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Full Name:  Havelock Nott
Nicknames:  Nott, Loch, Nutty Nott
Birthdate:  August 9, 1821
Current Age: 70
Occupation: Charms Professor, HoH Gryffindor.
Reputation:  7 - Eccentric + UC working as Teacher.
Residence: Hogwarts during the School Year. He returns to an unplottable house in Appleby throughout the summer though has townhouses in both London and Hogsemeade though would prefer to stay in one of the clubs in Hogsmeade...
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Unicorn Hair, Black Walnut, 9.5
Blood Status:  Pureblood. His family seem to think it's important
Social Class:  Upper Class.
Family:  He married wife, Adelaide, in the 1850's putting her birth at around the 1830s. He likes to proclaim that he should've known marrying her would be folly however at the end of the day they are still married and have numerous children and grandchildren.  His children follow a naming scheme that follows Adelaides' interests and are born between the mid 1850's  to  mid 1870's  and he already has a grandchildren from at least his heir.

Appearance:  Havelock is a man of middling height (5’6”)  and middling appearance. As a child his facial features were rather girlish which made his mother who was want of a daughter dress him up as such. He was never expected to amount to much and it is to the surprise of everyone - including himself that he’s become heir. He always seems somewhat scruffy or nervous in appearance though does have a tendency to rush in at the same time. He has wispy sandy hair, a self-depreciating smile and blue eyes. He is known for his eccentric dress and a dislike of all muggle clothing - and finds it too constraining and his wife publicly “humours” him and privately criticises him. As a result of such criticism he has collected a substantial collection of radical robes that he wears mostly to annoy her and wears them mostly to school though will wear them to parties that he is loathe to go to but is forced to attend. It is important to note however when the occassion requires it he will dress his part.

Havelock was born the third son and was doted on by his mother, who whilst having wished for a girl took full advantage of Havelocks beautiful appearance. It is his wives opinion that his mother over indulged him at this point of his life and essentially ruined him. His two elder brothers were everything a wizard was supposed to be afterall and the heir and the spare and were already in Hogwarts by the time Havelock was born. It had been thought that Havelock wouldn't have to amount to much anyway.

He left for Hogwarts like all others at 11 and had a thoroughly good time. He was sorted into Gryffindor despite a familiar history of Slytherin however it came as little surprise to those who knew him, even his family as he did not have an ambitious bone in his body. He enjoyed all his subjects though did exceptionally well in Charms and eventually got Os in that subject, along with Magical Theory, Runes and Transfiguration.

He left school after graduation and led a rather flippant life, and taking a Charms and Magical Theory Apprenticeship with established author of the then Hogwarts  syllabus (not without the assistance of family). He would later take the time to seek out other reputable masters of their craft throughout Europe and would return at age 30 to fill the vacated Magical Theory Professor role, a decision that was in no part made because his mother begged him that she missed him and was lonely…. Originally intending to apply for the Charms Master role his mother's begging about requiring his presence far more than What a teacher with a full course load would allow made him relent to take a first years only position along with the added thought that with extra time he could devote himself more fully to research. How wrong he was.

He would go on to to become the Gryffindor Head of House a decade afterwards.

He was quick however to discover the farce in her pleas as she'd set up what she had decided was the perfect bride for him. And on paper Adelaide was a perfect match: she was Ambitious Slytherin from the right family with the right blood lines and already proved that she had enough presence to control her social group and surroundings.  She always seemed on-top of everything - to the point that it seemed as if every situation favoured her in some way and even mere coincidences would help her develop this illusion of the perfect pureblood socialite. It was took her mere months to wrap his entire family around her finger and for his part Havelock was content to let her do so as long as she gave him his retreat for the large portion of the year.

It wasn’t until after he was married that he discovered quite how ambitious she was. She had no intention of remaining the wife of a third son who would only receive a portion of the inheritance, already diminished as it were between his uncle and father, and systematically took down all those who stood in her way of achieving her goal especially after the birth of their first child in the mid-1850's- including his own brothers and their families whom she conveniently used her the Nott’s purist tendencies against very successfully.

As each lull in scandal that the Nott family faced seemed to coincide with his wives pregnancies Havelock decided that it seemed for the greater good of the family that she best remain pregnant for as long as possible - this plan had mixed results though left her with a veritable Quidditch team worth offspring to occupy her with - and as each child aged he would discover the added benefit in that their rearing, and marriages seemed to leave her completely occupied.

When his parents passed in the early 1880's she seemed completely content to take over duties as Nott family matriarch and run the family in the background and beyond her marked annoyance at him and his eccentricities she seemed content in his position in her life: as long as he didn’t do anything to jeopardise her own life and she quietly groomed her own children to take after herself, mostly, though some do favour him. It is his intention to stay completely out of their squabbles and cutthroat family politics and routinely changes his will and the beneficiary with his lawyer, the best money can afford, and advised all of them that should he die they will have to submit to being interrogated with some very specific questions under the influence of truth serum in the presence of each other before they see any whit of it and if they chose not to the inheritance will go, it all its totality to whatever flavour of the month he was currently interested in. He refers to returning for the summer as hell and it is clear he enjoys returning to school in September abit too much..

In 1890 upon the departure of Professor Ellkin he choose to .switch departments moving from being a first year only role who assisted with Club commitments to one which taught through the seven years.

Personality:  A rather eccentric old man known for his sense of humour and easy smile he has the patience of saints… which is lucky considering what he has to put up with. He enjoys tweaking other peoples noses - especially his overly ambitious wife and tries not to take the world too seriously. It is his wifes opinion that his mother ruined him as a child giving in to every indulgence but he likes to think of himself as the “fun” professor. He is always there to lend a helping hand and is known for his creative punishments. He unfortunately does not have an ambitious bone in his body and has never developed a particular interest in lying. He is passionate about Charms work and it shows.

Other:  He is an avid supportor of the Appleby Arrows and takes great delight in participating in childish rivalries with students who go for the Wimbourne Wasps.

He has taught his own children on multiple occassions and takes great delight in embarrassing them especially with garish combinations of Appleby and Gryffindor colours.

He has published many Charms and Magical Theory papers aimed at getting younger people interested in the why behind Magic and how to improve the efficiency of Charms with theory along with the benefits of Basics.

Sample Roleplay Post:

Name: Jen
Age: 31
Contact:  SKYPE jjm.bostock or DISCORD
Other Characters: Check the CML
How did you hear about us?:  OL
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