inseparable — and, perhaps to their detriment, everyone seemingly encouraged this. From matching cribs to matching outfits to matching dolls to anything that could conceivably be matched, the twins likely had them, and at one point, the nanny even had to tie different-colored ribbons around their wrists to tell them apart. As they grew older, however, and their personalities became more distinct, this was a little easier to achieve. Cosmina was the bolder and more outgoing of the two, which definitely helped to set them apart a little, though they were similar in every other respect — including having a natural competitive streak.

In 1861, when the twins were three, their brother leaves for Hogwarts where he was sorted into the ------ house. Naturally, Cosmina remembers little of this.

YEAR OF 1863 | Cosmina and Callista begin their pre-Hogwarts education with a governess. They learn the finer points of what it means to be a lady of good breeding, and though Cosmina had a habit of skiving off the subjects she wasn't interested in, she excelled in those that she did. Especially if there was a lesson that Callista did well in, Cosmina wanted to be better.

YEAR OF 1865 | Cosmina displays her first act of magic at age eight. An argument between the two girls saw Cosmina accidentally vanish one of her sister's favorite dolls into seemingly thin air. It was never found again.

SUMMER OF 1868 | Elwin graduates from Hogwarts, filling up his post-school life with appropriate Upper Class gentleman pastimes. With eight years between them and Elwin being away at school for most of their childhood, the twins have had a rather distant relationship with their elder brother then, and it was strange at first to have him around the house on a more permanent basis.

SUMMER OF 1869 | The twins receive their respective Hogwarts acceptance letters. Naturally, they were given two of everything on the supply list, though their choice of an animal companion and their wands — a ginger Kneazle cat for Cosmina and a 13" Sprucewood wand with a Dragon Heartstring core — were entirely their own.

1869 - 1870; FIRST YEAR | In another spectacular show of "twin-ness", the girls were both sorted into Gryffindor, though Cosmina was a little irked that her name hadn't come first alphabetically, as it then appeared as if she had chosen to follow Callista rather than be sorted properly. Fortunately, as time went on, there was little reason to suspect that Cosmina wasn't a true Gryffindor. Academically, she was a bright pupil, excelling more in wand-based subjects than those of pure theory (she never could find interest in History of Magic and she held little patience for Astronomy, but Magic Theory would go on to play a big part in her spell-creation endeavors), but it was socially where she shined the most. Her social circle mainly consisted of other pureblooded students of her age group (as they were who she grew up with), but she was always perfectly friendly to those outside of her social class and blood status and was in a variety of student clubs during her years at school.

1870 - 1871; SECOND YEAR | A few weeks after the twins began their second year, Cosmina experiences her first big loss in life when their paternal grandmother passes away from a prolonged illness. Having always been fairly close to her grandmother, Cosmina had been terribly saddened by her death and threw her grief into her school life. With one less class to attend to (Magic Theory), she adds Leisure Sports to her two other student clubs.

1871 - 1872; THIRD YEAR | In truth, Cosmina had found none of the electives on offer particularly compelling, though she'd been obligated to choose at least one, and went with Divination. It seemed the least boring of the eight classes and appeared easy enough that she could coast through with an Acceptable until NEWTs.

1872 - 1873; FOURTH YEAR | Cosmina was nearly fifteen when she began her monthly courses, followed very soon after by her twin. They were both given the awkward talk of what happens when a woman starts menstruating, though it did nothing to actually answer why they had to go through it, and Cosmina had come away feeling more confused than when she'd gone in.

1873 - 1874; FIFTH YEAR | Cosmina was rather disheartened when she headed back to school for her fifth year sans a shiny prefect's badge. She had been so certain that she would have been chosen, but supposed that they could have done worse than Winifred Hales, who she got on with particularly well. At least Callista hadn't been chosen either.

She sat her OWLs at the end of the year, acquiring Os and Es in Charms, DADA, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.

1874 - 1875; SIXTH YEAR | Cosmina and Callista enter their NEWT years, and Cosmina continued her studies with Charms, DADA, Potions, and Transfiguration. This is also the year that she began experimenting with spell creation under the guidance of one of her favorite professors. She wasn't foolish enough to attempt anything on her own, and they were mostly harmless Charms anyway.

SUMMER OF 1875 | Her parents discover her spell-creating endeavors, and they weren't... thrilled about it, honestly. Her father thought that it was dangerous and her mother claimed that it wasn't ladylike, which Cosmina tried her best to argue that it was neither to no avail. It was only when the threat of being sent off to finishing school instead of completing her Hogwarts education was mentioned that Cosmina finally complied with their wishes and set it aside — though it pained her to do so.

1875 - 1876; SEVENTH YEAR | The twins returned to Hogwarts for their seventh and final year of schooling, though the events of the summer had caused Cosmina to lose her drive to do well academically, and she focused more on her social life instead. It was clear that this was what her parents wished for her to do instead, so she had given it her all, especially on the night of her debut. She had made sure to dazzle since she had debuted as neither a Prefect nor Head Girl.

