December 27, 2021 – 3:54 AM
Full Name: Eldritch Cornelius MorganEldritch received his first name from a naming seer and has Eldritch Diggory, early 18th century Minister of Magic and founder of the Auror program, as a namesake. He has always found it a bit much — both the name and the grandiose associations with it — and often imagines introducing himself by his middle name instead, if only he was close enough to anyone to ask them to call him anything other than Morgan.Nicknames: Family use Ritch or Ritchie, work associates and social acquaintances typically use Morgan.
Birthdate: June 18th, 1863
Current Age: 28 Years
Gender: Male, perceived male
Occupation: Junior Lawyer
Reputation: 10 [Unless someone in this family tells me otherwise which - speak now or forever hold your peace fam]
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Pear and phoenix feather, 10", stiff.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper class
Emerentius Morgan, Father, 18xx.Appearance:
Vera Morgan nee --, Mother, 1841.
Desiderius Morgan, Brother, 1861.
Rhiannon Cameron nee Morgan, Sister, 1867.Icarus Cameron, Nephew, 1887.
Rachel Morgan, Sister, 1875.

Expressions | Morgan has two main expressions: jovial or befuddled. He is generally at ease in social situations and quick to smile or laugh, but if the conversation turns to more serious matters he often looks as though he's struggling to keep up with what you're saying. Which — he's usually not. It's just how his face looks.
Deportment | In social settings he's generally relaxed, because from his perspective there's nothing at stake. When working, he holds tension in his shoulders proportional to the amount of he anticipates his parents will disapprove of the case verdict. Extra tension for pro-bono cases. On occasion he's given himself stress headaches while prepping for particularly left-leaning cases.
Fashion | Eldritch keeps his suits well tailored and prefers lighter colors with pastel accents (black paired with any dark accent feels like mourning to him). He expects his clothes to do all of the heavy lifting towards making him look like a presentable upper-class man, since he doesn't expend much effort in shaving and grooming on most days, so he invests in keeping them nice and in fashion. Wears a silver ring with the family crest and occasionally also wears a silver ring with the Slytherin snake etched into the surface.
Scent | High quality (but not exorbitant) cologne with a pine scent that Rhiannon gifted him for Christmas one year shortly after he graduated Hogwarts and he's worn ever since.
Face Claim | Ronen Rubinstein
Childhood | |
1863 — 1871 | Eldritch's nursery years are lovely; he gets along well with his older brother as soon as he is old enough to toddle around and participate in games, and when they are joined by a sister in 1868 he likes her just fine, too. The siblings are visited at the appropriate points by their parents but their bond with each other has always been closer. |
1871 — 1874 | The addition of lessons to Eldritch's life causes him a good deal of trouble. He's not very good at recitations and starts to fret that perhaps he's stupid, and that Hogwarts (where Desi begins disappearing to for most of the year) will be just as bad as the schoolroom at home. Already aware at eight that his parents have high expectations of him (hence naming him after a Minister of Magic), Eldritch is anxious about disappointing them and spends much of his free time practicing reading, writing, and arithmetic — but to little avail, as his recitations remain quite poor. This is probably the first time in his life he starts to feel a little resentful of the naming seer for saddling him with this massive legacy to live up to, though he doesn't quite have the words to express it yet (and would never tell his parents, anyway). The departure of Desi to school gives him the opportunity to insist that other children on their playdates call him Morgan like grown-ups do, so by the time he has received his Hogwarts letter the name Eldritch — or diminutive Ritchie — is almost exclusively used by family. |
Hogwarts | |
1874 — 1876 | Morgan departs for his first year of Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin. During the second half of his first year he discovers that his family will be welcoming another child, which seems sort of weird. Are they going to have a bunch more, or is she just going to hang out all by herself in the nursery? He doesn't ask. He has enough to worry about with school, as his early tests turn out very similarly to his recitations back home. He is terribly afraid he'll flunk out, until he befriends a Ravenclaw in his year who helps. Second year his grades are better (though his experience in trying to get them is still fairly rocky). He does better with classroom performances of magic or open-book homework assignments than he does with tests. |
1876 — 1879 | Third through fifth year are much better; Morgan's note-taking system starts to save his grades (though they are still not stellar and the addition of elective classes renews his enthusiasm for school. He has a handful of friends but is particularly close to one or two. Annie joins Hogwarts during his fifth year, which is also Desi's last year at school before he graduates and heads to the Ministry. |
