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Full Name: Evelyn Beatrice McGonagall née Urquart
Nicknames: Evie
Birthdate: March 12, 1854
Current Age: 36
Occupation: Wife of Matthew McGonagall
Reputation: 7
Eloped with her husband, years ago. Was disowned for it. Married into the middle class. Still has active ties to her brother and niece, the former Minister and the current werewolf.
Residence: Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Cypress, 10", springy, unicorn hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Husband: Matthew McGonagall (1845)
Daughter: Demelza McGonagall (1873)
Son: Timothy McGonagall (1873)
Son: Ethan McGonagall (1875)
Son: Edward McGonagall (1880)

Father: Gaylord Urquart (1802-1879)
Mother: Iphigenia Urquart née Goyle (1821)
Brother: Melchoir Urquart (1840-1884)
and family
Brother: Caspar Urquart (1843)
and family
Brother: Balthazar Urquart (1845)
and family
Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Height: 5 ft. 2 in.

Clothing: Evelyn does love where she is in life, she really does, but it has been slightly difficult adjusting to the fashion of the middle class. Not to mention the fabric of the clothing. She tries not to make a fuss, but it has come up during dress shopping with her daughter every now and then.

Dominant Hand: Right

PB ~ Julia Stiles

1854: Evelyn is born the final child and only daughter of Gaylord and Iphigenia Urquart.

1856: Balt goes off to Hogwarts and becomes friends with the man who would later become Evelyn's husband.

1860: A maid accidently drops Evelyn's favorite doll, which breaks as a result. Evelyn's first act of magic shows when the doll magically repairs itself. Evelyn us delighted by the recovery of her precious doll.

1865: Beginning Hogwarts, Evelyn is sorted into Hufflepuff.

1867: Evelyn only takes Care of Magical Creatures for her elective.

1868: Evelyn is heartbroken by Balt's departure for America. She may have plenty of brothers, but she loves them all and cannot stand the fact that he has left. This leaves her sending letters more often than he can probably answer.

1872: February sees Balt arriving back in Britain. With his 'wife' and daughter in tow. He is disowned. Evelyn comes out this season. Perhaps it's love at first sight for Matthew, perhaps it's the vague security in knowing that Balt will likely support the couple more than their parents ever would, but June sees Evelyn elope with Matthew McGonagall. As her new husband is middle class, she is promptly disowned.

1873: A heavily pregnant Evelyn is witness, along with her husband, to Balt and Mary's official - and private - marriage. Only two weeks later sees her giving birth to twins. Twin cousins join the family later in the year.

1875: A second son is born. Mary also has a son this year.

1879: News arrives that her father has been murdered! Despite being disowned, the news devastates Evelyn. It remains an unsolved case. The McGonagall family moves to Hogsmeade.

1880: Another son joins the family. And the Urquart family - the branch that Evelyn actually talks to - joins them in Hogsmeade.

1882: Balt's eldest daughter, Delight, begins her studies at Hogwarts. The McGonagall family once again move, this time to Irvingly.

1884: Evelyn has a rather startling miscarriage, which breaks her heart. Still, she tries to move forward as she recovers. She works to distract herself by supporting her brother in his campaign and helping her twins get ready for Hogwarts. On top of all this, Melchoir dies of the laughing plague. Evelyn tries not to let this news get to her as well, but it does. She hadn't spoken to him since she was disowned. It's just one more heartbreak. She hopes that both sets of twins from the McGonagall and Urquart branches will look out for one another, as she is sure Balt's election will see all eyes on the four first years.

1885: Balt is mistakenly reported as dead! Evelyn fusses over her brother when he is available, hating the very idea of loosing him. But then they do loose Mary. For real. Evelyn is quite emotional regarding the matter. Oh, and her poor brother. Her poor nieces and nephew.

1886: It's understandable that Balt would choose to find a new wife. His daughters will need feminine guidance in the years to come, and once they are out? Goodness knows the Minister of Magic would have little time for such things. While Evelyn would be happy to help, a step-mother is the more logical solution.

1887: Ruby and Topaz seem to disagree on this matter. As Balt announces his engagement to Miss Lovegood, the Urquart twins seem quite reluctant to welcome her to the family. Shockingly enough, Miss Lovegood leaves Balt at the alter! Evelyn knows she would never be able to forgive Miss Lovegood for embarrassing Balt in such a way.

But things get much worse. The twins have a slumber party in Evelyn's home. A night that should have gone quite well and normal. But Topaz - the dear girl - decides to walk home, alone, in the middle of the night. This leads her to be attacked and turned by a werewolf. Evelyn is haunted by the news, sticking by her family despite the rumors.

Despite not having been awake until Topaz had gone, and depsite promptly writing to Balt about the situation, Evelyn has felt a nagging sense of guilt about the incident. She should have noticed some sort of sign that Topaz would leave, should have gone after her herself. Balt has never seemed to blame her, but she keeps this nagging feeling that one day he might.

She does hear that her own daughter has distanced herself from the Urquart cousins, and she disapproves. But at the same time, she tries not to let it get to her. It is more of a teenager thing, she tells herself.

1889: Balt goes back to working for the ministry, and Delight decides to join him. Evelyn would have preferred helping her come out and go husband hunting, but perhaps this is for the best at the moment. The scandal is still fresh, after all. Perhaps she'll meet a nice ministry man.

1891: As the end of the seventh year of Hogwarts approaches not only for Evelyn's twins, but Ruby as well, Evelyn finds herself eager to help with her niece's coming out. It won't be easy, as Ruby seems more interested in tarot and art more than anything else. Perhaps this could be an advantage.

No one can claim that Evelyn isn't a compassionate person. Despite being disowned, she has always been a family oriented individual. When a family member goes through tragedy, so does she. This can lead her to be clingy, but she does compose herself enough to not be labled eccentric.

While by no means a socialite, Evelyn does enjoy the social scene and strives to make and maintain friendships when she can. But as much as she is loyal to friends, she is far more loyal to family and would not hesitate to take the side of family when applicable.
Amortentia: Coffee, fresh leather, daisies

Patronus: N/A

Boggart: A full moon

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Hobbies: Writing poetry, playing the cello

Pets: A couple cats
Name: Kelly
Age: 22
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