Anarcha Merrythought, mother (1850)Appearance: Merry is tall and has a sharp and somewhat bony figure. She is not so much beautiful as she is striking. Even though she doesn't know who her father is, she can guess that he is white, as her skin is much lighter than her mother's. She has cat-shaped, dark brown eyes. Her hair is dark brown also. Her lips have a beautiful, full shape and her cheekbones rival her wit in sharpness. She is right-handed.
The only parent Merry has ever known. Anarcha had Merry at fifteen, after being impregnated by a wealthier, older student at Hogwarts. She did her best at raising Merry on her own, by working various odd jobs. She is currently a seamstress for the House of Lytton. Merry fiercely loves her mother but she also thinks her foolish for getting herself pregnant.
Ernest Mulciber, father (1847)
Merry never learned who her father is and she doesn't particularly care to find out either. He wasn't with her as he grew up, so what use would he be to her now? Ironically, there are times when she considers applying for a position at the Department of Mysteries.
Fashion-wise, even though Merry isn't the sort to waste money on clothes, she does enjoy to dress in a way that favors her figure. She is aware that a woman has nothing to lose by being attractive, so she takes care of her appearance.
The time for her to leave her parents' house was when Merry started showing signs of magic. They tended to be... aggressive. For example, one time, while her grandmother was having a go at Anarcha, Merry made the item she was holding burning hot, which caused a serious burn to the old woman's hand. Another time, she caused a ball to hit another child in the face, after getting angry at him. Merry would feel bad for hurting people after she did it, but during she would truly want to cause harm.
They move to a boarding house somewhere in the London slums. While Anarcha worked, Merry was left at the house of some old lady who made a living out of babysitting the children of other working class women. There, Merry quickly gained all of the children's respect because she was kind of scary.
She makes a few friends there, but the only one that persists is to a girl in her year and House, Fallon Abernathy. She is the only person who has never let Merry down and to whom Merry eventually feels comfortable to be vulnerable around.
Merry manages to complete all seven years of Hogwarts thanks to her outstanding grades. She would also work during the summer, so she would help ease her economic situation.
At Hogwarts, it quickly becomes apparent that Merry has a calling for the Dark Arts. First, she is really talented at defensive magic. Then, Merry's interests start to trail off to a darker path. She begins to be interested in the actual dark arts. There were so many ways in which dark magic could make one's life easier. There were times when she fantasizing about finding a rich fool and using Imperio to get them to give her money. There were times when she feels so angry with certain people, that she fantasizes about torturing them, or killing them. She feels guilty for having those thoughts, but she can't cast them away either. She battles this shadow self of hers, by being really against crime and dark wizards.
However, she starts to show Anakin Skywalker vibes to her mentor. During a field test, Galatea goes overboard on the violence and he decides that Merry might not have the needed mental capacity to be an Auror. Even though she outwardly seems to have a strong moral compass, Merry could get... dark, when provoked.
As such, she fails to make it to her third year of auror training. Merry is angry. She confronts her old mentor and while they do have an exchange similar to Anakin and Obi-Wan, Merry doesn't lose any limbs. She is angry, disappointed and she takes to drinking and occasional rage sex with close friends, to fight with the pain. The only person who manages to get her out of the rut is Fallon, who does end up becoming a full-fledged auror. At first, Merry fights it hard not to feel bitter and jealous, but it isn't Fallon's fault that she doesn't make the program, but Not Obi-Wan's. And hers, but Merry can't admit as much to herself.
Merry also finds jobs as a free-lance curse breaker of sorts. She's hired by people who need their cursed objects fixed, etc.
In her free time, Merry studies dark magic. She's particularly interested in the study of cursed objects. She manages to procure such things occasionally, which she studies to better understand their properties and what they do. It's odd, because she can sense that Fallon isn't very comfortable with those interests of hers, but Merry assures her that she's studying them for good causes, so she can use that knowledge to help people. And that is true, Merry doesn't have any intentions of cursing objects to hurt people, but she does learn fascinating things and sometimes when she gets angry or disappointed... She can't help but fantasize about causing others harm.
※ Merry is cold and harsh and has the tendency to bottle up her feelings. She feels awkward about displaying emotion and she is the worst at comforting others. Only a few have the privilege of witnessing Merry's softer side.
※ Pragmatic and realistic. Merry is a cynic, that is her shield against the harshness of life.
※ Merry carries bitterness about the world but she hates to have a victim mentality and she can't stand those who do.
※ She can have a terrifying temper.
※ There were times when she really wants to harm others and she has sadistic tendencies, which she feels deeply ashamed about.
※ She has an avoidant attachment style.
※ Merry isn't a virgin, but nobody but her and the person she has sex with know that. She is very careful about not getting pregnant and not making her sex life public.
※ She can cast a corporeal patronus, which takes the form of a scorpion.
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