August 1, 2021 – 9:59 PM
Full Name: Mabel Laura RoseNicknames: Bel
Birthdate: January 28 1879
Current Age: 12
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 8, plays pranks
Residence: Hogsmeade, or hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Black Walnut, 11” unicorn hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: William Rose (father), Alexandra rose (mother), Clara Rose (sister)
Appearance: Height: 4 ft 10, hair: brownish orange, long, straight. Wand hand: left, Eyes: brown, clothes: depends on the weather, time of day, etc. build: skinny
History: Mabel was born in the year 1879. She lived in hogsmeade with her parents her whole life, except for her time at hogwarts. Her younger sister, Clara Rose, was born in 1881. Mabel and Clara got along okay, though Clara is considered more ladylike then Mabel. Mabel’s parents were both in hufflepuff, like Mabel. Mabel’s mother is a healer, and her father is an auror.
Personality: Kind, cunning, not usually considered ladylike.
Roleplay Sample
She waited excitedly for her name to be called, wondering what house she would be in. *maybe hufflepuff,* she thought, *or, slytherin, I have lied my way out of trouble quite a bit,* after a little while, her name was called. The hat was placed on her head, and she awaited for it to sort her. “Hufflepuff!” The hat soon called. She smiled and walked to the hufflepuff table.
Name: LalaAge: 16
Other Characters: None (so far)
How did you hear about us?: I just looked up harry potter roleplay sites