Full Name: Albus, Percival Wulfric Brian, Dumbledore
Nicknames: Alby
Birthdate: August 20th, 1881
Current Age: Thirteen
Gender: Male / Male
Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Reputation: 8 (his reputation decreased as people started finding out about his father going to Azkaban)
Residence: Godric's Hollow, England
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Cherry Wood, 13.75", Unyielding, Pheonix Feather
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Middle
Family: Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore stands at 5'6" tall and just over 100 lbs. He has a lean build for a 13 year old. Albus's
lean frame and impressive hight gives him a very scarecrow type look to him. His eyes match his hair wich is
a deep, rich aburn. His hair is thick and on the longer side and reaches just below his ears.
Albus Dumbledore's attire, while attending Hogwarts, is that of the standard Giffondor student. While not
within the walls of Hogwarts, Albus' mother has him dressed to impress with the latest fashions of young men
his age are wearing. When Albus does have the chance to have an actual opinion on his wordrobe, he finds
himself sporting simple clothing like a plane white shirt, sensible troushers, comfortable worn shoes, and
hat. His favorite colors being that of varying shades of red. Another thing he keeps on his person at all
times is his father's ring with his family's crest, worn on his right hand.
Perhaps the most used part of his attire is his wand. His wand is made of an Cherry wood with black lacour
in color. It sports a simple vine like swirling pattern at it's base near the handle, which is trimmed in
silver. At it's base is a sliver pommel with a runic carving. Although Albus is ambidextrious, he often uses
his left hand for weilding his wand.
As a young teenager, Albus Dumbledore is highly intelligent, curious, and exceptionally gifted in magic. His
intellectual curiosity drives him to excel in his studies, often seeking knowledge far beyond his years.
Despite his brilliance, Albus is somewhat introverted and prefers spending time with books rather than
engaging in typical teenage activities. He has a strong sense of responsibility, especially towards his
family, and this often weighs heavily on him. Albus is thoughtful and introspective, already showing signs
of the wisdom and moral complexity that will define him in later years. However, he can also be distant and
reserved, struggling with the burdens placed upon him by his family’s circumstances. His ambition and desire
for recognition are present but tempered by his deep sense of duty and the early tragedies that have shaped
his life.
Other: Candy Making Enthusiest, Eidetic Memory, Owner of a Phoenix (stays outside Hogwarts), Cheshire (pet kneazle/cat)
Sample Roleplay Post:
The witching hour had come and Albus had just managed to sneak into the ristricted section of Hogwarts'
library. It was an activity he had great familiarity with and had been more of a hobby at this point. He was
here trying to learn about spells and lore that the professors refused to teach them. Their relunctance to
teach these things only fueled his curiosity more.
As he combed through the forbidden tomes of ancient knowledge, Albus stumbled across a volume that intruiged
him. The book appeared rather ordinary from it's binding, but it's contents were anything but. In it's
delecate pages, it was filled with spells that, at first glance, seemed rather tame. That was until Albus
looked closer and considered their implications. These were curses of the most foul and although he never
though of any magic as evil, these were prime examples of what forbidden spells were.
As Albus read through the pages, he couldn't help but fell a presense. Something was call him, urging him to
try one of these spells. It was like a molevelant force that was seducing him with sweet words and promises
of greatness, acceptance, and power. He could hear it telling him that these spells would help him fix his
sister. Albus couldn't help but think to himself, "What if?"
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