1871 | Xavier is born and is the second son of an upper class family. He is the third child over all. They are a comfortable and loving family with the typical mishaps and troubles any happy family might occasionally have. |
| Siblings join the family over the years, stopping at a total of six children. Xavier loves his family but has a penchant for teasing and playing harmless pranks on them. Xavier's first sign of magic consists of somehow ending up on the roof. |
1883-84 First Year | Xavier goes off to Hogwarts where he is sorted into Hufflepuff. He is quick to make friends, not one to pay heed to gender, class or blood. He does well academically though is also not exactly a stranger to the detention rooms. He takes great enjoyment in exploring the castle and causing innocuous trouble. |
1884-90 | Though he is not exactly obsessed with Quidditch like some of his schoolmates are, his slowly developing athletic physique and general popularity seems him pressured into joining the Quidditch team. As for his academics, Xavier shines on both his OWL and NEWT examinations though he is still uncertain as to what occupation he wants. It is a surprise to absolutely no one that he is not named prefect despite his academic record. His detention record certainly saw to that. The summer before his sixth year finds him sharing a drunken kiss with his male best friend. Something they never speak of forever after though it does sometimes linger on Xavier's mind since he was not altogether adverse to a re-enactment. |
1890-91 | Xavier goes on Tour as most young men of his class are wont to do when their education comes to an end. He comes to find that he loves travel. Something about exploring different parts of the world, seeing and experiencing other cultures, being on the move... just feels right to him. He eventually comes to decide that he wants an occupation that allows him to travel. He looks into becoming a cursebreaker, finding a freelance cursebreaker willing to take him on as an apprentice. It amuses him greatly that the classes he had done best in and enjoyed most in school are ones also required to be a cursebreaker. Needless to say, he loves his job. |
| Xavier completes his apprenticement and becomes a freelance cursebreaker in his own right. He comes home when Willa graduates and can't resist ribbing both her and Z for the Society things that are expected of the both of them. Xavier is quite happy to be still Too Young for matrimony. He develops a habit of taking off for long periods of time (though does send letters!) to parts of the world both known and unknown before randomly coming home again much like a cat would |