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Full Name: Felicity Jane Riley nee Prewett
Nicknames: Fee
Birthdate: February 3rd, 1863
Current Age: 28
Occupation: Healer & Founder of the Irvingly Infirmary
Reputation: 9
She works and her brother is Fitz.

Residence: Swallowbury, Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Alumna (‘81)
Eight and a quarter inches, willow, with a phoenix tail feather.
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
James Riley, Husband [1855-1886]
Gideon James Riley, Son [1883]
Grace Florence Riley, Daughter [1885]

Gideon Prewett, Father [1820-1868]
Harriet Prewett née Potter, Mother [1828]
Faustus Prewett, Brother [1850]
— Jane Prewett née Pettigrew, Sister-in-Law [1856-1883]
— Edelweiss Prewett, Niece [1877]
— Iris Prewett, Niece [1882]
— Mezereon Prewett, Nephew [1883]
Frances Crabbe née Prewett, Sister [1856], and family
Fitzroy Prewett, Brother [1860]
— Liliana Prewett nee Carrow, Sister-in-Law [1864-1883]
— Camilla Prewett nee Zabini, Sister-in-Law [1865]
Felix Prewett, Brother [1860]
Florence Greene née Prewett, Sister [1861]
— Corey Greene, Brother-in-Law [1857-1886]
— Chloe Greene, Niece [1883]
— Corinne Greene, Niece [1886]
Frederick Prewett, Brother [1864]
With her father's red locks of hair and her mother's large blue eyes, Fee has always thought herself rather pretty, in a mildly awkward sort of way. Standing at an unexciting height of five feet, Felicity's is not a particularly commanding presence, her slight frame making her better suited to kite flying than physical confrontation—as is fitting for a woman of her breeding. Her face is a rounded one, and smiles easily, unless concentrating hard on some task or another. While at work she wears the garment of her profession. Outside of work, Fee was raised within a particular society, and her attire matches that; even when she is feeling dishevelled after a long day's work, this will not appear, at least, in her clothing. Her wand is small enough to tuck neatly into whatever she is wearing, and is used with her right hand. Her profession has impacted the way in which she carries herself; where formally her posture was exceptional, though not perfect, she often lets it slide by the wayside, the work of an intern requiring more comfort than it does seemliness.

Her PB is Sarah Drew.

February, 1863Felicity is born the sixth child to Gideon and Harriet Prewett, and the third daughter. A quiet infant, she caused little trouble for her parents and nurses.
July, 1868Gideon initially alludes capture by a group of aurors, intent on questioning him about his alleged practice of dark magic. By month’s end, however, he is killed, leaving his family aghast. It is this incident that forms the basis for Felicity's enduring distrust of law enforcement.
Autumn, 1874Felicity begins her schooling at Hogwarts, where she joins her sister Florence in Hufflepuff. They are joined a year later by their brother Frederick.
1881Felicity completes her schooling at Hogwarts and comes out into society. By the end of the summer, she is able to begin her training as a healer, eschewing the traditional trappings of society. Where her schedule allows, she does still attend functions, ostensibly to please her mother although privately, she enjoys them as well.
1882In February, Felicity begins being courted by Mr. James Riley (...who was previously attached), her senior at the hospital. In the summer, the Ministry's expedition calls many hands to the road—some of them female. The Prewetts are particularly hard-hit, and Fee finds herself on an adventure she never wanted. Whilst on the expedition, Fee suffers an attack by a dragon and spends more time than she would like recovering in hospital. James returns from his own adventures in August, proposing to Felicity in the process. The two become engaged and marry in October.
1883A mixed bag, as years go. February saw the death of Fitzroy’s new bride, and May the death of Faustus’ wife. It also saw several new additions: Mezereon to Faustus, little Chloe to Florence, and baby Gideon to Felicity. By the summer’s end, however, Felicity was committed into the Ivana Memorial Asylum, after post-natal depression led her to attempt infanticide.
1884Felicity returns home in the new year, though it is some time before things with her family, particular James, can be considered any measure of normal again. Fortunately, Fitz is arrested (though later released), taking some of the heat off of her. It is a blessing, she supposes, that he is so foolish.
1885Baby Grace is born in March. While she is not quite where she might hope to be, her melancholy is not nearly so severe as it was with Gideon.
1886-1890A tragic carriage accident leaves both Felicity and Florence widows. Truly bereft, Fee throws herself into her job and her children, remaining in half-mourning far longer than necessary. Surprising no one, it is her mother who eventually hauls her back into full colours.
1891Fitzroy goes on a cruise and comes back married—and Felicity does not need three guesses to ascertain why, although he spares her the lurid details.

Felicity is not one to rush into things headlong, nor one to take risks. Each decision she makes is one carefully considered, often weighing the pros and cons; even in becoming a healer, a goal of hers from her earliest years, she put the same level of scrutiny she would into any other decision. While her own actions are careful ones, Fee has always been uncomfortable encouraging others to behave similarly: unless she knows an individual particularly well, she will not caution them against harmful behaviour unless in her capacity as a healer.
  • Languages: Fluent in English and proficient in French.
  • Schooled in the appropriate womanly arts.
  • As a healer, Fee was trained in spell damage.

  • Boggart: TBD
  • Amortentia: TBD
Name: Kayte
Age: 30
Contact: PM
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