SUMMER OF 1876 | She's a natural in society life, taking to it like a duck to water, and though she'd had plenty of admirers, none of them seriously stuck. It wasn't until a dinner party hosted by her parents later in the summer that Cosmina would meet the man who would later be her husband. Perhaps it had been a strategic move on their parents' part, introducing the Abercrombie twins to the Pucey brothers (who were also twins), and while normally Cosmina would have been irritated by this as was determined to make her own match, she had found that she couldn't truly be angry as she was very much drawn to the elder of the two men, Ambrose — and Callista was much the same with the younger, Augustus.

YEAR OF 1877 | The courtship of the Pucey brothers to the Abercrombie sisters was announced in January of that year with an engagement following in the summer. The peculiarity of the situation had raised quite a few eyebrows, but not so much that the wedding invitations had gone unresponded to, and it was a proper society wedding that Cosmina and Callista Abercrombie had become the new Mrs. Puceys in September.

YEAR OF 1878 | It was Callista who had fallen pregnant first, much to Cosmina's dismay — though she had tried, for her sister's sake, to hide her jealousy. Her disappointment was somewhat assuaged by the birth of her new niece at the end of the year, however.

YEAR OF 1880 | Three years of marriage, and still, there was no child. Rumors began circulating about her ability to conceive, and though Ambrose claimed that he was not bothered by this and he was ever the optimist that they would have a child eventually, Cosmina wasn't so easily reassured. To combat her ever-increasing distress, Cosmina distracts herself with society life, her parties getting bigger, more creative, and more lavish as time wore on.

YEAR OF 1881 | Callista has a boy. She does not blame her sister for her good fortune, but this also does nothing to help Cosmina's frame of mind, and she could tell that Ambrose, despite his love for her, was beginning to lose his patience.

YEAR OF 1882 | After consulting a string of healers and taking endless advice and (mostly harmless) potions, Cosmina finally falls pregnant after five years of marriage, and was rewarded for her wait with not just one but two boys — Hadrian and Horatio Pucey, after relatives within the family. Incredibly proud of her achievement, she does not hesitate to show them off whenever she has the chance.

YEAR OF 1883 | Her elder brother, Elwin, gets married to Miss Evelyn Pendergast. Despite her natural reserve, Cosmina had had little trouble welcoming her new sister-in-law with open arms and found that she rather enjoyed the younger woman's (albeit quieter) company. Something that both she and Callista seemed to share, and they had felt it their duty to have the new Mrs. Abercrombie out in society as much as possible. She was their sister now, and sisters looked out for each other — social health and all. (Also, it did not hurt to have a fortuitous connection such as Olivia Pendergast's daughter.)

YEAR OF 1884 | Her brother's new wife produces an heir, a baby boy named Ares Abercrombie. With her own boys now in the picture, it is easier to dote on her siblings' children, and young Ares was no exception.

Summer also saw the Laughing Plague being brought to Hogsmeade, though the Puceys and the Abercrombies were safely ensconced elsewhere in their comfortable mansions to need not fear falling ill. The same could not have been said for their distant relatives, however, and they were one of many families thrown in mourning by summer's end.

YEAR OF 1885 | Evelyn is safely delivered of another child again, this name a girl named Ambrosia Abercrombie. Cosmina is somewhat envious as she would have loved to have a daughter of her own, but feeling fortunate that she even had her boys, to begin with, couldn't complain as she once might have done.

YEAR OF 1888 | Her niece, Araminta Abercrombie is born.

YEAR OF 1890 - PRESENT | The summer Season is in full-swing again, bringing with it not one but two Lestrange-Pendergast weddings, which saw her sister-in-law responsible for. With the announcement of Sandition Terrace, both Pucey branches follow the Abercrombies in taking a house there for the summer, and Cosmina is quite looking forward to seeing what the new Season has in store — with a few ideas of her own to add!

Leo. ESFJ. Practical, though she can be controlled by her emotions at times. Strong sense of duty. Proud. Confident. Very loyal. Affectionate. Outgoing. Sensitive and warm. Good at connecting with others. Naturally creative and flamboyant. Competitive. Romantic. Impatient; she doesn't like to dawdle on things that can be done quickly and efficiently. Spendthrift; she's never had to worry about money once in her life, and thus was never taught how to manage it. Generous. Enthusiastic. Very preoccupied with social status, and cares what everyone thinks despite her best efforts to convince herself otherwise. Thrives on praise. Protective. Stubborn. Surprisingly open-minded.
-- Her patronus is a Peacock; rarely does she cast it except for showing off entertainment purposes.
-- Her amortentia is Ambrose's cologne, sea salt (a nod to her childhood home), and her twins' hair.
-- Magical Skills: Excels in Charms, used to experiment with creating her own back in school before her parents put a stop to it.
-- Non-Magical Skills: She is fluent in French and Italian, and can read and write Latin. She is, of course, well-versed in the womanly arts, though her talent in those areas is no better than the next woman of her station.
Name: Miri
Age: 23

Cosmina C. Pucey {DONE} - Elias Grimstone - June 26, 2020

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