Full Name: Everett Griffiths
Nicknames: Griff (though using this nickname may earn you an irritated glare)
Birthdate: November, 13, 1847
Current Age: 41
Occupation: Owner of the Hog's Head / Bookie
Reputation: 4, a combination of his shady criminal past, and now being the owner of a rather disreputable pub.
Residence: Above the Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Hawthorne, 12", dragon heartstring, supple
Blood Status: Half-blood
Social Class: Working class
Ives Griffiths - brother [1856]
Erika Griffiths - Niece [1877]
Nial Griffiths - uncle [1823 - ?]
Appearance: Everett is a rather average man, standing at 5'8" and with a wiry build. He holds himself with a casual sort of confidence, almost careless to the untrained eye, but there's always a certain underlying tension, like he's ready to spring into action at any moment. He seems to slightly favour his left leg, but doesn't walk with any obvious limp. He has a long, thin scar winding it's way down the left side of his face, bisecting his upper lip. His hands are equally scarred and calloused, speaking of hard labour and fights before he became the owner of the Hog's Head (and perhaps even after). His wand hand is his left hand.
His clothing is nothing fancy, the fabric is rough and obviously cheap, but they're clean and without tears and holes. He cares for his appearance and gravitates towards darker colours like dark blues, greens, grey and black. When working behind the bar at the Hog's Head he tends to forego the jacket, wearing a white shirt with a dark blue waistcoat, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbow to keep it from getting dirty.
- 1847- Everett is born to a half-blood wizard and muggle-born witch.
- 1856 - Ives is born, and Everett becomes responsible for looking after his brother while his parents work.
- 1859 - Everett starts his first and only year at Hogwarts, the family barely able to scrape together the money for supplies. He got good grades, but even with a partial academic scholarship the family couldn't afford to another year.
- 1863 - Falls in with a bad crowd and starts working as hired muscle for a money lending business. Both to function as a bodyguard and discourage protection rackets, but also to collect money from those who owe it.
- 1867 - Is arrested for violence and extortion. He could have gotten off with a slightly lighter sentence if he'd given up the names of some of those he worked for and with, but Everett showed his Hufflepuff colours by refusing to give up the names. Loyalty has always been something he valued highly, on his more grim days he likes to dryly joke it's his one good quality. His father wanted to quit all ties with him after this, but Everett's mother and Ives vetoed that decision.
- 1870 - Released from prison and moves to what had then been the very small village of Hogsmeade and began working for his uncle Nial Griffiths at the Hog's Head. The only establishment that would hire him, and where the clientele wouldn't be put off by his past.
- 1876 - Everett becomes the new owner of the Hog's Head after his uncle suddenly disappears. Some suspicion is leveled at Everett due to his spotty past, but there was no evidence to suggest foul play, nor what had actually happened to Nial. (Everett doesn't know what happened either, despite the time and resources used to try and track down his uncle.)
- 1877 - The exodus to Hogsmeade, The Hog's Head inn houses those who need it for a "reasonable" price while houses are being built. It really was quite good for business, so Everett thought it a good year all things considered.
- 1883 - Seeing his chance to earn more money with Hogsmeade hosting the Quidditch world cup, he begins arranging bets on Quidditch matches in the Hog's Head. This continues even after the world cup is over with other quidditch matches and any other sporting or events at agreed upon odds.
- 1884 - Thanks to the fact that the Hog's Head lies far down High Street and well away from Wellingtonshire it was spared the flames, Everett is quite smug about this. He also buys Greebo, a ragged part-kneazle part-cat to keep the rat and mice population down.
- 1887- While Everett has never been particularly interested in politics he staunchly and verbally makes his displeasure known at the new discriminatory rules against those who doesn't have pure human heritage. While he doesn't get particularly involved he does allow posters and flyers protesting the ban circulate the Hog's Head. He sees it as only natural since both some of his employees and customers aren't quite human.
-1888- Ives tricks him into coming home for a visit for Erika's birthday, and a silent war is waged between him and his father as they both non-verbally tries to communicate how much they despise each other while trying not to ruin Erika's birthday.
Personality: Grumpy - Vicious - Loyal - Stubborn - Protective- Cynical
Everett is gay, and while he doesn't exactly care about his reputation he is a private man and so has kept any affairs secret.
He can seem harsh at first, but he cares for his friends and family. It's just hidden beneath layers of barbed comments and cold glares.
He has a black part-kneazle named Greebo, he keeps the Hog's Head free from rats and mice. It also menaces the local owl population and pesters regulars for food.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Everett had always hated winter, the cold it brought with it. When he'd been young, it had been because they'd never seemed to be able to keep the chill out. The way it crept in despite their best efforts. Now it was because it made old injuries ache and brought bad memories to the surface. Hastening his pace he glared at the way his breath came out in white puffs as he walked back to the Hog's Head, snow crunching underneath his feet.
Opening the door to the inn, he gave a small sigh of relief at the warmth greeting him. It was disgustingly early in the morning, too early for the Hog's Head to be open and so only blissful silence greeted him. Stamping his feet a couple of times to dislodge any snow he then stepped into the building, heading towards the back of the bar where the door to the staff room was, setting down a basket of supplies on the counter as he went past it. A ragged black part-kneazle slinked over to him, winding it's way around his ankles and giving a discontent meow. With a small huff he leaned down to give Greebo a scratch behind his ragged ears.
"I already fed you. If you want more to eat then you'll have to do what I actually got you for and hunt mice." Everett told the kneazle sternly, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. This earned him a sharp nip to his fingers and a displeased glare. Rolling his eyes Everett stood up, giving a small grunt at the way his right knee ached. No time to loiter, he had to stock up the bar before the regulars started banging on the door to let them in so they could start day-drinking.
Name: Freya
Age: 21
Contact: PM, discord, I can always dig up my old skype if necessary
Other Characters: No
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