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Full Name: Milo Jacob Nox
Nicknames:  Nox
Birthdate: May, 28, 1875
Current Age: 15 Years
Occupation: Fifth Year
Reputation: 8; His family is pretty respectable though people do tend to think it a little weird that Rhoda never remarried. Also some of the girls are pretty headstrong.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 12", vine, flexible, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Thomas Nox, father, deceased
Rhoda Nox, mother
Thomasina ____ nee Nox, sister, 1862
Matilda ____ nee Nox, sister, 1865
Ruby ____ nee Nox, sister, 1867
Ramona ___ nee Nox, sister, 1869
Maisie Nox, sister, 1872
Milo has dark hair that is curly, expressive blue eyes and lush, full lips. He is biracial and has lightly caramel colored skin. Milo is slender and tall for his age, standing at five feet, eight inches and still growing. He tends to prefer stylish clothing which is partially a by-product of growing up around womenfolk that care about that sort of thing.
1875: Milo is born the youngest of many girls and soon proves to be the only boy.

1877: Muggles discover magic and chaos ensues. Within this chaos, Thomas's life is lost. When the dust settles and people begin to move to Hogsmeade, so does the surviving Nox family.

1881: Girls are banned from Quidditch at Hogwarts which enrages some of the Nox womenfolk. Milo personally has never cared much for Quidditch but is enraged on their behalf anyway.

1882: Milo shows his first signs of magic by making a flower grow in the snow.

1883: Thomasina becomes the first of the Nox sisters to marry when a dashing Quidditch player from Egypt sweeps her off her feet.

1884: Three of the Nox sisters are struck by the Laughing Plague but thankfully survive. It entirely puts Ruby off of Carnivals forever after though a bright spot is that she does get married once everything is a little more calm.

1885: Matilda also marries.

1886: Milo goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. He quickly amasses a rather large group of friends.

1888: Ramona is affected by the pink, amortentia-infused letter incident and finds herself wed. The two decide to make a go of it, finding themselves to be exceedingly well-matched.

1890: Early in the year, a study session with a female friend ends in a kiss. It is groundbreaking in the sense that it drives home the realization that he is not at all attracted to girls. With everyone around him seemingly crushing on someone, this is especially awkward.

- While friends with people of various social groups, ages and genders, Milos friends are primarily those in the 'Gryffingroup'.
- Milo tutors in a variety of subjects but is especially strong in Herbology, Charms and Care of Magical Creatures.
- Milo has developed a schoolwide reputation of being helpful, being a listening ear and helping people feel better about themselves. Even people he does not even know tend to come to him for advice and 'therapy'.
Name: Kit
Age: 32
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