1874: Rose is born to a muggleborn former governess, who people say was drawn to her pureblooded father for the literary implications of his last name. She is named Rosalind for Shakespeare's heroine, and her damp ginger curls earn her the nickname Rose.
1877: The Poe family moves their residence to Hogsmeade where they settle in a home in Wellingtonshire. Rose is three years old, and the only thing she vaguely remembers is a cat that was there when they first arrived, but then disappeared soon after. She still isn't sure what happened to it, and is too afraid to ask.
1881: Rose has her first magical experience at the age of seven, when (what else) a rosebush's thorns are magically vanished as soon as they prick her skin. She climbs out of the rosebush completely unharmed, much to her mother's chagrin, since parts of the bush are now trampled.
1884: Rose's family home is destroyed by the Hogsmeade fire. The Poe family moves temporarily to stay with Rose's grandparents while their home is rebuilt. Almost-ten-year-old Rose hates her grandparents, because they look at her like she's broken and treat her mum like she's toxic.
1886: Rose attends Hogwarts where she is sorted into Ravenclaw. Rose is a hatstall, and sits with the Sorting Hat on her head for approximately five minutes before it makes a decision and picks Ravenclaw over Slytherin. Even now, Rose has her doubts that the right decision was made.
1887-Present: Now in her third year, Rose has picked up Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as her electives, choosing subjects that seem rooted in fact rather than flimsy, such as Divination.
Personality: ambitious - cautious - clever - attention-starved - budding social climber
Other: N/A
Sample Roleplay Post: When Honorine's family had sent her to the London school, she had been furious. It was so that she could become a proper lady, they said. Privately, she believed that it was to get her far away from Florentine. Her elder sister was a bad influence. She interacted with the male sex too often. She was too abrasive. Or something. But regardless of the reason, Honorine firmly believed that her place was not at this school. She belonged at home, in France, where the air always felt delicate and fresh, not in London, where the streets were dark and confining, the air always felt so heavy, and there was always so much rain! The girl desperately longed to return home. Home where she had her own room, she had a lady's maid, she had the company of her sister, and most importantly she did not have her roommate from Hades.
The weekends when the young ladies were allowed to visit their families were always the most peaceful. Because Honorine's family was too far away for her to visit, these were the only weekends when she could have the room to herself. These weekends meant long hours curled up in her armchair by the fire, occasionally with embroidery in her lap, perhaps rereading the letters she had received from her sister, or perhaps a well loved book of poetry, all in French. It was her own way of visiting home - reading pretty words in her native language, often penned by her own sister's hand, was almost as good as seeing her family in person. Nothing could compare to seeing them in real life, of course. Nothing could compare to the delicate scent of Florentine's perfume, or the soft rustling of her mother's skirts as she paced the hallways.
On this particular gloomy evening, Honorine had tucked herself comfortably into her favorite armchair, her thick golden curls tumbling over her shoulders and framing her small, delicate face. Her corset was properly laced, her petticoats were starched... and unlike home, where Florentine's suitors would pass by her and give her fleeting looks of admiration, there was no one here to appreciate her. She felt like a painting by an unknown artist - lovely, yes, and carefully created, but was it really lovely if there was no one there to show their appreciation? It was these moments, these warm, lonely moments in the glow of the fire while England wept outside, that she almost wished for Erika's swift return. The other girl may be odd, yes, but at least she was a familiar face. Perhaps not the face that Honorine would have chosen, but she was familiar. And complimentary. And Honorine would be a liar if she said that she did not enjoy compliments.
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