Full Name: Sydney Paddington Podmore Nicknames: Syd, Pod, sometimes his siblings call him Paddy or Paddington Birthdate: November 7th, 1850 Current Age: 37 Occupation: Assistant Head, Creature-Induced Injuries, St. Mungo’s Reputation: 9 His mum is a little overzealous in her social endeavors. Past broken courtship (not is fault).Residence: London Hogwarts House: Slytherin Alumnus 1869 Wand: 12” vine, phoenix feather Blood Status: half Social Class: upper Family: Sylvester Podmore | [1813] father, Retired Beast Division, Dept RCMC Appearance: Syd stands at a fairly unimpressive 5’9”, though it is taller than most men. His hair is a rich honey brown and his eyes a clear blue. It is more often than not that he is sporting some kind of facial hair, but mostly because he forgets to shave. His build is rather broad, but healthy-looking and he dresses casually professional for work, though a bit better now that he is assistant head. He is right handed. History: [11.7.1850] | Another bouncing baby boy joins the Podmore family, they name him Sydney after a relative on his mother’s side. [1852] | This time a girl is born to Virginia and Sylvester, named Valerie. She is immediately doted upon and loved. [1856] | What Sylvester and Virginia thought would be their last child is welcomed into the family, another boy named Clinton. [1858] | Hudson goes off to Hogwarts. A jealous Sydney sets his drapes on fire as his first sign of magic. [Spring 1862] | Surprise! Vera is born that May. [School Year 1862-63] | After four not-so-patient years, thanks to his late birthday, Sydney is off to Hogwarts and sorted into Slytherin. At first the decision perplexes him, but Syd has always had high aspirations and lofty goals and all of the determination to meet them. [School Year 1863-64] | Valerie joins her brothers at school. [School Year 1864-65] | Syd adds Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes for electives. The former proves highly fascinating while he finds the second interesting, if a bit impractical. Hudson graduates. [School Year 1865-66] | Potions has become an area of somewhat expertise for Syd and he begins to start thinking about pursuing that in a healing direction. [School Year 1866-67] | Clinton is off to Hogwarts. Sydney sits his OWLs and does well in what he needs to continue on with what he wants. [School Year 1867-68] | His OWL results only fuel the fire for finding a healing job after school. He chooses not to keep Runes, History of Magic, Astronomy or Defense Against the Dark Arts. [School Year 1868-69] | Sydney sits his NEWTs and woo, gets the grades he needs for an internship at the hospital. Upon graduation, Syd mixes his love of potions and creatures by taking an internship position in the Creature-Induced Injuries ward at St. Mungo’s in London. ACADEMIC RECORD
[May 1870] | After a year internship, Syd is promoted to a healer in the creatures ward. Valerie graduates and debuts. [1870] | Hudson marries. [1872] | Valerie starts courting her future husband. Hudson and his wife welcome their first child. [1874] | Valerie marries early in the year. Clint graduates from Hogwarts in May. September sends Vera as the actual the last Podmore to go to school. [1876] | Valerie welcomes her first child after a miscarriage the previous year. [1878] | Syd meets a young girl, a welcome witch at the hospital, named Estelle Mitchell. The two start a tentative courtship, though Syd is very much at a loss for how all of this works. He is very smitten by her and does his best to balance work and courting. [1879] | The courtship with Estelle falls through when it is discovered that she’s been two-timing him! Heartbroken, Syd throws himself even further into his work. [1880-1885] | Vera graduates in May of 1881. St. Mungo’s continues to keep him busy and he thrives in the workplace. Socially he shuts himself off a little bit and while he still attends parties and events, he flirts shallowly, but never gives any girl his full attention; the fear of a repeat situation keeping him from putting himself out there. [Jan 1885] | The Assistant Head position in his ward opens up and Sydney is promoted. His mother’s health starts failing and she starts putting the pressure on him to marry. [1886] | Sydney makes the acquaintance of a Miss Virginia Carmichael after she winds up in the ward due to a dog bite. They continue running into one another at social events throughout the year. He thoroughly enjoys her company, but is still hesitant to take it further than friendship. [1887] | This spring at an event at the Sandition resort, he again runs into Miss Carmichael and she is quite literally on fire. He puts it out and cares for her afterward medically, but it also starts to pull at his heartstrings in a way he hasn’t felt in quite a while. That summer she sends him a letter confessing feelings for him and a wish to take things to the next step, but Syd, being as afraid of commitment as he is, replied with feeble attempt to warn her of his issues and they fell out of touch. Syd thought that was for the better because she deserves better, in his opinion. [1888] | Though he was prepared to give Miss Carmichael some room, apparently her cousin had other ideas and he was invited to a dinner at Mrs. Cadwallader’s house under the guise of donating to the hospital, needless to say it was awkward. Personality: confident; serious at work; sociable; wary of womenz; sure of his work; determined; charismatic; clever; goal-oriented; compassionate; focused; family man; patient; intense; private; skeptical, commitment-a-phobe MISC.: Sample Roleplay Post: . . . Out of Character
Name: Bee Age: 31 Contact: @'Elsie Beauregard' |
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