March 15, 2021 – 1:43 AM
Full Name: Gale Rhys BuckleyNicknames: Buck, sometimes
Birthdate: November 4th, 1861
Current Age: 29
Occupation: Whizzhard Books Manager
Reputation: 8
Residence: Irvingly Flat
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 10 ½ “ rowan, unicorn hair, flexible
Blood Status: halfblood
Social Class: working
Ciarán MacKay | [1804] grandfather
Iseult MacKay née Murphy | [1810] grandmother
Fergus Buckley | [1834] father, cobbler (muggleborn)
Shona Buckley née MacKay| [1839] mother, midwife
-- Tempest Buckley | [1863] brother
-- Zephyr Buckley | [1865] brother
-- Storm Buckley | [1867] brother
-- ”Sunny” Buckley | [1869] sister
Conall MacKay | [1837] uncle
-- Nola MacKay née Federline | [1843 - 1884] | aunt
-- Eavan Miller née MacKay | [1863] cousin -- and family
Seamus MacKay | [1835] uncle -- and family
Muirenn Walsh née MacKay | [1841] aunt
-- Grady Walsh | [1838] uncle
-- Oran Walsh | [1859] cousin
-- Tierney Walsh | [1862] cousin
-- Una Walsh | [1862] cousin
-- Finley Walsh | [1864] cousin
-- Eireen Walsh | [1866] cousin
Appearance: Gale has a sturdy frame to him, standing at a slightly-taller-than-average 5’9”. Most noticeably his hair is a bright red, as is the perpetual stubble along his sturdy jaw. He dresses appropriately for work, the best he can afford, and comfortably outside that. Generally muted colors, but does have one nice blue shirt he wears when the time calls. It makes his blue eyes stand out. He is right handed.
1861 Gale is born the first boy into the Buckley family on a stormy evening on the DIngle peninsula on the west coast of Ireland, prompting his mother’s decision to name him after the strong winds and furious rain pounding on the roof. 1863 Tempest joins the family and his mother is on a roll, though in fairness, Em is also born in the middle of a summer squall. 1865 Rolling with the theme of two years between brothers and the stormy names, Zephyr joins the family.
1867 Shona is running out of creativity and this boy is simply named Storm. Gale is oddly used to this process by now and has taken the roll of big brother rather easily. 1869 The Buckleys are finally blessed with their long-awaited girl. She is named --- but quickly dubbed Sunny by her brothers. As she grows, it certainly fits her disposition. 1870 Gale shows his first sign of magic by entertaining an infant Sunny with some floating blocks. 1871 TheBuckley house is warm and inviting, though they don’t bring in a lot of money, they are happy with their lot. Gale starts running errands for the time leading up to his Hogwarts departure to help pay for his supplies. School Year 1873-74 His late birthday gives him an extra year to earn some income and help out with household expenses before he is off to Hogwarts at his mother’s behest. He offered to stay behind and get a more appropriate job, an apprenticeship or something, but she shoos him off to experience school. Without knowing what to expect, Gale is seated beneath the Sorting Hat, where there is a short debate between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, the former winning out by only a smidge. Gale finds himself at a disadvantage, with his minimal reading and writing skills, but his thirst to prove himself quickly has him catching up (and surpassing) some of his classmates and he finishes first year with good enough marks to earn him a scholarship for second year. School Year 1874-75 Hogwarts is a fascinating place and Gale works hard to earn his keep and his scholarship. Tempest joins him at school and is sorted into ---. School Year 1875-76 Third year rolls around and Gale adds Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy to his class load. Both seem interesting and with an uncle for a magizoologist, it seems like something worth trying. Not to mention he’s always had a head for numbers. School Year 1876-77 Zephyr joins his brothers at school and is sorted into ---. School is going well for Gale, he’s determined enough and smart enough to continue on with his scholarship, but he also knows he’s only going to make it through OWLs before the burden of having so many kids in school overwhelms the family. Storm and Sunny deserve their shot and he won't be the one to stand in the way. He’s somewhat detached from the social aspect of school, too focused on making something of himself to bother, but he does have a few close friends and does enjoy club sports in his spare time. School Year 1877-78 OWLs have arrived and Gale is taking them seriously. Good grades could boost him into some kind of reasonable job that he can use to help support his younger siblings. He passes the basic classes and some by quite a bit. His mother tries to convince him to continue on, but he knows school isn’t exactly where he’s supposed to be. 1878 Storm replaces Gale at Hogwarts and is sorted into ---. Zephyr chooses to take his OWLs and run, never having been one for academics, he takes up an apprenticeship in ----, having always been better with his hands than anything else. 1879-1882 Gale spends a couple of years apprenticing for his father, learning the trade but mostly managing the shop itself and the books. That head for numbers comes in handy and by the time he’s a full-fledged “adult” he’s got some decent skills under his belt. Sunny started her schooling in 1880 and was sorted into ---. 1883 Needing a change of pace and scenery, now that there are only a couple siblings left to their schooling and his parents can cope with the expenses, Gale up and moves to a boarding house in Hogsmeade after accepting a job at Whizzhard books. Reading was always a favorite of his and Gale devoured books at an alarming rate when given the chance, so why not work at the bookstore? 1885 The manager’s slot at the bookstore is offered to him and Gale eagerly accepts as he basically already knows how to do it, thanks to his time in his father’s shop. 1886 Gale reconnects with an old school friend and moves himself to Iringly to live with a bunch of other working class lads. It’s a terrible idea, but it is fun. Currently Gale continues to work at Whizzhard’s, knowing Zach Binns is a good guy to work for and he’s got a pretty solid slot in life at the moment. He hadn’t quite envisioned his life would wind up here, but he’s doing alright.
Personality: Steadfast; reliable; determined; always looking to better himself; kind of standoffish; aloof; stern but fair; math-brained; organized; somewhat set in his ways; responsible to a fault; very fatherly toward his siblings, tends to think he knows best for them, but not always; can have a bit of a temper.
» speaks fluent Gaelic
» loves nonfiction books, but also adventure novels
» does not drink, he doesn’t like losing control
» plays the fiddle
Name: Beeguys I lost to myself this time XD