Full Name: Harper David James
Nicknames: Harpo, Harpy, Jamie
Birthdate: 04/05/1858
Current Age: 32 Years
Occupation: Healer, Spell Damage, Hogsmeade Hospital
Reputation: 9 – no major family scandals, outgoing and regular member of society, perhaps getting a little old to not be married
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Willow, 12 ¼'', pliant, unicorn hair
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Middle
Family: - Robert James (Father) 1832-present
- Emma James nee White (Mother) 1834-1870
- Elizabeth James (Paternal Grandmother) 1812-1879
- Adelia James (Sister) 1860-present
- Nellie James (Sister) 1863-present
Appearance: Harper is just under 6 feet tall (5 ft. 11 in. to be precise) with a slim but healthy build. He prefers to wear his brown hair short and slicked back, and even shorter on the sides, but despite the popularity of facial hair he has always preferred being clean shaven Luckily Harper is naturally right handed so his tutor never had to beat the left-handedness out of him.
At work Harper of course wears his uniform robes, but outside of work Harper dresses sharply and modern – no dress robes or eccentric pointy hats in sight. Instead, Harper can usually be seen in a sharp ditto suit expertly tailored. While the ascot was popular over the 1880s, Harper has begun the move to the floppy bow tie, usually in a statement colour or print to stay ahead of the curve.
History: - 1858 – Harper was born a healthy boy to Robert and Emma James
- 1860 – First sister Adelia was born
- 1863 – Second sister Nellie was born, and Harper first starts to display magic
- 1869 – Harper arrives at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw, to the joy of his mother and the disappointment of his Father (a proud Gryffindor)
- 1870 – Harper’s mother contracted Dragon Pox early in the year, and before Harper could get back to London she passed away. Harper was very close to his mother, and the loss hit him hard. As his father was a busy business owner (and a man) Harper’s grandmother Elizabeth moved in to look after Adelia and Nellie.
- 1876 – Graduating Hogwarts with excellent marks, enough to land an internship with the Spell Damage Department at St Mungo’s Hospital, taking a step in a dream career inspired by the death of his mother six years prior
- 1877 – Just as his internship was due to finish, magic was discovered by the muggle population, and Harper’s family fled to Hogsmeade after Harper’s father’s business was quickly bankrupt, almost forcing Adelia and Nellie to leave Hogwarts until Harper helped pay their last few years tuition.
- 1878 – Finally Harper finished his internship, now at Hogsmeade Hospital, and becomes a Healer
- 1879 – The stress of the events of 1877 finally catch up with Harper’s grandmother Elizabeth who dies of natural causes.
- 1881 – When a dangerous patient escaped from Hogsmeade Hospital, Harper was afraid his job would be in jeopardy, but as Faris Spavin was discovered to be behind it Harper was relieved to survive unscathed.
- 1883 – Harper’s father pressures him to settle down and marry any one of a number of eligible women, but Harper brushed them all aside, under the pretence that he was much more concerned with his work as a Healer
- 1884 – Though Harper was in the Spell Damage Department at Hogsmeade Hospital, all hands on deck were necessary during the Laughing Plague and Harper’s family narrowly avoided contracting the disease despite their pure blood. Thankfully, their home was not touched by the fire of the same year.
- 1887 – Harper and his sister Adelia were both trapped, but uninjured in the collapse of the Word Market pavilion
- 1888 – Now 10 years into his work as a Healer, Harper turns his attention to the position of Healer-in-Charge of the spell damage unit, and begins turning on the charm offensive at society functions to work towards that.
- 1890 – By all accounts, Harper has the Assistant Head position in the bag thanks to years of careful schmoozing and actual hard work, but his single status is starting to raise the occasional eyebrow.
Personality: Harper is gifted with a natural intelligence, but don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s the quiet, studious type. He is gregarious and charming, and more than comfortable to take charge of any room he walks in to. For Harper, honesty really is the best policy, which can lead to some sticky situations, but if you’re not the one being insulted it can be both incredibly funny and informative. Beneath Harper’s charming exterior there is both a deep compassion and sense of inquisitiveness. If you need help, Harper is the man to ask, and if you have a tricky puzzle or fun fact, Harper is dying to hear it.
Other: - Believed he was asexual or just not interested in romance for quite some time, but in his early 20s began to realise that he may actually be interested in men
- Had a partial academic scholarship for his 3rd through 7th years at Hogwarts
Sample Roleplay Post:
Harper rounded the corner of the ward, hysterical laughter ringing around the hallway. Not Harper's laughter mind you. It was still only his first week as a fully fledged Healer at Hogsmeade Hospital, and while he knew he was competent and prepared, it wouldn't have been a good look. No, the maniacal and frankly exhausted sounding laughter was coming from a patient, a young girl of maybe seven or eight who couldn't stop writhing in her bed. Harper's uniform robes swished at his feet as he approached the bed. Officially they should introduce themselves to their patients, but he would have to shout to be heard over the raucous laughter, and of course it was unlikely that she would be responding coherently. If he had to guess, this poor girl was likely the victim of a backfired or very strong Cheering Charm. Glancing at the information jotted down on the parchment at the foot of the bed, it looks like Victoria here had started her laughing nearly sixteen hours ago. That must have been a spectacular misfire, or perhaps a student who had recently learned this charm and hadn't yet mastered their own strength, for the effects to have lasted this long.
Reading in more detail, it looked like the medi-wizards or -witches had tried a number of standard counter-charms, the usual finite incantatem, the hiccough counter-charm, quietus
'Odd choice' Harper thought to himself
'considering this girl was likely not the subject of the sonorus charm' and for some bizarre reason someone had tried the counter-curse to the Jelly-Legs Jinx
'Perhaps a trainee?' Harper thought. A charm like the Cheering Charm really should have been sorted by a competent finite incantatem. An idea struck him. Perhaps this wasn't the Cheering Charm. The laughter would suggest that it was, as that was a common effect of a backfire, but the girl's movements were wild and out of control. That didn't look like a laughing fit. And there! There was the give away - her arms kept crossing over her stomach, hands clutching at her side like she was trying to shield herself. This was Rictusempra, the tickling charm. The question remained if little Victoria had tried to cast it herself or was the victim of someone else's blunder. For now, all Harper could do was put here in a bewitched sleep. Drawing his wand, he manged to sink her into a deep trance, quieting her laughter and movement. Walking back out to the front desk, he found an intern.
'Find Victoria's parents. They must be in the waiting room. If not, get them here. I need to know if Victoria had access to a wand in the last two days, or if she has a sibling who had a wand in the same time period." With that knowledge, it would be a lot easier to find the right counter-charm to stop the poor girl's torment.
Name: Seth
Age: 27
Contact: PM
Other Characters: None yet
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