A day belated, but the AC is a thing that happened; deactivations have been done and other lists are in the process of being updated.
If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in Maintenance starting Wednesday, 6th November. If you have no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately :). If you lost a character before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!
Reminder that November means it's Nano month— if you haven't already, get posting!
And last month's Posting Wizard results will be calculated at some point when I don't have to go to bed. >.> October's Posting Wizard winners are Kelly with 22 posts and Lady with 9 posts!
November dwindles! That means it's time for our traditional end of month announcements :)
You may have missed it, but we're now conducting our activity checks on the first Sunday of the month! That means that the December AC will take place this weekend on Sunday, December 1st. What do you need to ensure to get through without a headache?
Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today! I'm thankful for you all more than you could possibly know!
Secret Swap sign ups are open for this year! They close on Sunday and pairs will go out on Monday night!