Full Name: Gabriel Alexander Rosier
Nicknames: Gabe, occasionally
Birthdate: Dec. 9 1861
Current Age: 27
Occupation: Employee in the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation
Reputation: 9
While he is very adherent to society's rules, Gabe can be a bit of a dick - he likes who he likes, he dislikes who he dislikes, and he does not necessarily mince words about it.
Residence: London, in a townhouse
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Mahogany, 10", dragon heartstring, unyielding
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
Family: Alexander Gabriel Rosier | Father | b.1836
some sacred 28 mom IDK | b.1842
Oliver Alexander Rosier | Brother | b. 1860
Zipporah Alexandra Rosier | Sister | b. 1863
Gabriel stands at 5'10", with brown hair and green eyes. He dresses well in muggle clothing, but not particularly fashionably, and has an easy, confident presence and good posture. He's fairly expressive and comfortable taking up space. Gabe squints when he laughs and is right-handed.
History: 1861: Gabe is born; he's a second son to the second son, and his father works in the Ministry. His childhood is, generally, normal for a boy of his class and blood status.
1863: Zipporah is born.
1867: Gabe shows his first sign of magic; rather uneventfully, he is spared of injury from a tumble down the stairs at the family home in London.
1870: Oliver goes to Hogwarts.
1873: Gabriel and his three best friends go to Hogwarts; they are all sorted into different houses, but remain close. Gabe is a natural leader of the group, and while friendly, has little interest in making other
close friends during his first year.
1875: Gabriel begins taking Arithmancy and Ghoul Studies in his third year. At one point in the common room, he announces that he wants to be Minister of Magic, somewhat as a joke - at some point in the coming years, this becomes his
actual goal.
1877: Gabriel does not become a prefect, probably because he rolls his eyes at the younger students too often. At the end of this school year, he takes his OWLs.
1880: Gabriel takes his NEWTs, takes three months to travel the continent with his older brother, (although they have never particularly liked each other, it
was a fun time), and then comes back to work in the Department of International Magical Cooperation as an intern.
1881: Gabriel is promoted to an employee in the fall.
1884: The Rosiers make it through the plague relatively intact. Gabriel moves into a townhouse in London having decided that 'saving more money' is less of a concern than 'avoiding his siblings.'
1887: Shit hits the fan with Julius' family and, although he hopes it blows over, Gabriel cuts him off. This is something the Hufflepuff bothers him about quite regularly.
1889: Gabriel regularly wishes for Charles Macmillan to be fired so he can be promoted.
Gabriel likes who he likes, and is very clear about who he
dislikes - as such, he sometimes ends up slightly lonely. He's somewhat traditional and somewhat purist, but more for the sake of his ultimate goal than anything else. He has not once in his life admitted to being wrong. He's immensely fun to be around when he wants to be friends, and is easy-going but a natural leader.
Other: Gabriel is essentially fluent in French and German.
Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.]
Name: Beanie