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Nicknames: Obie, Bear
Birthdate: October 9, 1875
Current Age: 15
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 10
Residence: Little house in the middle of nowhere near Bath in South England
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand:  12” Alder Wood, Unicorn Heartstring, Sturdy.
Blood Status: Half blood.
Social Class: Lower

Mr. Elliot Smethwyck is a halfblood (born 1799). In 1820, invented the Cushioning Charm. His wife passed away delivering their only child, Ms. Leopoldina Smethwyck, in 1829. She was the first witch in Britain to referee a quidditch match in 1850. She still works as a referee, and uses her spare time to travel extensively. It is on one of her travels abroad that she took in Mr. ----- Smethwyck (born 1875), a halfblooded orphan. The trio plan to fly around the world when he completes his OWLs. The Smethwycks live in southern Britain.

Appearance: Bear is built like a barge and a previous beater for the Hogwarts Quidditch team who was forced to retire because of the issues with the Quidditch cup. His ancestry is mucky at best and unable to truly determine. He has dark bronze skin, dark eyes and he wears his dark hair very short and doubts he will ever be called handsome. His nose shows evidence of breakage. He has a lovely scar that stretches up half his leg along his knee from that summer that is still ugly and he has to treat it very tenderly. His clothes are usually purchased for the cheapest price and are worn till the no longer fit as are his robes. He honestly… does not care. It is immediately evident based solely on his appearance that he will probably be somebody's muscle later in life or he will become a Quidditch Beater professionally.


Bear's life is split into pre-Leopoldina and post-Leopoldina.  [1875-1881]

Adopted at age six he doesn't remember much from Pre-Leopoldina other than always being hungry. His parents died or disappeared very early on and his largish size as a child helped him tag along with other boys picking up habits that Leopoldina would later scold him for having. He learnt quickly and had surprisingly nimble hands, and quick feet - all the better to pickpocket with and he thought his own magic - inherited from a father he never knew - belonged to a helpful fairy or perhaps his dead parents watching over him.

His life probably would've never changed had he not accidentally wandered into the magical half of Constantinople and discovered brooms. Convinced he had to have one he tried to steal one from a woman who's left it outside and after running away with it and getting stuck upside down in the air Leopoldina tracked him down and decided that he was hers.  His birthday  October 9 is the day that she found him.

He found himself adopted into a family of rather eccentric flyers. 

Post-Leopoldina [1881-onwards]

Told that Bear was not an appropriate name by Leopoldina Bear became Oberon, and was forced to learn a great many things he had no interest in learning at the time and a great many that he did. He grew up well and at age 11 headed off to Hogwarts where he was sorted into Gryffindor. In the 1888-1889 school year he became one of the two Quidditch beaters however the school ban in 1890-1891 meant he lost the position and whilst he was tempted to try out for the position of Chaser it didn't suit him and in his own form of protest took the year off and dedicated his year to study and keeping in shape and expanding his knowledge in survival based magics in preparation of his familys dream of flying around the world.

Personality: protective, cuddly like a bear, happy, go lucky type of fellow.

Other: Obie's original language was Ottomon Turkish with splattered with other words from other languages gain from interacting with a variety of different cultures however from age 6 onwards English became his main language and is the only language he can read.

Sample Roleplay Post:

Six year old Obie's eyes were wide as he stared as he watched the woman land her broom with such ease and finesse that he couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that it overcame him.

This. This is what he wanted to do.

He followed her after she landed and kept her in his sights as she left the broom outside to go into one of the shops he saw his chance. He grabbed the broom and launched himself into the air as he'd seen others do., yelling the Turkish word for Up as he did so.

This was going to be amazing.

The broom rocketed upwards and turned around....

He had a sensation of falling... And landing with a great big thud.

Obie blearly stared upwards at the ceiling as he heard a snort and a muffled laughter from his housemates... As he realised he wasn't actually six anymore and he'd fallen off his chair after falling to sleep in History of Magic.

Name: jen
Age: 32
Contact: pm
Other Characters: see cml
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