Mara Aves - Printable Version

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Mara Aves - Mara Stannard - October 6, 2018

Full Name: Mara Hortense Aves
Nicknames: Mara Hortense Stannard
Birthdate: July 9, 1881
Current Age: 7 years
Occupation: carefree child
Reputation: 6. Born out of wedlock, impacted by mother’s reputation.
Residence: Pennyworth, near the lake
Hogwarts House: unknown
Wand: unknown
Blood Status: half
Social Class: working
Family: Octavia Stannard[1860](mother, seamstress at Gladrags Wizardwear, rep 4.)
Horace Stannard[1834](grandfather, lawyer, rep. 9)
Jane Stannard[1840](grandmother, occasionally a chaperon, rep. 9)
Abigail Stannard[1872](aunt, 6th year at Hogwarts, rep. 9)
Jack Stannard[1864](uncle, muggle liason employee, rep. 9)
Mr. Aves[????](father, unknown, unknown)
Appearance: Mara is a slight young child with long auburn hair that is frequently braided by her female relatives. She walks like a lady, but does many unladylike things when it comes to it, leading to her mostly hand me down clothes having a few stains and spots on them, something she isn't very fond of. When she isn't messing around with things, she wears a south sea pearl ring with the words 'Crying Storm' engraved on the inside of the ring, that her mother gave her for her 7th birthday. She envies her aunt at Hogwarts, and so tries on her old robes from time to time.
History: 1881: The result of a short romance between her mother and the mysterious Mister Aves, Mara is born. Despite words from her parents to give the child up and cover up the pregnancy, Octavia keeps her daughter with her, though she is publicly disowned by her parents. Though on her birth certificate it says 'Aves,' Mara is most often referred to as 'young Miss Mara Stannard,' and takes to it.
1882: Mara's grandfather decides to help out his daughter, worried that she may become a prostitute out of necessity, further impacted their reputation, and partially because of the words of his wife, who still dearly loves her daughter and would like to be more involved. Letters back and forth between Octavia, Horace, and Jane lead to a few meetups between the family, though always discreetly.
1883: With Abby's second year at Hogwarts starting, and with learning of magical society, Mara becomes increasingly more interested in magic, but her mother and other family members are unable to tell whether or not the toddler will show any signs of it, especially at such an early age.
1884: The Stannard family cat dies, resulting in much heartbreak from a young three year old, and the eventual purchase of a new kitten, one who actually lives with the girl this time, who Mara takes care of dearly, with a few tail pulls and scratches notwithstanding.
1885: After learning that magic comes most often from wands, Mara 'makes' her own wand out of a stick, and proceeds to chase her beloved cat around for a few days, while also pretending to do magic by attaching a cloth to one end of the stick and doing her chores that way.
1886: Mara's long awaited first spat of magic happens. She makes one of her old hand me down stuffed animals seem new after seeing one just like it at a store in High Street. Also the year that Mara begins tutoring with her grandmother and a few other children, most of them working class, as Octavia believed that those were the ones that could stand Octavia and Mara's reputation, and wouldn't talk too much about it.
1887: It appears, at least for a little while, that Mara, unable to prove her fully human heritage, will not be able to attend Hogwarts when the time comes, but hope comes through for her.
1888 At her seventh birthday, Mara is given a ring from her mother, and told to keep it safe and special, so it is not to be worn during work times. Mara keeps the ring a treasure, and privately believes that it is from her father.
Personality: Impatient, naive, and altogether a little rough around the edges, Mara is what some may see as a typical little kid. She likes to play, pet animals, and have her hair braided, and looks up to her mother and to her aunt. Though her family isn't typically nuclear, Mara doesn't seem to notice glares that her mother receives when the two go shopping, or when, on busy days, Mara helps her mother with sewing(she's not too bad at that either!) Mara's dream is to meet her father, and then go on an adventure and discover a new species of cat, one that can talk and likes to cuddle and not destroy her mother's nice rug.
Other: ENFP
Sample Roleplay Post: It had seemed ages since Aunt Abby had sent her a letter, and it seemed like ages since she'd had anything interesting to do. Mara wandered through the house looking for her cat. "Puddles, no!" she said as the large brown cat scratched on the rug. "Mumma told you not do that!" she attempted to scoop up the cat and drag him away from his coveted carpet. A loud knock at the door startled her enough to drop the cat, who skittered away to hide. Mara looked to see if her family would get it, but nobody seemed to. Grandmother's hearing was getting rather poor anyways, so Mara opened the door to an unfamilar owl, but one who seemed thoroughly ruffled, with a previously-opened letter marked, "Stannard Family." Mara laughed and took the owl, giving him a knut that she'd found in the street the other day, calling it lucky. She didn't want the poor owl to go hungry, now. She opened up the letter and read it as fast as she could, then decided on what to do next. She grabbed some of the Howler paper and went and grabbed her nice quill, the one with the blue on the tip, and wrote: "HEY ABBY, HOPE YOU HAD A NICE BIRTHDAY. I WANTED TO GET YOU A PONY BUT MUMMA SAID NO. SORRY." and signed her name. Satisfied, she put it with the other letters that would go to her family, and would then be delivered to her Aunt Abigail on her birthday.
Name: Rissa
Age: 14
Contact: PM
Other Characters: none
How did you hear about us?: googled 'harry potter game'

Mara Aves - Aldous Crouch - October 6, 2018

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