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Full Name: Rachel Morgan
Nicknames: Rach, Ellei
Birthdate: May 17, 1875
Current Age: 16 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Sixth Year Student
Reputation: 9
While there isn't anything off about her family, her sister's husband died a few days after the wedding in a duel.
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Blackthorn, 11", rigid, dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Emerentius Morgan [1826] | Father, occupation
Vera Morgan nee [1841] | Mother, socialite
Desiderius Morgan [1861] | Brother, MoM, Head of the Spirit Division
Eldritch Morgan | [1863] Brother, Lawyer
Rhiannon Cameron nee Morgan | [1867] Sister, Socialite
    Percival Cameron | [1861-1886] | Brother-in-law
    Icarus Cameron  | [1887] | Nephew

DAISY | [Aquirred in '86] Cat
General | While no English Rose, there is no denying she is a presence who demands attention. Standing at a tall five foot seven not counting any heel her shoes may have, she sports a head full of thick, wavy hair that while may look black when inside, is technically a quite dark brown. To go with, she hosts the hazel brown eyes of her family, though hers are a few shades darker than her siblings. She is ambidextrous but has been trained to write and spell primarily with her right hand.

Expressions | In the comfort of her own home, she wears her feelings on her sleeve but as soon as she shifts outside the expressiveness remains but the depth disappears. Instead she often paints her face in whatever she thinks would suit the situation best. Overall, she tends to have very vivid expressions that leave no question as to what she is trying to convey.

Deportment |  As with her expressions, her deportment varies greatly depending on who she is with. With her family she loosens her control and tends to have a faint sag to the shoulders that isn't present otherwise. Away from home, she moves with the posture of someone drilled by a governess for years. At all times she is animated, often talking with her hands and in some form of movement.

Fashion | Blessed with ample curves, Rach tends to dress in a way that shows them off, pushing the lines of respectable society but never crossing them. She favors muggle form of dress and darker colors. She doesn't look forwards to the pastels of debutante as she knows she does not look as good in them. Her clothes are kept immaculate, and she favors velvets and silks.

Accessories | There are no particular accessories she favors but she favors accessories in general and spares none of her allowance in jewels. She favors silver over gold as it stands out better against her skin.

Scent | She wears a perfume that is some sort of dark musky sent with just a hint of floral and citrus to mark it as feminine.

Face Claim | Maia Mitchell
1875 |  Just days before her birth, her mother is saddled with the unexpected (honestly not that unexpected, she was eight years younger than the sibling before her and the woman had been old long before) death of her naming seer. As such, the last child and second daughter is left with a starkly contrastingly mundane name of Rachel in comparison with her siblings. Vera claims they had no time to find a replacement.

1878 | Annie is off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw seeing three siblings in three different houses. She misses her sister, but at three she moves on quickly and grows used to being the only child in the whole house.

1879 | Her eldest brother graduates and moves back in.

1881 | Ritchie graduates and moves home.

1882 | Desi is drafted into the trails, and fencing at 7 she doesn't really understand but everyone else is worried so she is as well.

1884 |  Rach is the only one in her family that contracts the Laughing Plague that strikes the wizarding world after visiting the traveling carnival. It is a close call, but eventually, she pulls through.

1885 | Annie graduates, but unlike her brothers, her sister does not move home and instead is off to finishing school in France.

1886-1887 | With her sister coming home from finishing school and starting her first season, Rach is finally getting ready to start her own adventure in Hogwarts. Many of her family half expect her to end up in Gryffindor to complete the prior trend, but she expects to find herself in Slytherin with Richie. When faced with the hat, she finds herself listening to it debate for quite a few minutes. Hufflepuff it immediately rules out, as well as Ravenclaw. Eventually, it places her in Gryffindor.

While her first year is very anticlimactic, her sister is caught up in a whirlwind courtship that proceeds surprisingly fast and Rach is pardoned to go home in early December to attend her sister's wedding. She returns home a week or two later for the holidays to find that her sister's new husband was killed on their honeymoon in a duel. She finds this utterly ridiculous.

1887-1888 | She becomes an aunt for the first and so far only time when Annie has a little boy named Icarus by a naming seer. For once, Rachel is sort of glad she wasn't named by one (even if her mother is convinced it cursed her) as at least her fate isn't going to be driven by some name. Icarus flew and shined, but flew too close to the sun and fell.

1888-1889 | To her annoyance, none of the electives offered actually strike her interest but she has to add something so she settles on Divination to please her mother. Besides she figures she can just bs most of the assignments.

1890-1891 | A Christmas prank by Peeves sees Rach kissing a boy two years her elder. They're lucky that they stumbled across the mistletoe with no one else around but the incident prompts Rachel to realize she actually really likes kissing. After this she finds herself meeting up with the boy off and on in lesser-used broom closets and rooms. She ensures her own protection by drawing a line before having sex and ensures she always has some form of blackmail to prevent him from telling.

1891-1892 | Her O.W.L. grades weren't amazing but they weren't bad either. As she shifts to her N.E.W.T.s, Rachel continues on with charms, defense against the dark arts, potions, transfiguration, and to everyone's surprise, she finds permission to add on alchemy. With her boy-toy having graduated last May, she's left to her own devices to find a scattering of others to amuse herself with around classes.
  • She has a tendancy to look down on others for a variety of reasons
  • She often has a mean streak to her to those she doesn't like or doesn't need to impress
  • She is quite warm and friendly towards family and close friends in a way that often leaves one disconnected as to which might be the "real" Rachel
  • She is openly flirty with men she considers attractive
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Name: Nichole
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