bem vindos❧ 18 • GMT - 3 • SHE/HERS ❧
Helloooo! How's it going? I'm Eve, which is an alias for the time being. Currently, an 18-year-old who's been rping for most of the past ten years, though my focus has shifted to forums rp only for the past six years. I - basically - only play Harry Potter RPs because I'm way too lazy to search for other rps it's one of my favorite fandoms and offers my favorite setting. Charming hooked me with the idea of mixing HP world with the Victorian Era.
I tend to walk a line between entirely organic plots and previously-discussed ones. While I love laying out how characters have met and what circunstances led them to reaching a certain “point”, I prefer seeing what will happen once we start with the actual threading (if that makes any sense?). I don’t mind a few relationship plots with goals in mind - such as best friends to lovers, if romantic -, but my characters might want different things and have changes of heart through the course of writing just as people do in real life. Nothing out of the ordinary though! I’m a sucker for roleplaying family connections and romances, though best/close friends are also adorable and #lovemesomeICdrama.
I do tend to write a lot so please let me know if you’d rather I cut down on the number of words. This is because getting into my characters’ mind is my favorite thing and I love exploring the ‘what’s and ‘why’s and ‘if’s’ behind their actions. You might realize there’s a tendency for me to take wanted ads so hey, maybe throw some my way? Hmmm… I wonder who said that.
I consider myself a 3-3-3 writer but I’d rather fade-to-black when it comes to smut on the site. I only write sex scenes with people I trust very much and that’s if the scene helps advancing the plot and/or is meaningful to the my character, not just one more shag.
Next characters: King Lukeson + Idris & Stella (both adoptables)
Thanks for checking out my characters <3 I hope we can write together!
❧ 14 • MCHB • Slytherin • rep: 9 • Fourth Year ❧
Irene is a Fudge, which means she’s lived in the Sanditon Resort for a few years now. It also means she’ll do anything to keep her status, in hopes she can “advance” in life as she grows older. She’s extremely proud of her family and protective of both them and her closest friends, but she comes first in her own book. Her favorite hobbies are studying about herbology, creatures and chess. Irene is a Slytherin who knows how befriend most people, but she’s not gonna lose her time with most of them.❧ Friends: Most of Irene’s friends are Middle and Upper Class. She’ll befriend anyone who represents an advantageous connection or who has similar interests. Irene is sweet and proper, knows how to behave and can’t stand big crowds and foolish behaviour.
❧ Enemies: If your character belongs to the Working Class and/or a half-breed, chances are she'll look down on tem and generally be a terrible person. However, I’d love to see her befriending one without knowing it. Also, enemies could be anybody she finds too arrogant, people who get on her skin somehow
❧ Lovers: Irene isn't old enough to be in long-term relationships, but she could have a few flirtations. I’d love to play out a relationship that destabilizes her, maybe having a crush/falling for somebody she never expected.
❧ Family: I call all the Fudge’s to battle! <3
❧ 16 • UCPB • Hufflepuff • rep: 9 • Sixth Year ❧
King is a 6th Year Hufflepuff who's a ball of anxiety but also a sweet, warm bean who loves people. He's ready to help anyone, however they need it. His main hobby is writing, though he has never shown stories to people, but he loves it, especially fantasy. He's tried for the quidditch team previously but failed miserably, though he's considering trying again. Recent deaths in the family, including his brother - which he witnessed - and father took a toll on him, but the young man is slowly building himself back up for the sake of his family.❧ Friends: King wouldn't think twice before considering somebody a friend. Anybody who's nice and 'there' is automatically one. Honestly, half-breeds, creatures, people, anyone. The only thing is he always writes his writing, even when he trusts them a lot; other than that, he's a pretty nice, 'open' dude.
❧ Enemies: Enemies are hard to come by when it comes to King, though I could see people disliking him for how friendly he is. If you have an idea or a character who could clash with mine, do let me know! That could be fun.
❧ Lovers: I imagine he has had a few flirtations. I'm not sure if he's straight or bisexual, so I'm just gonna let it roll. Nonetheless, he knows it's his duty to find a wife and he hopes it will be somebody he at least likes.
❧ Family: I call all the Lukeson's to battle! (and cousins, relatives, anyone really lol) <3
(August 25, 2019 – 4:04 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: Hi Eve!
Since you've got a couple of students, I'll just throw all my Hogwarts people at you in case any of them are of use!
Quote:Nelson Higgs is a Ravenclaw going into his 5th year. He's very quiet, but only because he's been mute the whole time he's been at Hogwarts, thanks to an accidental Unbreakable Vow. As such, he's generally thought of as a bit ~odd, and hangs out with a Ravenclaw gang of friends. He excels at all things theoretical but is hopelessly behind on practically casting spells, though he's not keen to ask anyone for help. xD Besides that, he's adventurous and more into mischief-making than he seems.
Quote:@"Jemima Farley" is a Hufflepuff going into her 6th year, so housemates with King! She was well-liked enough before January this year, when the diary that she wrote obsessively got plastered up and sent around the student body, so that everyone now knows all the judgey/mean/embarrassing things she wrote about them. There was more to the diary than what is written out at that link so feel free to make up anything Jemima might have said in passing about your characters, and you are welcome to whatever they think of her now. XD For her part, I imagine Jemima would have always thought King was very sweet and also cute, though her opinions of him now would also depend on whether he shunned her after the diary debacle or continued to be nice to her. She's kind of a social pariah now. Let me know hahaha.Yeeeeeess!! King's heart and my heart are both warmed due to, he hella needs more friends! BUT MA DUDE! I remember reading about this plot somewhere and thinking it was fantastic. I cooooooould see him being really sad by the things she has written regarding their common friends, though he wouldn't shun her out for the simple fact he also doesn't think it's fair. I could see him talking to her right after everything has happened and asking if things are ok, but also leaving it clear he doesn't believe what she did was excusable without effort from her part. It could lead to an interesting dynamic if you're down to plotting this further.
