Imo has a petite, slim frame that stopped growing far earlier than she liked. She is a spritely 5’2”. She has her mother’s build and height, but her father’s dark eyes. General |History:
Expressions | Her dimples give her a youthful innocence that annoys Imo on a daily basis. While she tends to grin, a skeptical, sarcastic frown is a frequent visitor.
Deportment | Confident and graceful, Imo carries herself with the authority (and attitude) of someone much larger. She learned to compensate for her size with speed and precision.
Fashion | Preferring timeless, classic silhouettes, Imogene is bored by the concept of modern fashions and trends.
Accessories | She wears a locket with a portrait miniature of her mother, she’s had matching pieces made out of her late mother’s necklaces for both of her siblings.
Scent | Bergamot, mint, and cedar
Distinguishing Characteristics | Imo’s dimples and expressive eyes are her trademarks.
Face Claim | Jenna Coleman
I can hold the weight of worlds if that's what you need
Be your everything1863
Birth and first yearImogene Rose is born to James and Rosanna Paxton after a long, arduous labor in Bath, England. James comes from a long line of Ministry men and continued the family tradition. He is an industrious, proud man from a long line of Hufflepuffs that fell in love with the most creative, head-in-the-cloud Ravenclaws.
While still middle class, the Paxtons ran in all the right circles and the young family wanted for nothing. Rosanna took a very active role in the raising of her young daughter, reading her to sleep at night, joining her riding lessons, and taking her on walks of the grounds of the family home and surrounding woods. She also made sure her daughter grew up fluent in Irish Gaelic as well as English and French. Imogene loves Romanticism, mythology, and many muggle plays. She loves to imagine big stories and direct them into being with her dolls. Imogene always created elaborate stories behind her dolls and toys, often requiring her nanny and mother attend her performances.1869 Mama is expecting and, Imogene is thrilled, except mama is sick now. Imogene spends most of her time with her nanny and governess now and father is rather scattered. This scares Imo, but she decides the best way she can manage things is by being brave.
Ophelia joins Imogene just before her six birthday. Labor is long and difficult for Rosanna, but she is well enough to introduce her daughters and rejoin the family in a matter of days. It is the best present Imogene’s ever been given.1874 Hogwarts Imogene is off to Hogwarts and separation from her family proves difficult. The Sorting Hat seems to struggle with her Sorting, but ultimately places her in Ravenclaw. Imo bonds quickly with a few select students, including a boy in her house. They aren’t the best of friends, but he excels at Transfiguration where she has other strengths. 1877 An attempt on the muggle queen forces many of the wizards of Britian to Hogsmeade, the Paxtons are able to sell their family home for a respectable price, but the indignity of it angers James Paxton and firmly solidifies his distaste for Muggles. 1881
GraduationImogene graduates and, unlike some of her peers, she has no idea what she plans to do. With her grades and personality, she is encouraged to try healing. She gets the idea from the boy who helped her with transfiguration, someone she now considers a friend. The two correspond regularly, and it was Imogene that noticed something was wrong. His letters changed, his words and mood were different and she was worried. She spends far more time than she should researching everything she can about the human mind. 1881-1882
Imogene begins her healer training in earnest, splitting her time between her lessons and attending her mother. Rosanna is pregnant unexpectedly and is ill from the start. Ophelia is still at Hogwarts and father has his work at the Ministry. Imogene becomes her mother’s nurse and companion. It isn’t enough, in the end. February 1883
The end and a beginningLabor begins on February 3, just before midnight. Imogene is called to assist and needs no further training to know that something is wrong. She calls for the healers and has Ophelia sent for. The delivery was going to be difficult.
By midafternoon, difficulty is no longer the concern. There is talk about losing the baby and with what energy she has, Rosanna is feral, determined to deliver her child to the world. Imogene is in the room when the healers make clear to her father that the evening will end in tragedy. The question now is just how tragic.
The morning of February 5th, a baby’s first cry is heard in the Hogsmeade home. Imogene is there to deliver her brother and the first to hold him. He is passed to his mother, and Rosanna names him Amos James. She is able to introduce her son to his father and sisters before she falls asleep. She doesn’t wake up.
Rosanna’s death changes everything. Father is inconsolable, drunk the short time he’s awake. Ophelia won’t eat and refuses to return to school. Imogene would rather have died in her mother’s place than wakeup every day without her, but her mother had a request before she died and Imogene would honor it. She would protect her brother.1883-1884
Imogene has completed her training to be a Healer, but with her mother’s death, she has a new purpose. Imogene leaves healing and embraces mourning. Her father is a shell of himself, but Imogene is able to motivate him back to work. Ophelia is heartbroken but returns to Hogwarts. Imogene commits all her energy to raising Amos. The first year of unintentional parenthood is exhausting in ways Imogene could never imagine. She manages her grief by investing in her brother, doing her best to be the mother he should have.
Nearing the end of her mourning, she reconnects with her Hogwarts friend under unfortunate circumstances. His father has died. While Amos is her focus, Imogene is fast to her friend’s side. Too familiar with mourning, she steps in to help as she can. While they are separated by class, Imo is from respectable people and is soon a family fixture. She brings Amos with her for visits, spending as much time at his home as her own. While their friendship has grown tight, there is nothing romantic between the pair. In fact, it is visiting her friend’s family where Imogene confirms something she has suspects her whole life. She finds herself completely enraptured with one of the house’s maids, the attraction startling Imogene with its force.
Nothing comes of the attraction, Imogene would never do such a thing, but she does confide in her friend. He is the first and only person she admits her desires to. She has a strong sense he will understand.
1885-PresentFor eleven years, Imogene has no question of her purpose. Raising Amos is a joy and she forms a bond with her brother that sets them apart. Father loves his son, but has never fully recovered from the loss of Rosanna. Ophelia blames her brother for their loss. Imogene does her best to make him know how much their mother loved him already, how delivering him safe mattered more than anything. He is Imogene’s world and her joy, both her source of pride and a constant source of worry. When he receives his Hogwarts letter, she cried proud tears. He would be going to Hogwarts, but he would also be leaving her.
A conversation on her future leads Imo to apply for the Ravenclaw matron position. Amos won’t need her, but Imo found her purpose in raising children. She has no wish of a family of her own, pregnancy terrifies her, but she could see herself guiding the children of others. She decides to roll the dice.
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