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Zackary Carter - Zackary Carter - May 13, 2024

Full Name: Zackary John Carter
Nicknames: Zack, Zacky (by mother only, or else!)
Birthdate: January 27, 1883
Current Age: 11 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mischief Maker
Reputation: 9
Despite his father being deceased, the man was known for gambling. Additionally, his parents married somewhat quickly.
Residence: North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: half
Social Class: middle
Peter Carter | [1853 - Sept. 14, 1893] father
"Penelope" Carter nee Applegate | [*1857 - 1863* - range, still alive] mother
Lukas Carter | [1885] brother
Lily Carter | [1889] sister

Madoc Yarwood | [1852] actual father
& all that comes with that

Ezra Applegate | [1862] cousin once removed
Johanna Applegate | [1867] cousin once removed
Byron Applegate | [1868] cousin once removed
& other Applegates
Zack has dark hair and eyes and is of an average height for a child his age, though he is increasingly frustrated that he isn't growing as fast as he wants to be. He tends to slouch unless scolded, making himself most comfortable despite the efforts of anyone who has ever attempted to teach him etiquette.

Despite Zack's best efforts, his mother keeps him tidy enough that he resembles the middle-class child that he is. He is kept in the fashionable clothing that his mother wants him to wear--he'll often find her organizing his clothes for days in advance, likely because he's been known to show up with the knees and elbows of his clothing ruined.

Zackary writes with his right hand.
pre-1883: Zack's mother, herself a bit of an oddity, has a series of casual encounters with Madoc Yarwood, leading to the conception of Zackary. Nervous about her reputation, she married the somewhat famously socially-uncoordinated Peter Carter, who was at that point so grateful that anyone considered him marriage material that he didn't give it much of a second thought. The couple move to Bartonburg North, where Peter has friends.

1883: Zackary John Carter is born, "a few weeks early." Thankfully, he resembles his mother, and his grandparents even note that he might have his father's smile. He is a loud baby,

1885: Lukas is born, an actual heir to Peter Carter. As a toddler, Zackary doesn't much notice, except for being increasingly annoyed by the screaming when he wants attention from mother, father, or the nanny.

1888: Zack is known for having sweets accidentally appear near him, especially if they were meant for Lukas or another child. Although his parents are proud of his accidental magic appearing, they also find it a little bit trying.

1889: Lily is born, and this time Zack has enough awareness about what babies are to find her intensely boring and be annoyed by her crying. At least he is more able to escape the sound, as he can now wander the house a little more freely.

1892: Zack has his first experience with his mother's "oddities." While he is enjoying dinner with her, she suddenly goes off on a rather long tangent about broomstick quality, and then seems frustrated when he asks for a rather expensive new model that came out recently.

1893: Peter Carter is one of several casualties in the dragon incident. Zack's mother has discussions with people Zack hasn't met before or locks herself in her room, leaving Zack and his siblings in the care of their nanny. When they do see her she has a tendency to talk about unrelated things. Zack assumes this is a symptom of mourning. A visit with Peter's father reveals that Zack's family is now deeply in debt, although it was supposed to be hidden from Zack.

1894: Zack escapes full mourning and enters partial mourning. All of which is dreadfully dull to him. While he misses his father, he also misses being able to wear the clothes he likes. Now entering his first year at Hogwarts, he worries a lot about what becoming "a poor" would be like, and hopes that his mother is able to figure something out so they don't have to move or sell any of his things.
Zackary is not one to overthink anything. A boy who frequently jumps to ill-informed conclusions and situations, he often finds himself in some manner of trouble or other. It doesn't help that his "running into trouble" is often actually "tripping into trouble" as he seems to have two left feet and the ability to lose everything he's supposed to be keeping track of. In spite of all of this, Zack is fiercely defensive of his family (even if he does spend some time teasing his younger brother) and has become slightly more morose since the death of his father. Previously and in lighter moments, Zack has been much more of a goofball, often teasing peers and getting into mischief. Zack is also a little bit selfish--if he sees something that he wants, he's going to go for it, even if it hurts someone else.
Other: Zackary is one of the Applegate family -- he has noticed that his mother sometimes acts oddly, but mostly chalks it up to her just being a bit weird. Zackary's boggart likely takes either the form of a dragon or a man come to collect on a debt.
Sample Roleplay Post: n/a
Name: Sallie
Age: 25
Contact: PM/Gchat
Other Characters: Wren Burroughs, Xander Stanwell, Yseult O'Byrne
How did you hear about us?: current member

Zackary Carter - Aldous Crouch - May 14, 2024

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