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Full Name: Clayton Adam Ross
Nicknames: Clay
Birthdate: March 12, 1868
Current Age: 22 Years
Occupation: Freelance Cursebreaker
Reputation: 8; people generally think he is a little weird.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Ash, 11", dragon heart string, swishy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Family: Adam Ross, father, estranged
Mary Ross, mother
Clayton has hazel eyes and blond hair that he tries to keep neat and tidy though it has a tendency to curl. He stands just a smidge above average at five feet, eight and a half inches. He has a slender build. Claytons clothing is usually muted in color, sometimes a little worn and faded but kept tidy when he is not working. Clayton tends to give off an aura of regal sophistication borne from both innate disposition and seven years of Hogwarts etiquette classes that stuck with him. He also has some beauty marks, some of which are very visible on his throat and by his nose.
1868 | Clayton is born to a witch named Mary and her muggle husband Adam who has no idea that his wife is a witch.

1874 | Clayton begins exhibiting his first signs of magic which Mary does her best to conceal from her clueless husband.

1877 | Muggles discover magic and chaos ensues. Adam finally finds out his wife is a witch and turns his back on his son and wife. Mary takes Clayton and moves to Hogsmeade with him, leaving her husband behind.

1879 | Clayton goes off to Hogwarts. He is able to stay beyond his first year due to a combo of doing well on his exams and his mother scrimping to save enough to keep him in school. She is very determined that he do better for himself than she was capable of.

1881 | Clayton takes on Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Ancient Studies as his electives.

1882 | Clayton comes to the decision that he will be a cursebreaker when he graduates.

1884 | After meeting a curse-breaker at a career fair, Clayton is even more sure of his decision to become a cursebreaker. Clayton does excellently on his OWLs and earns himself a scholarship much to his mothers delight. He also becomes acquainted with a female housemate that he comes to be quite fond of. They end up sharing a kiss due to a mistletoe prank by Peeves.

1885 | Clayton shares a kiss with another girl thanks to yet another trick by Peeves. After that, they end up crossing paths quite often which leads to a very undefined, pseudo-romantic sort of friendship.
A frank conversation about sex that he has with a male friend leads Clayton to the realization that he would not personally be opposed to being with a boy. He also does not like that this friend seems to know about things that he does not re: sex even though at that moment, it sounded like mostly a waste of ones time. So later in the year, for science, he has sex with a rent boy and finds that it is pleasurable and maybe not too much of a waste of ones time.

1886 | Clayton does very well on his NEWTs and graduates from Hogwarts. He goes on to be an apprentice cursebreaker.

1888 | Clayton is able to get a job as a full cursebreaker at Gringotts after his apprenticeship ends. He finds being a cursebreaker to a set establishment a little dull.

1889 | Clayton decides to become a freelance cursebreaker. He is mainly hired by wealthy, wannabe treasure hunters that mostly hire him for the aesthetic.

1890 | Clayton's mother gets hired at at Sanditon Terrace in a live-in position, leaving Clayton to live on his own in their old home.

1891 | Currently, Clayton is getting used to now living on his own as well as continuing to live his best life.

Personality: INTP. Intelligent. Sophisticated. Contemplative. Curious. Inventive. Eccentric. Book and Street Smart but not People Smart. Focused.

  • Sexuality | Pansexual but with a below average sex drive. Is not a virgin.
  • Boggart | Being in the Library of Alexandria but not being able to do anything with any of the books.
  • Patronus | Owl
  • Pets | A hawk named Archimedes and a cat named Alexandria


Apprentice Cursebreaker JUL 1886 - JUL 1888
Gringotts Cursebreaker AUG 1888- DEC 1888
Freelance Cursebreaker JAN 1889-PRESENT


Ancient RunesOO
Ancient StudiesEE
Defence Against the Dark ArtsOE
History of MagicE--

Sample Roleplay Post:
Mildly amused at the girls huff, Clayton closed his book as he considered the girl. She was not much shorter than Miss Chatwyn and she was not unpleasant to look at. Having dramatics on the verge of hysterics felt nice? The sentiment awarded the girl with a raised eyebrow. He wouldn't know what anything remotely close to hysterics might feel like since he kept a rather excellent control over his emotions or so he felt.

"You had not," Clayton somewhat assured. It was rather difficult to break his concentration when it came to most things. And it seemed a screeching girl was one of those things that couldn't break his concentration. Though he supposed it might have had the girl been in any real danger. His first impression of the girl was that she was an odd sort of girl. That apparently enjoyed dramatics. How droll!

"Clayton Ross, at your service," he replied in return to her introduction, bowing at the waist for a moment before straightening back up. "I trust you are aware of the solution to this or will I need to inform you of it?"
Name: Kit
Age: 32
Application Approved!

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