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Leona Newberry - Leona Newberry - July 19, 2023

Full Name: Leona Gloriana Newberry nee Neville
Nicknames:Leo or Lea to those very close to her
Birthdate: October 27, 1860
Current Age: 32 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Proud Mother
Reputation: 9
Residence: Newberry Manor, Elsewhere
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 11.5" Elm, with unicorn hair, slightly bendy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Husband: Achilles Newberry b. 1855
— Son: Diomedes Newberry b. 1883
Currently expecting second child

— Brother-In-Law: Orpheus Newberry b.1857
— Sister-In-Law: Vivienne Newberry b. 1862
— Nephew: Daedalus Newberry b. 1888
— Niece: Ariadne Newberry b. 1891

Father: Elijah Neville
Mother: Amarantha Neville nee de Lapin
Siblings: Brothers and Sisters, including Enora Bonaccord (nee Neville) B. 1844
— Brother-In-Law: Anselm Edwin Bonaccord B. 1838
— Nephew: Charles Anselm Bonaccord, b. 1865
— Nephew: Silvius Henri Bonaccord, b. 1867
— Nephew: Pierre Lucian Bonaccord, 1869-1889
— Niece: Hermia Lisette Enora Bonaccord

face claim: Lena Headey
nationality: French and English
height: 5'5"
weight: not your business
build: average build, still lean
eyes: green
hair colour: naturally dark brown, often transfigured to fit her mood
distinguishing features: mole on right cheek
expression: Generous with her expression, Leona gives little effort into moderating her face. When she becomes inscrutable, it is a sign of distrust.
deportment: Unhurried and confident in her own skin, Leona glides through the world with a regal presence. Has never questioned whether or not she belongs in a room

1860-1872:With deep ties to power in England and France dating back centuries, the Nevilles are an institution. Leona Gloriana is born the youngest child of the already well-establish Neville clan and quickly proves herself the least conventional of her parents' 'little princessess.' While never one to seek trouble, Leona has a knack for ruffling the family's traditional feathers. Bold and questioning where her other sisters are reserved, Leona is accustomed to being seen and heard in family settings. Both loved by and exasperating to tutors, Leona proves a quick study when the topic interests her, but she has little patience for monotony. She is years apart from her siblings and spends much of her childhood as an only child with her imagination to keep her company.

Showing early promise in feminine arts such as dance and music, Leona shows the most interest in transfiguration and living things. When her older siblings begin marrying and having children of their own, Leona becomes obsessed with the idea of having her own family, and her doll collection rapidly multiplies to appease her. Her first act of magic is to vanish thorns from a rose that pricks her finger in the gardens as a child. While most of her siblings opt for Beauxbatons Leona baffles (and saddens) her mother by voicing her wish to attend Hogwarts like her father and brothers.

1872-1878:To the surprise of absolutely no one, Leona is sorted into Gryffindor and quickly makes her place among the rowdy House. She thrives in transfiguration, herbology, and charms, but shows no interest in her family's (or anyone else's) illustrious history. She passes all of her OWLs, but is relieved to be rid of things that don't interest her. She continues on with the five courses that she enjoys and invests her spare time in friends and active club life.

1879:Graduation and debuting for the youngest Neville is an event. While she enjoyed her education, Leona is ready to build her own life and family and takes to Society with gusto. Unlike her sisters, Leona shows no interest in returning to France and marrying there. Her English blood has won out, and she has every intention of marrying an Englishman. While this suits her father fine, Leona's French-born mother is less than pleased with her youngest child's wishes.

At a summer ball, Leona is reacquainted with Achilles Newberry, also a former Gryffindor. Leona's vision for her future quickly begins to include the eldest Newberry boy.

1879: Achilles' intention to court Leona raises eyebrows in the Neville home. While he's already proven himself a stellar young man with a rising career and the means to support a family as an heir, he breaks the unspoken, but longstanding Neville rule of marrying Pure. Having already set her sights and dreams on becoming Mrs. Achilles Newberry, Leona will not hear of objections and spends the next year jumping through her parents' hoops to prove her point.

1880:After a year spent denying the multitude of wizards her parents attempt to pair her with, Leona is granted her wish of courtship with Achilles. The pair court the months required by her parents before marrying quickly after Leona's twentieth birthday.

1883:The first child of Achilles and Leona is born to ecstatic parents. Diomedes Elijah Newberry is born July 26 to fanfare, and all the world has to offer the heir of two well-established houses. Leona's world shifts to center on her little prince and she is seen with her little one in her arms more often than his nanny.While she loves her husband and her active life, Leona's identity has fully shifted to mother. While she always intended to build a dynasty of her own, she cannot imagine splitting her attention between children. The drive to fill the house with little Newberrys calms slightly.

1889:Days before son's sixth birthday, news reaches Leona that her oldest sister's son has died suddenly. While no longer close to Enora or her four children, Leona still feels this loss on a primal level, awakening a fear in her that had always stayed in the realm of the impossible. She and Achilles become more protective of their son.

1893:Life for the Newberrys seems perfectly secure. There are whispers that Achilles may receive a place on the Wizengamot; Diomedes is just a year away from his inevitable Hogwarts letter; and Leona learns that she is pregnant for a second time. The only cloud on the horizon is the thought of her son living away from her for the first time. Still, Leona is counting her blessings. She has, in every way, the perfect life.

personality: Clever, Insightful, Single-Minded, Generous, Mischievous, Outspoken, Maternal, Solid


Care of Magical CreaturesO
Defense Against the Dark ArtsEEEE
History of MagicA

— trivia —

amortentia: Achilles' cologne, summer roses, rosemary
boggart: her son's lifeless body
former clubs: music, transfiguration, dueling, art, potions
patronus: Mare
sexual orientation: heterosexual
zodiac sign: Scorpio Sun; Aries Moon

Profile Quote
Sample Roleplay Post: Nein.
Name: Amy
Age: 34
Contact: PM and Discord
Other Characters: Them
How did you hear about us?: LADY

Leona Newberry - Elias Grimstone - July 20, 2023

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