Domhnall Connolly - Printable Version

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Domhnall Connolly - Domhnall Connolly - June 7, 2018

Full Name: Domhnall Sean Connolly
Nicknames: Dom
Birthdate: August 27, 1870
Current Age: 18 Years
Occupation: Apprentice Broommaker
Reputation: 7; Domhnall's family are considered to be an odd bunch plus his sister is Maeve. He also has a habit of ending up in mishaps that aren't really his fault, he swears it.
Residence: County Galway, Ireland
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 10", willow, kelpie hair, slightly springy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Pádraig Connolly | Father | b. 1823
Caitríona Connolly née Brennan | Mother | b. 1831
Donovan Connolly | Brother |  b. 1855
Maeve Connolly | Sister | b. 1860
Finlay Connolly | Brother | b. 1861
Brighid Connolly |  Sister | b. 1867
Domhnall has dark red hair that almost looks brown in most lighting and has the gray eyes that most Connolly's have inherited. He has a generous helping of freckles upon his person, especially prominent in his face which he has never liked. He has also never liked his height which stopped at five feet, four inches though that doesn't stop him from trying to make himself taller through crockpot schemes that usually turn out to be scams. He has a lanky build. Domhnall favors muted colors when it comes to his clothing. He is right handed.
1870: Domhnall is born the last child of his branch of the family.

1872: Maeve goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor.

1873: Finlay goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor.

1876: Dom shows his first signs of magic. He pretty much takes it as a given now that he will go to Hogwarts and be sorted into Gryffindor too.

1881: The time finally comes for Dom's time at Hogwarts to begin. He is alarmed to find himself sorted into Hufflepuff. He would eventually find that the house suits him but even so, it isn't the Connolly way so he is greatly disappointed. Niamh has a child, one whom people come to expect him to stay home with which Dom does not appreciate the older that he gets.

1883: Dom tries out for the Quidditch team but fails spectacularly at it.

1884: The laughing plague takes lives including those of Aunt Siobhán and Niamh's husband.

1885: Brighid is sent off to the Pendergast School of Young Roses. Dom feels sorry for those 'Roses' of society.

1886: Maeve campaigns for the right for women to duel properly which he is fine with, really. It's the attention that gets put onto him with statements like isn't that your sister that he doesn't appreciate. Especially when he has repeatedly proven that he is quite bad at dueling.

1887: The half-breed ban happens which Dom is mostly indifferent to. A fellow student that he has a crush on is a little passionate about it though so he pretends to be too. His pride takes a hit when he sees all the children that make it onto Quidditch teams. Come on! He wasn't that bad!

1888: The students banned by the half-breed ban are able to come back but by now Dom's crush has faded into thin air so he doesn't actually care at all anymore. Cousin Lorcan gets married which is both surprising and not surprising. Dom graduates and becomes an apprentice broommaker.

Personality: Insecure. On the shy side of things. Accident-prone. Easily distracted. Sensitive. Loyal. Temperamental. Gullible. Naive.
- Considering he got a Troll in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dom is incapable of conjuring a patronus and it is unlikely that he will ever be able to do so.
Name: Kit
Age: 30
Contact: PM

Domhnall Connolly - Aldous Crouch - June 8, 2018

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