Ebba Burbage - Printable Version

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Ebba Burbage - Ebba Burbage - June 25, 2019


Full Name: Ebba Burbage.

Birthdate: 21st June, 1871.

Current Age: 18 Years Old.

Occupation: Resting Missionary.

Reputation: Nine. She herself is spotless but she is also a little bit odd, part of an even odder group and hasn’t even been to a real school before.

Residence: Irvingly (shortly…)

Hogwarts House: Unknown.

Wand: 12 inches. Hazel. Kelpie hair core. Pliant.

Blood Status: Halfblood.

Social Class: Middle Class.

Appearance: Honey blonde and grey eyed, with a pleasing symmetry to her porcelain face Ebba is the epitome of Victorian beauty. Of average build and stature Ebba tends to walk with her head down which means anything that may distinguish her tends to go unnoticed – and that is how Ebba prefers it by-and-large. She casts with her right hand and has freckled arms her mother insists upon her covering up.


1871: Ebba is born the fourth and final child of Joshua and Ernestine Burbage, half-blood wizards who have dedicated their lives to the Church of Magical Jesus. Ebba’s three older brothers are much older than her – respectively born in 1849, 1851 and 1853 – and by the time she comes along the boys are all more or less grown. Her parents had decided once the youngest finished his education that they would begin full-time missionary work and as Ebba turned out to be a girl they saw no need to curtail this plan.

1871-1876: The first four years of her life are spent first in Suriname then Peru where her parents spread the Lord’s word amongst the nationals and the labourers brought from overseas. Ebba recalls little of this time, though her earliest memory originates from this area and involves her father making an adolescent girl cry for reasons she did not fully understand at the time.

1876-1883: The family relocate to the continent of Africa to spread the Lord’s word. When she is eight Ebba displays magic for the first time and when she turns eleven she receives a Hogwarts letter that is politely declined on her behalf.

1883: The Burbages return to England and Ebba, despite being born in the country, feels spectacularly out of place in the sleepy village of Irvingly where her uncle and aunt live in the sort of comfort she has never known in her life. What she does discover is a great fondness for her childless aunt Myrtle, who treats her with more kindness than her own strict parents, but sadly the trip is cut all too short and in the autumn the Burbages return to their good work. Ebba’s fondest memory of the trip is her aunt sneaking her away to attend a solitary match of the Quidditch World Cup.

1884-1888: As her body develops so does Ebba’s discomfort with it. At fourteen she begins to bleed and she is never comfortable in her own skin from that day onwards. The family relocate from Burundi to Brunei to administer the Lord’s work, however by the end of the year an incident occurs that forces the family to leave – Ebba is not told the particulars – and they find themselves back in Africa.

1889: One fateful day a letter arrives from Irvingly – her uncle, once a strong man, has been suffering from a long illness and Myrtle cannot cope alone anymore – can help be sent? Ebba is sure she will not be allowed but suddenly, a ship appears…

Personality: Humble. Nervous. Generous. Lonely. Skilled with languages, though not with words.

+ Vegetarian. This does not go down well at dinner parties and she is considered ungrateful by many in the church.
+ Suriname. Peru. Gabon. Gambia. Tanzania. Burundi. Brunei. Guinea.

Name: Lauren.
Age: 29.

Ebba Burbage - Aldous Crouch - June 26, 2019

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