Quote:If any of your characters ever have done or will take Ancient Runes in future, I also have Carmelina Cramming, professor.
Quote:I also have Hogwarts' (reluctant) resident hedgehog, Aubrey Davis, who was once Elijah Urquart's footman but now lives as his pet in the Slytherin dungeons (and wanders about the whole school). If you fancy a thread with a hedgehog-man come September, he's always around............................. this is. probably one of the most fantastic plots at making me laugh out loud that I've ever seen. I NEED Irene gushing over this hedgehod, completely unaware it's in fact a man. Seriously tho, King would treat it super well and stuff, but I imagine he has more contact with Irene due to her being in Slytherin.![]()
Quote:I ALSO see you just made Idris Ross, so I have Ari Fisk, one of his many uncles! Ari only has a child of his own (err, sort of) as of this summer, but would have always hardcore doted on all of the nieces and nephews.Aw, Idris can use all the love, for sure! <3 They could have a thread once he's accepted, if you're down!
Quote:Shout if you are up for any threads, I am definitely game!
(August 24, 2019 – 8:38 PM)Irene Fudge Wrote: What are his hobbies, if I may ask? Also, I saw on his profile there's stuff about wandless magic, which Irene would be extremely interested in if he showed it to her or people for some reason. I could see her coming up to ask him about his time traveling if - and probably only if - this comes up.
(August 25, 2019 – 5:50 PM)J. Alfred Darrow Wrote: Ayyy I love prejudiced characters, that's why I'm on a Victorian era siteAlfred's main hobby is sailing, and he spends a lot of time planning his next voyage (these days mostly short-term escort trips for merchant ships or passenger transport, like the Mission to Africa).
He probably wouldn't intentionally demonstrate any wandless magic, since it's very "un-English" and he tries to be careful about people's sensibilities, but she might have observed him doing some when he lived at the Sanditon if he thought she wasn't watching.
(August 25, 2019 – 7:02 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: Spoiler alert: I love all those ideas!
Quote:Nelson & Irene: Oooooh she can be as mean as she likes, I'm here for it xD Nelson would probably shrug off (literally lol) most of her bullying, but I think it would be hilarious to mesh those ideas - like she's (still) mean to him and doesn't want to be seen as a friend - and maybe they've been paired in classes over the years, forced to hang out that way! - but secretly they've started to get along more than they otherwise pretend?
Quote:Jemima & King: Yeeesssss I love the sound of that, like he's still nice because he's lovely, but they're not so friendly as they once were because Jemima can feel his lingering Disappointment in her >D She would definitely gradually try to repair things with him (and everyone), but she is definitely in need of nudging towards being a better person.
And wheee Irene can bully her all she likes! Another person on Jemima's to-avoid list.
Quote:Yaaay King! Carmelina appreciates his efforts :D
Quote:And hahaha glad Aubrey amuses you. He was a wanted for Kayte so I can't take full credit butI'm definitely marking down a gushing Irene/hedgehog thread on my to-do list for when school starts, threading Aubrey with students is too much fun.
Quote:Idris/Ari: Yes for sure!
Quote:Tl;dr, love your ideas and I'm happy to thread any of these options! I don't know if you fancy starting with anyone bumping into each other while it's still summer, or you want to wait until back-to-school for things, but feel free to start anything you want or tell me to stick a starter on my list
(August 25, 2019 – 7:02 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: And hahaha glad Aubrey amuses you. He was a wanted for Kayte so I can't take full credit butI'm definitely marking down a gushing Irene/hedgehog thread on my to-do list for when school starts, threading Aubrey with students is too much fun.
(August 30, 2019 – 12:56 AM)Billie Farrow Wrote: Hey there, Eve, welcome!
Quote:I haaaaave:
Fleur Rey is King Lukeson's cousin! She's an incoming second year Hufflepuff. She and King's sister Sybille are very, very close, and they're always baking. She's very sweet and a forever optimist.
Quote:Clementine Rookwood is an incoming sixth year Hufflepuff. She is the mothering sort who would likely take a younger student under her wing or stand up for them. She is in King's house and year! She is likely very friendly towards King and concerned about him.
Quote:I also have a few other Hogwarts people. I'm not sure who would be best for your characters. My second years might be good potential friends, though, depending on where Idris ends up being sorted.
Quote:Archer Belby is an incoming second year Ravenclaw. He is somewhat of a walking disaster. The poor boy is timid to the point of panic, even though he is very intelligent and incredibly sweet. He has been the victim of a few pranks, and he tends to clam up when he's put on the spot. He is incredibly interested in werewolves, ghosts, vampires, etc., and he would love to meet people who also enjoy those subjects. He would be a very loyal friend to someone who gave him the chance.
Quote:Thomas Montgomery is an incoming fifth year Ravenclaw. He's a keeper on his house quidditch team. He's a transfiguration enthusiast with a short temper. His mother ran away with a pornographer, and it haunts him.