1860: Huojin shows signs of magic and his foster father begins teaching him magical basics. More importantly, this is the year that Huojin decides that he wants to be a firebreather partly to honor the name that his foster parents provided him with and his training in that begins.
1865: Huojin gets a letter from Hogwarts but since he’s always on the move, it would not make sense for him to go so it gets ignored. Besides, he learns what he needs to know from various members of the troupe.
1871: Huojin’s coming of age is celebrated by his foster father passing a worn out pocket watch to him and a night spent with a fellow carnival worker that he had taken a fancy to.
1872-1879: The next years of Huojin’s life is pretty standard for a carnie. They travel about, perform, leave. Huojin takes great advantage of this lifestyle and is also more than a bit of a ho as he greatly enjoys carnal activities.
1880: Huojin’s parental figures retire and for a while the three settle into one place. While the older two are content to settle in one place, Huojin is too young for that nonsense and it isn’t long until he is restless. When the Summer Solstice Festival rolls through the town that they had settled into, Huojin leaves with it.
1884: The carnival stops in Hogsmeade and Oh Boy. The laughing plague happens and a whole bunch of death occurs. Huojin is quite happy to not return to Hogsmeade for a good long while when they are finally able to leave.
1886: Huojin has some lady claiming that she got her pregnant. The math doesn’t add up though and it turns out she was just trying to pin it on him. It’s quite a scare though and for a long time, Huojin sticks with sleeping with males.
1888: Huojin is among those bringing the Summer Solstice Festival back to Hogsmeade. He reports for quarantine though isn’t quite pleased with being confined. At least some of the Hogsmeade Hospital staff are fun to look at.
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