1879 — 1881 | Morgan keeps all of the classes he needs to become an auror, because by now he's gotten the impression that's what's expected of him after Eldritch Diggory founded the office hundreds of years ago. This is more stressful than he would like, but he does find time to enjoy a few clubs during his upperclassman years (something he never had time for in his early years) and deepens some of his friendships. He doesn't play Quidditch on the house team or earn prefect but he also didn't want to do either, so it's not a big deal. He does intern at the Dept of Magical Law Enforcement during the summers, though is not particularly enthusiastic about it given that it means trading free time for Dad Time. |
Career | |
1881 — 1885 | Upon graduation Morgan takes an entry-level paperwork job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, in theory only until the fall when he's able to join the auror training program as his family generally assumes he will. Unfortunately, his grades don't come through and he doesn't qualify for the program, so now he's stuck deciding what to do next. He tries to keep his cards close to his chest about his grades and pivots quickly to trying to qualify as a lawyer, so that hopefully his family and friends might be fooled into thinking this is what he wanted to do all along. In fairness, it isn't not what he wanted to do — he feels, if anything, slightly less ambivalent about the law as he does about a potential career as an auror. He manages to qualify as a lawyer and very quickly decides that working in the same profession and same general office as his father will be the death of him, so begins looking for non-Ministry firms to apply for. In early 1885 he decides to go work with August Echelon-Arnost, under the mistaken assumption that because they run in vaguely similar social circles Mr. Echelon-Arnost will have roughly similar values to his own family's (Eldritch Morgan was pointedly not paying attention to the 1884 Minister election since his mother had recently made some comments that perhaps his namesake actually meant he was destined for a career in politics, and Morgan wants to do everything possible to head off those expectations at the pass). He has been working there only a month when the news that Mr. Echelon-Arnost's newly-deceased brother was some sort of mass criminal, but there's not much to be done about that. His boss taking in his niece Hannah is courting scandal a little too close for Morgan's comfort, but it ultimately doesn't impact him so it's not as though it's his business — and besides, he would probably do the same for one of his siblings, so it's certainly understandable. Later that year, Annie graduates and goes to France to be finished. |
1886 — 1887 | Annie debuts, gets engaged, and gets married. Shortly thereafter, in a colossally stupid turn of events, some bloke they met on the honeymoon insults her and her new husband, full of hot air and his own ego, challenges him to a duel and is promptly killed. This is why dueling is illegal, folks. Morgan finds it hard to feel bad for his deceased brother-in-law because the entire thing is just so dumb, but he does feel bad for his sister — particularly after she finds out she's pregnant (from what, the week they were married?) and moves back in to the family home for additional support. Her son, Icarus, is born in 1887. In the meantime, Morgan is beginning to realize he picked the wrong boss if he wanted to not make waves with his parents, but it's too late to change tracks now. They represent a lady who probably didn't kill her husband, though everyone thinks she did. They represent a vampire who didn't murder this particular human, they're pretty sure. They represent a guy who actually did try to kill his daughter. This is all very confusing for Morgan, but as the junior lawyer at the firm he doesn't get to make decisions about which cases they take. He just gets to explain them to his deeply disappointed parents. |
1888 — 1891 | In an effort to become a Real Adult now that Desi has moved into his own house, Morgan takes up a membership at Atlantis. He's not planning on moving out of the house until he's married (his mother would never let him hear the end of it) but does enjoy having somewhere to go that's more private, for all that he loves his family. Speaking of marriage: maybe sometime soon, but he's not in a hurry. He vaguely feels that Desi ought to go first (though given how flirtatious Desi is, he's not sure that's particularly likely). |
Occupying the unenviable position of being both a people-pleaser by nature and also strongly principled, Morgan often feels conflicted when having to navigate sensitive situations in a social context — which, on account of his job, he does often. He's fairly even-keeled and although he may judge people internally, it takes a lot to get him to speak his mind to them directly. He usually makes a good first impression on people as he'd quite friendly and outgoing in social situations, though can sometimes make a poor second impression when he forgets important details or otherwise give the impression he's only putting on a show and doesn't actually care about you (which mostly is not true; he's just scatterbrained sometimes!) People who know him well mostly find this endearing (hopefully).
- A voracious reader, Morgan is also nearly incapable of retaining what he's read, which made studying for tests in school a delight.
- Relies on a very detailed and complex note-taking system when preparing for cases and can be easily flustered when it's disrupted.
- Enjoys peppermints.
- Keeps a membership at Atlantis.
Out-of-CharacterName: Lynn
December 28, 2021 – 3:13 AM
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