Paxton Fudge - Printable Version

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Paxton Fudge - Paxton Fudge I - May 22, 2018

In -Character
Full Name: Paxton Gilbert Fudge
Nicknames: None yet
Birthdate: February 6th, 1877
Current Age: 11 Years
Occupation: Incoming First Year
Reputation: 8 - An eccentric family with a ghost dad!
Residence: The Sanditon Resort, Sussex
Hogwarts House: To be sorted!
Wand: To be bought!
Blood Status: Half Blood
Social Class: Middle Class
Mother: Winifred Fudge née Fisk
Father: Herbert Fudge
Siblings: Somersby Fudge, Holliday Fudge, Irene Fudge, Sunday Fudge
Appearance: An average child, Paxton stands at 4ft 6in and has short, dark brown hair with matching hazel eyes. He is right handed and prefers to follow in his father's footsteps when it comes to his fashion choices (though his Hogwarts uniform, come September, will be his main apparel).
History: 1877 | Paxton is born to the Fudge family with a few siblings already.

1878 | Sunday is born.

1880 | The Fudge family go on a family vacation and Holliday transfigures a muggle into a turtle. Paxton finds this highly amusing and during his laughter, proceeds to electrocute a fisherman. This marked the end of any holidays for the Fudge family.

1881 | Paxton's grandmother moves in. Paxton vaguely recalls the house being remodelled.

1882 | The family move to Sanditon and Paxton is enthralled by it. The new places to explore! The unseen adventures! There was so much to do! Paxton barely notices when his brother goes off to Hogwarts that September.

1883 | Paxton notices people coming to stay at the resort and begins gaining a reputation for being a boisterous young child. He takes a keen interest in helping his father, however, and regularly suggests all sorts of animals for the Zoo. His father has to explain to Paxton no less than six times that a cockroach was not a suitable zoo animal. Paxton disagreed.

1884 | The laughing plague strikes and it is very quiet. Paxton sees Holliday off to Hogwarts to join their other siblings.

1885 | During one of his little expeditions around the resort, Paxton happens across another child his age who was staying with their parents. The two become fast friends over the few weeks the child was at the resort though they never see each other after.

1887 | Paxton's father is crushed to death and whilst initially in mourning, the return of Herbert in the form of a ghost was nothing short of a miracle. Paxton is overjoyed that he has a ghost dad! It means he isn't properly and fully dead and who else can say their dad can go through walls? He begins tormenting - though playfully - his father by hunting for him around the resort and it becomes one of Paxton's favourite activities, much to his fathers chagrin.

1888 | Due to start at Hogwarts in September, Paxton is excited for his future.
Other: Often seen running around the resort searching for his father.
Sample Roleplay Post: See other characters.
Name: Jon
Age: 24
Contact: PM / Skype
Other Characters: Character Directory
How did you hear about us?: RPG-D

Paxton Fudge - Aldous Crouch - May 22, 2018

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