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Full Name: Wilbur Jonathan Avery the Second
Nicknames: Will - on the majority, goes by Will
Birthdate: June 2, 1856
Current Age: 34
Occupation: Auror
Reputation: 9
He and his late wife had troubles producing an heir. She died in childbirth.
Hogsmeade is where their summer residence is located, though their main home is on the northeastern countryside of England that he is incredibly fond of.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: English Oak, 9", supple, single phoenix tail feather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Father: Wilbur Avery (1830)
Mother: Rosemary Avery (1834)
Sister: Charlotte ___ née Avery (1859)
Sister: Lillian Avery (1873)

Late Wife: Isabella Avery née ___
Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Height: 6 ft. 2 in.

Clothing: Will tries to keep up with the men's latest fashion for the sake of appearances.

Dominant Hand: Right

PB ~ Zachary Levi

1856: Will is born the eldest son and child of Wilbur and Rosemary Avery, given the name of his father.

1859: Charlotte is born, the first daughter and sister of this Avery branch.

1860: The first sign of magic appears when Will puts out a fire that was set by a candle that had been left unattended.

1867: With his first year of Hogwarts, Will is sorted into Ravenclaw.

1869: He decides to only add Ghoul Studies for his elective.

1872: He decides to stick with DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, and Ghoul Studies for his NEWTs.

1873: An oops baby is born as the last among her siblings. Lillian is a welcome surprise, and Will looks forward to meeting her when he gets back from his last year of Hogwarts.

1874: Will graduates with grades that he can be proud of. He decides to go into the career of being an auror. He also sees Lillian as one that needs pampering, and seems even more interested in giving her attention than he ever had with Charlotte, though he does feel bad about the difference and tries to make up for it - though listening to a teen girl's woes grows boring quickly.

1877: Graduating from the auror program, Will feels an even higher sense of accomplishment than that of his NEWTs, given that this was an ambition more of what he wanted than what was simply expected of him.

This year also brings chaos to the wizarding world. Will's family purchases Hogsmeade home so Charlotte can stay out of the chaos while still being close to society during her first season.

1878: Charlotte finds herself married after a very successful first season which had, on the majority, consisted of a courtship with a respectable man.

1882: Will marries after an appropriate courtship and engagement. While not an overly affectionate marriage, it comes with the hope of plenty of time for heirs as well as a lack of giving his mother too much time before she begins nagging.

1884: Given the terrible happenings of Hogsmeade, the family spend their summer in the country estate. No heirs have yet to come, and not for a lack of trying.

1885: The youngest Avery finally starts her education at Hogwarts. Sorted as the first Gryffindor of her siblings, Will finds himself slightly surprised when informed. The couple begin feeling desperate. Fertility potions are a topic of discussion for months before Isabella decides that this might be her only chance to have children.

1887: The potions work, but end in tragedy when both mother and child die. Will is outright shaken, and does blame himself on some part.

1890: After appropriate mourning, plus some time of debating if remarrying would really be worth it, Will begins actively looking for a wife while participating in the season.
Amortentia: Raspberry jam, freshly baked bread, and fireplace smoke

Patronus: N/A

Boggart: A griffin

Star Sign: Gemini

Hobbies: Fern hunting, typical hunting, tennis

Pets: A collie named Jasper and a fox terrier named Maximus
Name: Kelly
Age: 22
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