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Full Name: Leonidas Dimitrios Perks
Nicknames: Leo
Birthdate: July 4, 1880
Current Age: 11
Gender: Male
Occupation: First Year
Reputation: 9
He tries to be fairly normal, but his visions sees him staring off at nothing on a brief occasion. His mother is also rather French, which might earn him an 8.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hat will Decide
Wand: Silver lime, 11", slightly flexible, single phoenix tail feather
Upon his mother's insistence, his wand was specially ordered from a wand maker in France. As silver lime is famed to work nice with seers, she had been determined to provide such so that Leo may achieve his best in life. Whether this shall prove to be the best decision has of yet to be determined.
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Father: Silas Perks (1850)
Mother: Estelle Perks née Richelieu (1859)
Brother: Silas Perks II (1877-1884)
Brother: Andreas Perks (1882)
Sister: Theodosia Perks (1883)
Brother: Viktor Perks (1886)
Eyes: Often times, it is difficult to tell if his eyes are blue or green

Hair: Blonde

Height: 4 ft. 7 in.

Clothing: His clothing is not always as tidy as his mother would prefer, but he wouldn't dare to appear below his station if he can help it.

Dominant Hand: Right

PB ~ Diesel La Torraca

1880: Leonidas is born as the second son of Silas and Estelle Perks.

1882-1883:  Another son and a daughter have joined the Perks family. Through these years, he has visions of a puppy. Despite repeated requests, he is not given one as a pet of his own. Nothing really comes of these visions.

1884: Leo has dreams of crows and echos of sobbing ringing in his ears, occurring off and on at the beginning of the year. It doesn't make sense, and he often forgets about it by the time the day really begins. However, tragedy strikes when the heir is lost to the plagues of Hogsmeade. Leonidas has few memories of being the spare, nor of the older brother that came before him. These haunting dreams and their meaning do stay with him with every new vision - no matter the accuracy.

1886: Another son joins the family, and both parents believe that this is an ideal amount of children for the family line. That is, as long as more are not lost.

1891: Leonidas is off to Hogwarts, and finds his sorting delayed. His life so far has consisted of visions, both accurate and not, and he dreads how this will affect his school life.

Leo often tries to hide his insecurities with bold - and borderline reckless - behavior. To a point, this is often written off as young boy mischief.
Amortentia: N/A

Patronus: N/A

Boggart: His brother as a ghost, yelling at him - art of his brother can be seen around the home, though not much

Star Sign: Cancer

Hobbies: He hasn't truly figured out what he likes best to do with his free time.

Pets: A small owl
Name: Kelly
Age: 23
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