Persephone is an alias, she has not mentioned her birth name and will likely never tell most people of said name.Birthdate: June 13, 1866
Having once been in the Upper Class, she ran away to join the circus to avoid the guy her parents wanted her to marry. She's also a seer, so she's prone to saying weird things.Residence: Here, there, almost everywhere - Temporary
Eyes: BrownHistory:
Hair: Medium Brown
Height: 5’4”
Clothing: Fancy wistful clothes (though cheap enough that a carnie could afford it). She dresses to look whimsical, and she keeps this up even when not preforming.
Dominant Hand: Right
1866: Persephone is born.Personality:
1870: Though Persephone doesn't remember this, she has her first vision. Seeing herself getting a pony. This turns out to be false, much to little Persephone's disappointment.
1872: After several more false visions, Persephone has her first correct vision. She sees herself at Hogwarts, heading towards the castle on one of the boatfor all she knows at the time, it could be wrong and she could be a squib.
1877: The year she is to attend Hogwarts, she and her family hear about muggle riots over the discovery of wizardry. Though they did not live in London at the time, her family move to Hogsmeade as their main home to stay on the side of caution. Hogwarts, here she comes. Sorted into Slytherin, she's slightly shocked by this.
1881-1882: OWLs come around. Disappointing grades are to follow. If only the visions did distract from her homework half the time, she might actually have gotten at least a little better. Parents are not happy, of course. Discussions of her future get fairly serious. She barely convinces her parents to let her continue going.
1882: Her family decides to chance moving to Irvingly, even with the muggles around. An exciting new adventure for the family, as well as having a few family friends moving there as well.
1883-1884: Last year of Hogwarts. NEWTs results are a bit better, though not as good as she would prefer. Her parents are in no way impressed. Discussions of betrothal begin, not an idea that Persephone is thrilled with.
Summer of 1884: Father and mother set up a betrothal. At first, Persephone tries to be open to the idea. That is, until she gets a vision of later being abused by said man the night after meeting him. She runs away to join the circus that is leaving soon.Vision was false anyway, if she had stayed. He was a really nice guy, but she'll never know that.
1886: One of her fellow carnies is getting harassed by some woman. She feels kinda bad for him, but stays out of that whole situation. It's not like he needs people getting into his business. She has plenty of ridiculous and probably untrue visions. Some do prove to be right, just like usual. She's getting used to the carnie life, though it is still strange to not be in the life style that she was born to. But, so much more freedom, it feels worth it to Persephone.
1887: Persephone has a vision that they return to Hogsmeade. Dread fills her. Will her parents be there? Will she see them, or anyone else she might recognize? Hopefully her vision is wrong.
1888: Vision wasn't wrong. At least she gets time in quarantine to think and hopefully calm down.
Extravert: She tends to act before thinking and has high energy. She's outgoing and enthusiastic. Working with others gives her energy.Other:
Sensor: Tending to see what isthough does see what her visions say 'could be', she tends to act by living in the here and now as well as what she thinks will be the future.
Thinkers: She is motivated by achievement, and is quite direct. Tending to be convinced by rational arguments, this is not always the case mainly due to her visions.
Perceivers: Playful and casual, she would rather start projects than finish themanother reason that she was so bad in class. Decision making is difficult for her, and she is prone to making the wrong decision.
Amortentia: Her mother's perfume, warm baked goods
Patronus: Peacock
Boggart: Her parents, angry and yelling because she ran away.
Star Sign: Gemini
Hobbies: Staring at fancy dresses in window shops, chatting with her fellow carnies, sneaking out of the Festival during her free timealways the free spirit.
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