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Ymir Xing - Ymir Xing - September 22, 2019

Full Name: Ymir Ve Xing
Ymir (EE-mir): In Norse mythology, Ymir was the ancestor of all jötnar. They were a giant whose body the gods used to make the world.
Ve (Vay): A brother of Odin who played a role in creating the cosmos. One of the slayers of the giant Ymir.
Nicknames: None he'll answer to. His siblings are known to call him Mimi to rile him up.
Birthdate: February 29th, 1856
Current Age: 33
Occupation: Alchemy Professor
Reputation: 10
Residence: Staff living quarters at Hogwarts during the school year, the family home in Wiltshire at any other time
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Alumnus (Class of '74)
Wand: Rowan, 11", Chinese Fireball scale, bendy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle Class
    Honghui Xing - Father - b. 1822
    Freya Xing (nee --) - Mother - b. 1836
  • Skadi -- (nee Xing) - Sister - b. 1860 + family
  • Trym Xing - Brother - b. 1862
  • Brynhildr Xing - Sister - b. 1865
  • Embla Xing - Sister - b. 1866
  • Hel Xing - Sister - b. 1869
  • Odin Xing - Brother - b. 1871

At a little over 5'10", Ymir is a willowy sort of man. Almost delicate looking and very pale. It's a product of a lifetime spent indoors, on academic pursuits. He favors his father in looks and has youthful features. An alchemical accident some years ago left him with burns on his arms and silvery-white hair. He wears a mix of muggle and wizard fashions. He is left handed.

  • 1856| Ymir, the first child of Honghui and Freya Xing, is born on the leap day of that year. Though his parents' marriage was arranged, they don't mind each other and find fulfilling their marital duties easy enough. Hailing from two families known for producing successful alchemists, they plan to pass that body of knowledge down to their children.

  • 1860| Skadi is born. Ymir performs his first act of magic when he levitates a plush toy up to her bassinet on a night when she won't stop crying.

  • 1862| Trym is born. Ymir is put to work with a private tutor. In addition to basic literacy and arithmetic, he's tasked with learning the fundamentals of alchemy. He takes to the practice well, thrilling his parents. Other facets of magic are added to his curriculum as they become relevant to his alchemical studies.

  • 1865-67| Brynhildr and Embla are born. Skadi joins Ymir in tutoring until he receives his Hogwarts letter in 1867. Ymir is gifted with his paternal grandfather's wand and sent off to school with great expectations hanging over him. He is sorted into Ravenclaw.

  • The Hogwarts Years (1867-1874)| Ymir's home studies and natural intellect make it easy for him to excel in his courses - when he tries. Without his parents breathing over his shoulder, Ymir finds that he doesn't have the same sort of incentive to work diligently at first. He scrapes by and, for the first time in his life, his parents express disappointment in him. After that he finds a motivation, though it is not entirely his own. His last two siblings, Hel and Odin, are born during these years. His other siblings begin to join him at school.

    Over time, Ymir learns how to work for himself and not for his parents. Once a desire to experiment rears its head, he becomes serious about his schoolwork. He takes on one OWL elective and it is discarded come NEWT course selection. For his sixth and seventh years, he focuses on Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, and, of course, Alchemy. He graduates with a collection of Os. Shortly after graduation, Ymir begins an apprenticeship under his father. As the eldest son, he's also primed to inherit the family business.

  • 1874-81| Ymir finds that, while reasonably enjoyable, working alongside his father is not as fulfilling as he wishes. They are not doing the cutting edge work he imagined they would. Their contributions to the wizarding world are lucrative, but ultimately mundane. Refining chemicals for cosmetics companies wasn't exactly discovering the secret to eternal life. Ymir is more in love with alchemy's potential than what he actually does with it. In an effort to make both himself and his family happy, he begins experimenting in his free time.

  • 1882| While working on a new formula for a personal project, Ymir makes a mistake that leads to disaster. The accident leaves him burned and turns his inky black hair, white. Beyond that he's no worse for the wear, but he begins to approach his own experiments with far more care. Still, part of him enjoys the risk of failure and the possibility of learning through it.

  • 1883-88| Following the accident, Ymir becomes increasingly bored with the family work. His heart was somewhat in it before, but now his attention strays to other pursuits. There's much more to his field of study than what he's expected to do with it. He holds out for a few more years before approaching the next eldest brother, Trym, and his parents about the matter of his inheritance. Trym - a successful alchemist in his own right - easily goes along with being the primary inheritor instead. Their parents are more difficult to convince. It takes years - five to be exact - before they relent. The arrangements are made very privately, with few outside the family being privy to the change.

  • 1889| With Trym set to inherit the family business instead, Ymir's most pressing obligation is now gone. He flounders for a while, until he hears that Hogwarts has a vacancy for an alchemy professor. Thinking that molding young minds might be what he's looking for, he applies for the position. He is accepted and begins his first year back at Hogwarts in September.

Whimsical | Imaginative | Gentle | Amiable | Fastidious | Open minded | Curious | Experimental

  • Ymir has a deep appreciation for the visual arts and collects paintings.
  • He owns a foul tempered barn owl that he is terribly fond of.
  • He speaks, writes, and reads Norwegian and Chinese semi-fluently. The languages are mostly employed to help him speak to his grandparents and other family members abroad.

Sample Roleplay Post:
[Image: tumblr_m5f88qpCXN1qkvue8o8_250.gif]

Name: Josie
Age: 24
Contact: PM/Discord
Other Characters: Gildea Dewberry, Camilla Zabini
How did you hear about us?: Here!

Ymir Xing - Aldous Crouch - September 24, 2019

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