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Full Name: Josie Jones
Nicknames: None
Birthdate: 15th February 1871
Current Age: 19
Occupation: Department of Magical Games and Sports Secretary
Reputation:  10 – Josie has always toed the line and done exactly what she has supposed to. She is a respectable young lady.
Residence: Pennyworth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Laurel, unicorn tail hair, 10 inches, bendy.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working class
Bryn Jones, born 1850 – father
Ella Jones (nee Davies), born 1851 – mother

If you were to ask Josie, she would claim she is forever plain. However, she is quite pretty. She has long blonde hair, usually tied up in some neat hairstyle. This is complimented by her blue eyes, with annoyingly pretty lashes (although Josie would never think this herself). She is five foot four, and has a slim build due to running around at work all day, and never having a huge amount of food. Josie always makes sure she is dressed neatly and has a pretty dress on.

1871 | Born to two Welsh wizards in Cardiff, Josie Jones’s arrival into the world was not a smooth one. Even with the help of magic, it was hard on both mother and child. However, when all was done and dusted, Bryn and Ella were overjoyed to welcome their baby daughter. They had hoped she would be the first of many, but that was not to be. It was no issue to the Joneses despite this – their one daughter was perfect and they would dedicate their lives to keeping her safe and happy.

1876 | Shortly after her fifth birthday, Josie experienced magic for the first time. It was simple, but very cute. While spending quality time with her family, she became so overjoyed, she conjured a bed of flowers around herself. Josie thought it was the best thing ever. It was fantastic.

1882 | The September of 1882 brought Hogwarts to Josie. This was the best day ever for Josie! She was so excited. She made friends right away, was sorted into Hufflepuff, and her first two years past with very little incident.

1884 | Third year was when things started to go wrong for Josie. She watched as all of her friends hit puberty and grew into young women, and she just… didn’t. No matter how long she waited, she stayed so little, and so tiny. Josie tried to stay her positive self, but after so long it just didn’t work anymore. She became so down about it all. Thankfully, she had some good friends to get her through it.

1886 | In the middle of fourth year, Josie finally managed to grow up a bit. She came into her own, and puberty went more or less without any hiccups. But for Josie, the damage had been done. Lacking all confidence, she still saw herself as that strange small child.

1887 | OWLs for Josie was a stressful experience. She really wanted to do well. Her parents did so much for her, to keep her in school until her OWLs that she had to do well. Academia was never her strong suit, but with dedication and hard work she left with five acceptables. And then the rest were poors. Josie was really proud of herself. She had done it! She had done enough to get a good job as a secretary in the ministry.

1888 | With an extra income in the family, the Joneses moved to Pennyworth. It was much nicer than their home in Cardiff, it was nice, and more spacious, and it was nice. In reality, Josie did not want to move to Hogsmeade. She liked living in Cardiff where she was friends with her muggle neighbours. But, she accepted it. And at least she didn’t have to lie about where she worked all the time.

Josie likes to put smiles on other people’s faces. She knows life isn’t fair, and that she always hasn’t had it easy. But, she’s never let any of that get to her. She just cracks on with her life, very happy about how it is. Moaning never solves anything. Her parents taught her to do her best and be a kind and hardworking person. Being raised in a happy and loving home, Josie tends to be a happy and loving person – although she is usually painfully unaware of how other people can act. She trusts very easily.
Generally she is kind and sweet, however often she allows her insecurities to get the best of her. Lacking a lot of confidence, Josie gets very down on herself, and on occasion can lash out. She always immediately regrets it. She is always hard on herself. She is also weak-willed, and a people pleaser, and will often find herself in unfortunate situations because she wants to be that helpful, kind, person she knows she is. For if she were to say no, then she would be a fraud (in her opinion).

Cheerful | Kind | Goofy | Hardworking | Innocent | Trusting | Insecure | Pushover


Sample Roleplay Post: See any of the million characters I forgot about over the last few years.

Name: Rosa
Age: 23
Contact: PM here
Other Characters: None.
How did you hear about us?: I honestly cannot remember anymore.
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